12 research outputs found
Ottoman Masonry Bridges in Anatolia and the Balkans
Remains of the historical masonry bridges in Anatolia and the Balkans are dated back to the Roman (first half of the I. Millenium AD), to the Seldjukide (early centuries of the II. Millenium AD; basically in Anatolia), and to the Ottoman periods (13th to 19th centuries). Besides serving to transportation, bridges crossing watercourses have to be considered as important hydraulic structures. Built for military as well as economic purposes, more than one hundred Ottoman bridges (roughly two thirds in Anatolia and one third in the Balkans) served for several centuries; some of them being still in operation. They are silent witnesses of the hydraulic knowledge and solid construction technology of their times. In this inventory study, only Ottoman's masonry bridges in Anatolia and Balkans have been presented. Some of the Ottoman's masonry bridges had sunken in the reservoir of modern dams, some of them demolished during the construction of the new highways, and some of them are still in service
Testing Flood Estimation Methods On Ancient Closed Conduits
Beside a large number of ancient tunnels in long-distance water conveyance systems toancient cities in Turkiye, five peculiar closed conduits, through which almost the entire discharge of water courses were flowing, are investigated. These are the Cevlik (Seleucia Pieria) tunnel inHatay province; vaulted structures covering the river bed in Bergama (Pergamon), in Sultanhisar(Nysa), in Acarlar near Ephesus (all four are leading examples of largest closed conduits from Roman times in the world); and the Bezirgan tunnel east of Kalkan, being an interesting example of emissary conduits draining the floods of closed basins. The hydraulic capacities of these conduits are determined; their corresponding flood return periods are estimated by four synthetic flood hydrograph methods. However, it was not possible to deduce any generalized conclusion based on the comparison of these results
Comparison of Different Ann Approaches in Daily Pan Evaporation Prediction
Vallery-Radot Jean. L'église de Brie-Comte-Robert (Seine-et-Marne). In: Bulletin Monumental, tome 81, année 1922. pp. 144-164
Most of the traffic flows in cities are directed towards business and shopping centers. At end-points of the trips, the vehicles must be left in some appropriate places without disturbing existing traffic. Based on this demand, parking lots are required; otherwise the drivers select some illegal parking places inside or outside of the road according to their wish. This kind of parking obstructs the traffic flow and cause decreases in road capacity. The aim of this study is to investigate the off-road parking lots in city center of Denizli. In the scope of the survey, the existing off-road parking lots have been studied; their capacities and occupation rates determined. Besides the demand on park places, some predictions for the future have been made and proposal are submitted
Şehirlerde özel oto ile yapılan yolculukların çoğunluğu, alışveriş ve iş merkezlerinin bulunduğu bölgelere olmaktadır. Dolayısıyla bu bölgelerdeki yolculukların bitiş noktalarında taşıtların mevcut trafik akışını bozmadan uygun bir yerde beklemesi gereksinimi ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu amaçla otoparklara ihtiyaç duyulmakta, aksi halde yoliçi veya yoldışında sürücüler tarafından belirlenen yerlerde nizami olmayan şekillerde parklar yapılmaktadır. Otopark alanları dışına yapılan parklar; trafik akımını zorlaştırmakta böylece yolun kapasitesinin azalmasına sebep olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada otopark konusu kısaca incelendikten sonra, Denizli kent merkezine ait yoldışı otopark etüdünün sonuçları verilmektedir. Çalışma kapsamında Denizli kent merkezindeki mevcut yoldışı otoparklar araştırılmış, kapasiteleri ve doluluk oranları belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca otopark ihtiyacı ile ilgili geleceğe yönelik tahminler yapılarak öneriler getirilmiştir