49 research outputs found

    3D Urban Information Models in making a 'smart city': The i-SCOPE project case study

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    i-SCOPE pilot project, funded by the European Commission through the CIP-ICT-PSP program, aims to develop an open source toolkit for 3D 'smart City' services in three different domains: improved inclusion and personal mobility, solar energy potential assessment, noise mapping and simulation. The services are expected to improve life and work of its users. The services are built upon 3D Urban Information Models (UIM) that are based on cityGML format providing the necessary standardization and interoperability. Generation, enrichment and management of the 3D city model is a part of the i-SCOPE services. The paper shows the importance of the comprehensive and interoperable 3D city models for building the 'smart city' services

    Kartiranje međa poljoprivrednih parcela super rezolucijom na temelju lokaliziranoga parcijalnog razdvajanja

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    Operational mapping of crop/agricultural parcel boundaries is a challenging task. It should be efficient and inexpensive process resulting with data useful for wide range of purposes. Hard classification of medium resolution (>15 m, 15 m, <30 m) mogla bi biti rješenje, no prostorna rezolucija snimaka nije dovoljna za mnoge primjene. U ovom radu predstavljena je blaga klasifikacija podataka daljinskog istraživanja srednje rezolucije te kartiranja žitnih parcela super rezolucije. Metoda je razvijena na temelju lokaliziranoga parcijalnog razdvajanja procjenjujući spektar krajnjeg člana i cilja i pozadine. Rezultat je bio podvrgnut razmjeni piksela kao tehnike kartiranja super rezolucijom. Ispitivanje se provodi na stvarnim snimkama Landsat ETM+. Metoda je vrednovana kvantitativno, a rezultati pokazuju značajnu točnost u usporedbi s kartiranjem iz originalnih podataka daljinskog istraživanja

    Proizvodi i primena lasersko altimetrijskog snimanja

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    High density airborne LiDAR apropos FLI-MAP system, being an innovation in remote sensing techniques, has now overcome the barriers of the traditional survey techniques. Especially for long corridors like roads, railway electricity lines, embankments etc., laser altimetry provides a new survey method to collect remotely sensed data in a quick and economic way.Visokom gustinom izmerenih tačaka vazdušnim LIDAR sistemom, odnosno FLI-MAP sistemom, otpočela je inovacija u tehnikama daljinske detekcije, u koju grupu spada navedni metod prikupljanja podataka, i pomera granice tradicionalnih metoda snimanja terena. Posebno kada su u pitanju dugački koridori,kao što su: putevi, železničke pruge, elektronaponski vodovi, nasipi itd., lasersko altimetrijsko snimanje predstavlja novi metod prikupljanja podataka na brz i ekonomičan način

    Implementacija CORINE Land Cover projekta u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori

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    In order to bring Serbia and Montenegro to the same line of activities as the rest of the European countries in relation to assessing the land cover resources, European Commission decided to support implementation of the CORINE Land Cover (CLC) project for Serbia and Montenegro through CARDS regional program. Production of the database follows standard CORINE methodology - computer assisted visual interpretation of satellite imagery supported with ancillary data and knowledge- as well as defined nomenclature. When finished, CLC database is going be the first geospatial database with such thematic content that covers the whole territory of Serbia and Montenegro. The paper describes organization of the project and the database production process.Da bi Srbija i Crna Gora dostigle nivo aktivnosti vezanih za procenu resursa zemljišnog pokrivača sa ostalim evropskim zemljama, Evropska Komisija je odlučila da kroz regionalni CARDS program podrži implementaciju CORINE Land Cover (CLC) projekta u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori. Izrada baze podataka prati standardnu CLC metodologiju - kompjuterski podržanu vizuelnu interpretaciju satelitskih snimaka i definisanu nomenklaturu. Kompletirana i verifikovana, CLC baza podataka će biti prva prostorna baza podataka na državnom nivou sa tim tematskim sadržajem. U radu je opisana organizacija projekta i proces izrade baze podataka

    Lasersko altimetrijsko snimanje

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    The airborne laser mapping, called LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging), provides fast acquisition of a great volume of information on the variation of the surface region through a high density of three-dimensional points, allowing a great quality representation of the land surface. LIDAR is the result of the integration of three technologies in a system capable of data acquisition for the production of Digital Surface Models (DSM). These technologies are: a Laser Scanning and Ranging System, a Global Positioning System (GPS) and an Inertial Navigation System - (INS) also known as Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). Combined, they provide the positions where the laser beams touch the surface with high precision.Sistem za snimanje iz vazduha poznat kao LiDAR sistem (Light Detection and Ranging), predstavalja relativno nov način za prikupljanje podataka koji obezbeđuje veliki broj informacija o objektima na površini zemlje kao i o zemljišnim oblicima sa velikom gustinom trodimenzionalnih koordinata tačaka, omogućavajući visoki kvalitet predstavljanja snimljene površine. LiDAR je rezultat integracije tri tehnologije u jedan sistem, koji služi za prikupljanje podataka i predstavlja idealan alat koji omogućava dobijanje digitalnih površinskih modela (Digital Surface Model - DSM). Ove tehnologije su laserski skener (Laser Scanning and Ranging System), globalni pozicioni sistemi (Global Positioning System - GPS) i inercijalni navigacioni sistem (Inertial Navigation System - INS) takođe poznat kao inercijalna merna jedinica (Inertial Measurement Unit - IMU). Njihovom kombinacijom se može odrediti položaj dodirne tačke lasera na površi zemlje sa visokom preciznošću

    Proizvodi i primena lasersko altimetrijskog snimanja

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    High density airborne LiDAR apropos FLI-MAP system, being an innovation in remote sensing techniques, has now overcome the barriers of the traditional survey techniques. Especially for long corridors like roads, railway electricity lines, embankments etc., laser altimetry provides a new survey method to collect remotely sensed data in a quick and economic way.Visokom gustinom izmerenih tačaka vazdušnim LIDAR sistemom, odnosno FLI-MAP sistemom, otpočela je inovacija u tehnikama daljinske detekcije, u koju grupu spada navedni metod prikupljanja podataka, i pomera granice tradicionalnih metoda snimanja terena. Posebno kada su u pitanju dugački koridori,kao što su: putevi, železničke pruge, elektronaponski vodovi, nasipi itd., lasersko altimetrijsko snimanje predstavlja novi metod prikupljanja podataka na brz i ekonomičan način

    Three-dimensional urban solar potential maps: Case study of the i-Scope project

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    Solar maps as web cartographic products that provide information on solar potential of surfaces on the Earth have been exploited in decision making, awareness raising, and promoting the use of solar energy. Web based solar maps of cities have become popular services as the use of solar energy is especially attractive in urban environments. The article discusses the concept and aspects of urban solar potential maps on the example of the i-Scope project as a case study. The i-Scope roof solar potential service built on 3-D urban information models was piloted in eight European cities. To obtain precise data on solar irradiation, a good quality digital surface model is required. A cost efficient innovative method for generation of digital surface model from stereophotogrammetry for urban areas where no advanced source data (e. g. LiDAR) exist is developed. The method works for flat, shed and gable roofs and provides sufficient accuracy of digital surface model

    Lasersko altimetrijsko snimanje

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    The airborne laser mapping, called LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging), provides fast acquisition of a great volume of information on the variation of the surface region through a high density of three-dimensional points, allowing a great quality representation of the land surface. LIDAR is the result of the integration of three technologies in a system capable of data acquisition for the production of Digital Surface Models (DSM). These technologies are: a Laser Scanning and Ranging System, a Global Positioning System (GPS) and an Inertial Navigation System - (INS) also known as Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). Combined, they provide the positions where the laser beams touch the surface with high precision.Sistem za snimanje iz vazduha poznat kao LiDAR sistem (Light Detection and Ranging), predstavalja relativno nov način za prikupljanje podataka koji obezbeđuje veliki broj informacija o objektima na površini zemlje kao i o zemljišnim oblicima sa velikom gustinom trodimenzionalnih koordinata tačaka, omogućavajući visoki kvalitet predstavljanja snimljene površine. LiDAR je rezultat integracije tri tehnologije u jedan sistem, koji služi za prikupljanje podataka i predstavlja idealan alat koji omogućava dobijanje digitalnih površinskih modela (Digital Surface Model - DSM). Ove tehnologije su laserski skener (Laser Scanning and Ranging System), globalni pozicioni sistemi (Global Positioning System - GPS) i inercijalni navigacioni sistem (Inertial Navigation System - INS) takođe poznat kao inercijalna merna jedinica (Inertial Measurement Unit - IMU). Njihovom kombinacijom se može odrediti položaj dodirne tačke lasera na površi zemlje sa visokom preciznošću