2,159 research outputs found

    Summary of initial results from the GSFC fluxgate magnetometer on Pioneer 11

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    The main magnetic field of Jupiter was measured by the Fluxgate Magnetometer on Pioneer 11 and analysis reveals it to be relatively more complex than expected. In a centered spherical harmonic representation with a maximum order of n = 3 (designated GSFC model 04), the dipole term (with opposite polarity to the Earth's) has a moment of 4.28 Gauss x (Jupiter radius cubed), tilted by 9.6 deg towards a system 111 longitude of 232. The quadrupole and octupole moments are significant, 24% and 21% of the dipole moment respectively, and this leads to deviations of the planetary magnetic field from a simple offset tilted dipole for distances smaller than three Jupiter radii. The GSFC model shows a north polar field strength of 14 Gauss and a south polar field strength of 10.4 Gauss. Enhanced absorption effects in the radiation belts may be predicted as a result of field distortion

    The complex magnetic field of Jupiter

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    An analysis of the characteristics of the magnetic field of the planet Jupiter is presented. The data were obtained during the flight of Pioneer 11 space probe, using a high field triaxial fluxgate magnetometer. The data are analyzed in terms of traditional Schmitt normalized spherical harmonic expansion fitted to the observations in a least squares sense. Tables of data and graphs are provided to summarize the findings

    Observations of the interplanetary magnetic field July 4-12, 1966

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    Explorer XXVIII and XXXIII and Pioneer VI MAGNETOMETRIC determination of general macrostructure of interplanetary magnetic field in cislunar spac

    Standing Alfven wave current system at Io: Voyager 1 observations

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    The enigmatic control of the occurrence frequency of Jupiter's decametric emissions by the satellite Io is explained theoretically on the basis of its strong electrodynamic interaction with the corotating Jovian magnetosphere leading to field aligned currents connecting Io with the Jovian ionosphere. Direct measurements of the perturbation magnetic fields due to this current system were obtained by the magnetic field experiment on Voyager 1 on 5 March 1979 when it passed within 20,500 km south of Io. An interpretation in the framework of Alfven waves radiated by Io leads to current estimates of 2.8 million amps. A mass density of 7400 to 13600 proton mass units per Cu cm is derived which compares very favorably with independent observations of the torus composition characterized by 7-9 proton mass units per electron for a local electron density of 1050 to 1500 per cu cm. The power dissipated in the current system may be important for heating the Io heavy ion torus, inner magnetosphere, Jovian ionosphere, and possibly the ionosphere or even the interior of Io

    A model of interplanetary and coronal magnetic fields

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    Model of interplanetary and solar magnetic field structure above photosphere using Green function solution to Maxwell equation

    Currents in Saturn's magnetosphere

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    A model of Saturn's magnetospheric magnetic field is obtained from the Voyager 1 and 2 observations. A representation consisting of the Z sub 3 zonal harmonic model of Saturn's planetary magnetic field together with an explicit model of Saturn's planetary magnetic field and a model of the equatorial ring current fits the observations well within r 20 R sub S, with the exception of data obtained during the Voyager 2 inbound pass

    Voyager 1 assessment of Jupiter's planetary magnetic field

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    An estimate of Jupiter's planetary magnetic field is obtained from the Voyager 1 observations of the Jovian magnetosphere. An explicit model for the magnetodisc current system is combined with a spherical harmonic model of the planetary field with both sets of parameters determined simultaneously using a nonlinear generalized inverse methodology. The resulting model fits the observations extremely well throughout the analysis interval (r 20 Jovian radii). The Jovian internal field model obtained from the Voyager 1 data is very similar to the octopole Pioneer 11 models. The best fitting magnetodisc lies in the centrifugal equator, 2/3 of the way between the rotational and magnetic equators, as appropriate for centrifugal loading of the magnetosphere by a cold plasma

    The Z3 model of Saturns magnetic field and the Pioneer 11 vector helium magnetometer observations

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    Magnetic field observations obtained by the Pioneer 11 vector helium magnetometer are compared with the Z(sub 3) model magnetic field. These Pioneer 11 observations, obtained at close-in radial distances, constitute an important and independent test of the Z(sub 3) zonal harmonic model, which was derived from Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 fluxgate magnetometer observations. Differences between the Pioneer 11 magnetometer and the Z(sub 3) model field are found to be small (approximately 1%) and quantitatively consistent with the expected instrumental accuracy. A detailed examination of these differences in spacecraft payload coordinates shows that they are uniquely associated with the instrument frame of reference and operation. A much improved fit to the Pioneer 11 observations is obtained by rotation of the instrument coordinate system about the spacecraft spin axis by 1.4 degree. With this adjustment, possibly associated with an instrumental phase lag or roll attitude error, the Pioneer 11 vector helium magnetometer observations are fully consistent with the Voyager Z(sub 3) model

    Nonequilibrium fluctuation-dissipation relations for one- and two-particle correlation functions in steady-state quantum transport

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    We study the non-equilibrium (NE) fluctuation-dissipation (FD) relations in the context of quantum thermoelectric transport through a two-terminal nanodevice in the steady-state. The FD relations for the one- and two-particle correlation functions are derived for a model of the central region consisting of a single electron level. Explicit expressions for the FD relations of the Green's functions (one-particle correlations) are provided. The FD relations for the current-current and charge-charge (two-particle) correlations are calculated numerically. We use self-consistent NE Green's functions calculations to treat the system in the absence and in the presence of interaction (electron-phonon) in the central region. We show that, for this model, there is no single universal FD theorem for the NE steady state. There are different FD relations for each different class of problems. We find that the FD relations for the one-particle correlation function are strongly dependent on both the NE conditions and the interactions, while the FD relations of the current-current correlation function are much less dependent on the interaction. The latter property suggests interesting applications for single-molecule and other nanoscale transport experiments.Comment: This revised version is now accepted for publication in the Journal of Chemical Physics (March 2014). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1305.507

    Microscopic mechanisms of dephasing due to electron-electron interactions

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    We develop a non-perturbative numerical method to study tunneling of a single electron through an Aharonov-Bohm ring where several strongly interacting electrons are bound. Inelastic processes and spin-flip scattering are taken into account. The method is applied to study microscopic mechanisms of dephasing in a non-trivial model. We show that electron-electron interactions described by the Hubbard Hamiltonian lead to strong dephasing: the transmission probability at flux Φ=π\Phi=\pi is high even at small interaction strength. In addition to inelastic scattering, we identify two energy conserving mechanisms of dephasing: symmetry-changing and spin-flip scattering. The many-electron state on the ring determines which of these mechanisms will be at play: transmitted current can occur either in elastic or inelastic channels, with or without changing the spin of the scattering electron.Comment: 11 pages, 16 figures Submitted to Phys. Rev.