5 research outputs found

    Conflict Alerts in A-SMGCS - Different point of view on evaluating the conflict alert function

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    This article focuses on issues regarding safety nets within A-SMGCS. A different point of view on evaluating the conflict alert function is presented. The given function is studied within the environment of continuation training of Air Traffic Controllers (ATCO) on 3D Tower simulator. During the exercises, the ATCOs are subjected to RWY incursion situations. The outcome is the proposal of methodology to be used to evaluate the performance of conflict alert function as well as the results of the evaluation itself. Conclusions regarding timing of alerts and performance of the conflict alert function as such are issued at the end

    Intergenerational Differences in Attitudes to the Work Environment

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá mezigeneračními postoji k pracovnímu prostředí. Jejím cílem bylo provést analýzu mezigeneračních rozdílů v postojích k pracovnímu prostředí, identifikovat klíčové aspekty, které mají vliv na angažovanost, motivaci, výkonnost a spokojenost zaměstnanců různých generací, a poskytnout tak organizacím ucelený přehled a praktické rady pro zlepšení jejich personálních strategií. Vyhodnocení probíhalo na základě dotazníkového šetření, kterého se zúčastnilo 272 respondentů a výsledky ukazují, že k mezigeneračním rozdílům dochází. V závěru jsou formulovány doporučení, ze kterých by mohli těžit zaměstnavatelé, personalisté, ale i samotní zaměstnanci, kteří mohou dosáhnout vyšší spokojenosti a lepších kariérních příležitostí.This bachelor thesis deals with intergenerational attitudes towards the work environment. Its aim was to analyse intergenerational differences in attitudes towards the work environment, to identify key aspects that influence the engagement, motivation, performance and satisfaction of employees of different generations, and to provide organisations with a comprehensive overview and practical advice for improving their HR strategies. The evaluation was based on a questionnaire survey of 272 respondents and the results show that intergenerational differences do occur. It concludes with recommendations that could benefit employers, HR managers, and the employees themselves, who can achieve higher satisfaction and better career opportunities.115 - Katedra managementuvýborn

    Conflict Alerts in A-SMGCS - Different point of view on evaluating the conflict alert function

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    This article focuses on issues regarding safety nets within A-SMGCS. A different point of view on evaluating the conflict alert function is presented. The given function is studied within the environment of continuation training of Air Traffic Controllers (ATCO) on 3D Tower simulator. During the exercises, the ATCOs are subjected to RWY incursion situations. The outcome is the proposal of methodology to be used to evaluate the performance of conflict alert function as well as the results of the evaluation itself. Conclusions regarding timing of alerts and performance of the conflict alert function as such are issued at the end

    Development of ATC Tower Systems: Electronic Flight Strip System at LKPR and the Implementation of TAXI Milestone to SUM

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    This article describes the Electronic Flight Strip System used at Václav Havel Airport Prague and presents the results of an analysis of the clearance input from ATCOs. The outcomes indicate that various clearances are frequently issued together in a common time frame, usually depending on the traffic flow structure. The focus then moves towards the implementation of the TAXI milestone into the Start-Up Manager. The used statistic methods indicate that the amount of TTOT recalculations after AOBT decreases, but not significantly. However, the accuracy of TTOT after TAXI clearance is considerably better. The mean and most common deviation of ATOT from TTOT after the implementation of TAXI milestone is -1 minute. The results are challenged and confirmed by a further analysis of the TTOT-ATOT difference regarding individual stand/RWY pairs. The results may be used to adjust the assumed taxi times

    Methodology for Performance Evaluation of Pre Departure Sequencing Tools in terms of A-CDM concept

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    The article describes the proposed methodology for performance evaluation of Pre-Departure Sequencing tools. Pre-departure management delivers optimal traffic flow to the runway by route planning and accurate taxi time forecasts. Firstly, a Pre-Departure Sequencer Start-Up Manager (SUM) used by Air Navigation Services of the Czech Republic (ANS CZ) at Vaclav Havel Airport Prague (LKPR) is mentioned. The main parts deal with the proposed methodology for performance evaluation of Start-Up Manager. The methodology uses several indicators to evaluate the performance. The methodology utilizes time milestones introduced in Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) concept. It focuses especially on aircraft pre-departure sequencing processes. Methodology was tested on the Start-Up Manager used by Air Navigation Services (ANS) of the Czech Republic at Vaclav Havel Airport Prague (LKPR). Achieved performance results and its credibility in accordance with the proposed methodology are presented and discussed in the final part of this paper