958 research outputs found
Anomalous wave reflection from the interface of two strongly nonlinear granular media
Granular materials exhibit a strongly nonlinear behaviour affecting the
propagation of information in the medium. Dynamically self-organized strongly
nonlinear solitary waves are the main information carriers in granular chains.
Here we report the first experimental observation of the dramatic change of
reflectivity from the interface of two granular media triggered by a noncontact
magnetically induced initial precompression. It may be appropriate to name this
phenomenon the "acoustic diode" effect. Based on numerical simulations, we
explain this effect by the high gradient of particle velocity near the
interface.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure
New analytic running coupling in QCD: higher loop levels
The properties of the new analytic running coupling are investigated at the
higher loop levels. The expression for this invariant charge, independent of
the normalization point, is obtained by invoking the asymptotic freedom
condition. It is shown that at any loop level the relevant function has
the universal behaviors at small and large values of the invariant charge. Due
to this feature the new analytic running coupling possesses the universal
asymptotics both in the ultraviolet and infrared regions irrespective of the
loop level. The consistency of the model considered with the general definition
of the QCD invariant charge is shown.Comment: LaTeX 2.09, 12 pages with 5 EPS figures, uses mpla1.sty; enlarged
version is accepted for publication in Mod. Phys. Lett.
Observation of two-wave structure in strongly nonlinear dissipative granular chains
In a strongly nonlinear viscous granular chain under conditions of loading
that exclude stationary waves (e.g., impact by a single grain) we observe a
pulse that consists of two interconnected but distinct parts. One is a leading
narrow "primary pulse" with properties similar to a solitary wave in a "sonic
vacuum." It arises from strong nonlinearity and discreteness in the absence of
dissipation, but now decays due to viscosity. The other is a broad, much more
persistent shock-like "secondary pulse" trailing the primary pulse and caused
by viscous dissipation. The medium behind the primary pulse is transformed from
a "sonic vacuum" to a medium with finite sound speed. When the rapidly decaying
primary pulse dies, the secondary pulse continues to propagate in the "sonic
vacuum," with an oscillatory front if the viscosity is relatively small, until
its eventual (but very slow) disintegration. Beyond a critical viscosity there
is no separation of the two pulses, and the dissipation and nonlinearity
dominate the shock-like attenuating pulse which now exhibits a nonoscillatory
Highly nonlinear pulse splitting and recombination in a two-dimensional granular network
The propagation of highly nonlinear signals in a branched two-dimensional granular system was investigated experimentally and numerically for a system composed of chains of spherical beads of different materials. The system studied consists of a double Y-shaped guide in which high- and low-modulus/mass chains of spheres are arranged in various geometries. We observed the transformation of a single or a train of solitary pulses crossing the interface between branches. We report fast splitting of the initial pulse, rapid chaotization of the signal and impulse redirection and bending. Pulse and energy trapping was also observed in the branches. Numerical analysis based on Hertzian interaction between the particles and the side walls of the guide was found in agreement with the experimental data, except for nonsymmetric arrangements of particles excited by a large mass striker
Boundary conditions at spatial infinity for fields in Casimir calculations
The importance of imposing proper boundary conditions for fields at spatial
infinity in the Casimir calculations is elucidated.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, submitted to the Proceedings of The Seventh
Workshop QFEXT'05 (Barcelona, September 5-9, 2005
Mechanisms of fragmentation of Al-W granular composites under dynamic loading
Numerical simulations of Aluminum (Al) and Tungsten (W) granular composite
rings under various dynamic loading conditions caused by explosive loading were
examined. Three competing mechanisms of fragmentation were observed: a
continuum level mechanism generating large macrocracks described by the
Grady-Kipp fragmentation mechanism, a mesoscale mechanism generating voids and
microcracks near the initially unbonded Al/W interfaces due to tensile strains,
and a mesoscale jetting due to the development of large velocity gradients
between the W particles and adjacent Al. These mesoscale mechanisms can be used
to tailor the size of the fragments by selecting an appropriate initial
mesostructure for a given loading condition.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, submitted to AP
How Hertzian solitary waves interact with boundaries in a 1-D granular medium
We perform measurements, numerical simulations, and quantitative comparisons
with available theory on solitary wave propagation in a linear chain of beads
without static preconstrain. By designing a nonintrusive force sensor to
measure the impulse as it propagates along the chain, we study the solitary
wave reflection at a wall. We show that the main features of solitary wave
reflection depend on wall mechanical properties. Since previous studies on
solitary waves have been performed at walls without these considerations, our
experiment provides a more reliable tool to characterize solitary wave
propagation. We find, for the first time, precise quantitative agreements.Comment: Proof corrections, ReVTeX, 11 pages, 3 eps (Focus and related papers
on http://www.supmeca.fr/perso/jobs/
Self-Consistent Separable Rpa Approach for Skyrme Forces: Axial Nuclei
The self-consistent separable RPA (random phase approximation) method is
formulated for Skyrme forces with pairing. The method is based on a general
self-consistent procedure for factorization of the two-body interaction. It is
relevant for various density- and current-dependent functionals. The
contributions of the time-even and time-odd Skyrme terms as well as of the
Coulomb and pairing terms to the residual interaction are taken
self-consistently into account. Most of the expression have a transparent
analytical form, which makes the method convenient for the treatment and
analysis. The separable character of the residual interaction allows to avoid
diagonalization of high-rank RPA matrices and thus to minimize the calculation
effort. The previous studies have demonstrated high numerical accuracy and
efficiency of the method for spherical nuclei. In this contribution, the method
is specified for axial nuclei. We provide systematic and detailed presentation
of formalism and discuss different aspects of the model.Comment: 42 page
Experimental evidence of shock mitigation in a Hertzian tapered chain
We present an experimental study of the mechanical impulse propagation
through a horizontal alignment of elastic spheres of progressively decreasing
diameter , namely a tapered chain. Experimentally, the diameters of
spheres which interact via the Hertz potential are selected to keep as close as
possible to an exponential decrease, , where the
experimental tapering factor is either ~% or ~%.
In agreement with recent numerical results, an impulse initiated in a
monodisperse chain (a chain of identical beads) propagates without shape
changes, and progressively transfer its energy and momentum to a propagating
tail when it further travels in a tapered chain. As a result, the front pulse
of this wave decreases in amplitude and accelerates. Both effects are
satisfactorily described by the hard spheres approximation, and basically, the
shock mitigation is due to partial transmissions, from one bead to the next, of
momentum and energy of the front pulse. In addition when small dissipation is
included, a better agreement with experiments is found. A close analysis of the
loading part of the experimental pulses demonstrates that the front wave adopts
itself a self similar solution as it propagates in the tapered chain. Finally,
our results corroborate the capability of these chains to thermalize
propagating impulses and thereby act as shock absorbing devices.Comment: ReVTeX, 7 pages with 6 eps, accepted for Phys. Rev. E (Related papers
on http://www.supmeca.fr/perso/jobs/
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