476 research outputs found

    The Information Content of the 1999 Announcement of Funds from Operations (FFO) Changes for Real Estate Investment Trusts

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    This study examines the market response to the 1999 announcement of a change in accounting for Funds from Operations (FFO) for Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). This change provides an increase in transparency in the accounting statements of REITs regarding the calculation of FFO. An analysis of this announcement finds that shareholder wealth increases but the significance of that increase is questionable. Additionally, an analysis of the adverse selection component of the bid-ask spread finds weak evidence to support the conjecture that the amount of information asymmetry in REIT prices declines after the announcement of the FFO accounting change.

    Introduction to Confronting Teacher Preparation Epistemicide: Art, Poetry, and Teacher Resistance

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    In this special issue, we present different perspectives from a documentary project on curricular epistemicide. We view curriculum epistemicide —the annihilation of curriculum—as an embodied process. It limits ways of knowing, questioning, and envisioning the world, and it constricts multiplicity and erases identity and culture. Authors within this volume responded to two requests: 1) they examined some form of epistemicide; and 2) they did not reinforce current systems of power and inequity. Throughout the issue, poetry and photography weave through theoretical papers and empirical studies. A range of methodologies are considered within the articles

    Reviving Knowledges through Play and Resistance: The Case of Navajo Conceptions of Space

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    The authors explore a possible cause of epistemicidal predispositions of the dominant Eurocentric curricula. They posit that one way to determine a plausible contributing factor of this increasing devastation is to consider epistemicide through the lens of intellectual development. To do this, the authors examine parallel patterns of behavior in the domains of developmental and cognitive psychology. The authors then discuss an alternative framework to the Western conception of space within formal K-12 education by presenting the Navajo conception of space and play. Throughout the paper, the authors argue that all students—and especially those living in poverty in commercially constructed, large urban areas—deserve, and need, an educational framework that expands rather than constricts their schema of space and facilitates their agency to renew and regenerate their environment

    Confronting Curriculum Epistemicide: A Conversation with Editors Dan Ness & Rick Sawyer

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    As an entree into the Special Issue Confronting Curriculum Epistemicide , NWJTE co-editor Maika Yeigh talk with editors Daniel Ness and Richard Sawyer to learn about their inspiration and goals of the Special Issue

    A Certain Autonomy: Music in the Films of John Huston

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    While David Bordwell and others have used the films of John Huston as textbook examples of what is considered the classical visual style of Hollywood cinema, few have noted that, by contrast, Huston's approach to music often defies conventions of film scoring. This becomes evident when examining several aspects of Huston’s use of music and sound, including his choices of composers, the application of the leitmotif technique, the use of music to establish conflicts of cultures, the interaction of sound and silence, treatment and placement of diegetic and non-diegetic aural elements, the incorporation of songs, and his use of music to emphasize the psychological dimensions of his characters. Citing examples from more than two dozen of the director’s films, a consideration of these concepts in this essay demonstrates Huston’s deliberate deviations from conventional scoring methods and contradicts the charge of some critics that the director often was indifferent to the technical aspects of his films, such as music.Alors que David Bordwell et d’autres chercheur.se.s ont utilisĂ© les films de John Huston comme des cas d’école du classicisme hollywoodien au niveau visuel, peu ont remarquĂ©, qu’en revanche, la maniĂšre dont Huston abordait la musique de film dĂ©fiait les conventions. Cela apparaĂźt comme une Ă©vidence quand on examine les diffĂ©rents aspects de l’utilisation que Huston fait de la musique et du son, notamment les choix de compositeurs, la mise en Ɠuvre de la technique du leitmotif, l’interaction entre le son et le silence, le traitement et le positionnement d’élĂ©ments sonores, l’inclusion de chansons, l’emploi de la musique pour montrer le conflit des cultures ou encore pour souligner les traits psychologiques de ses personnages. En Ă©tudiant ces diffĂ©rents aspects et en s’appuyant sur des exemples dans plus d’une vingtaine de films, cet article montre que Huston dĂ©vie dĂ©libĂ©rĂ©ment des mĂ©thodes conventionnelles de composition de musique de film et par lĂ  contredit les accusations selon lesquelles il ne se prĂ©occupait pas des aspects techniques de ses films tels que la musique.

    Costs, Returns, Production and Financial Efficiency of Niche Pork Production in 2008

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    In recent years the production of niche pork has been expanding in response to growing demand for products with specific attributes, such as pork from animals produced without antibiotics, using bedded pens and with outdoor access. This growth has occurred, in many situations, from the ground up. Entrepreneurial producers have identified unmet market demands and opportunities for new products. These producers then set out to develop products to satisfy this demand and marketing systems to get these niche products to the consumer
