374 research outputs found

    Two-sided radio emission in ON231 (W Comae)

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    Recent radio images of the BL Lac object ON231 (W Com, 1219+285) show remarkable new features in the source structure compared to those previously published. The images were obtained from observations made with the European VLBI Network plus MERLIN at 1.6 GHz and 5 GHz after the exceptional optical outburst occurred in Spring 1998. The up-to-date B band historic light curve of ON231 is also presented together with the R band luminosity evolution in the period 1994--1999. We identify the source core in the radio images with the brightest component having the flattest spectrum. A consequence of this assumption is the existence of a two--sided emission in ON231 not detected in previous VLBI images. A further new feature is a large bend in the jet at about 10 mas from the core. The emission extends for about 20 mas after the bend, which might be due to strong interaction with the environment surrounding the nucleus. We suggest some possible interpretations to relate the changes in the source structure with the optical and radio flux density variation in the frame of the unification model.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Inflammation, Mitochondria and Natural Compounds Together in the Circle of Trust

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    Human diseases are characterized by the perpetuation of an inflammatory condition in which the levels of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) are quite high. Excessive ROS production leads to DNA damage, protein carbonylation and lipid peroxidation, conditions that lead to a worsening of inflammatory disorders. In particular, compromised mitochondria sustain a stressful condition in the cell, such that mitochondrial dysfunctions become pathogenic, causing human disorders related to inflammatory reactions. Indeed, the triggered inflammation loses its beneficial properties and turns harmful if dysregulation and dysfunctions are not addressed. Thus, reducing oxidative stress with ROS scavenger compounds has proven to be a successful approach to reducing inflammation. Among these, natural compounds, in particular, polyphenols, alkaloids and coenzyme Q10, thanks to their antioxidant properties, are capable of inhibiting the activation of NF-κB and the expression of target genes, including those involved in inflammation. Even more, clinical trials, and in vivo and in vitro studies have demonstrated the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of phytosomes, which are capable of increasing the bioavailability and effectiveness of natural compounds, and have long been considered an effective non-pharmacological therapy. Therefore, in this review, we wanted to highlight the relationship between inflammation, altered mitochondrial oxidative activity in pathological conditions, and the beneficial effects of phytosomes. To this end, a PubMed literature search was conducted with a focus on various in vitro and in vivo studies and clinical trials from 2014 to 2022

    The Long Term Optical Variability of the BL Lac object S5 0716+714: Evidence for a Precessing Jet

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    We present the historic light curve of the BL Lac object S5 0716+714, spanning the time interval from 1953 to 2003, built using Asiago archive plates and our recent CCD observations, together with literature data. The source shows an evident long term variability, over which well known short term variations are superposed. In particular, in the period from 1961 to 1983 the mean brightness of S5 0716+714 remained significantly fainter than that observed after 1994. Assuming a constant variation rate of the mean magnitude we can estimate a value of about 0.11 magnitude/year. The simultaneous occurrence of decreasing ejection velocities of superluminal moving components in the jet reported by Bach et al. (2005) suggests that both phenomena are related to the change of the direction of the jet to the line of sight from about 5 to 0.7 degrees for an approximately constant bulk Lorentz factor of about 12. A simple explanation is that of a precessing relativistic jet, which should presently be close to the smallest orientation angle. One can therefore expect in the next ten years a decrease of the mean brightness of about 1 magnitude.Comment: to appear on The Astronomical Journal, 17 pages, 7 figures. Fig.2 is given as a separated jpg fil

    The BeppoSAX view of the hot cluster Abell 2319

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    We present results from a BeppoSAX observation of the rich cluster Abell 2319. The broad band spectrum (2-50 keV) of the cluster can be adequately represented by an optically thin thermal emission model with a temperature of 9.6+/-0.3 keV and a metal abundance of 0.25+/-0.03 in solar units, and with no evidence of a hard X-ray excess in the PDS spectrum. From the upper limit to the hard tail component we derive a lower limit of ~0.04 \muG for the volume-averaged intracluster magnetic field. By performing spatially resolved spectroscopy in the medium energy band (2-10 keV), we find that the projected radial temperature and metal abundance profiles are constant out to a radius of 16 arcmin (1.4 Mpc). A reduction of the temperature of 1/3, when going from the cluster core out to 16 arcmin, can be excluded in the present data at the 99% confidence level. From the analysis of the temperature and abundance maps we find evidence of a temperature enhancement and of an abundance decrement in a region localized 6 arcmin--8 arcmin NE of the core, where a merger event may be taking place. Finally, the temperature map indicates that the subcluster located NW of the main cluster may be somewhat cooler than the rest of the cluster.Comment: To appear in ApJ-Letter

    S5 1803+78 Revisited

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    We report on our optical monitoring of the BL Lac object S5 1803+78 from 1996 to 2011. The source showed no clear periodicity, but a time scale of about 1 300 days between major flares is possibly present. No systematic trend of the color index with flux variations is evident, at variance with other BL Lacs. In one flare, however, the source was bluer in the rising phase and redder in the falling one. Two ?-ray flares were detected by Fermi-GST during our monitoring: on the occasion of only one of them we found simultaneous optical brightening. A one-zone Synchrotron Self Compton (SSC) model appears too simple to explain the source behavior

    Optical and Radio monitoring of S5 1803+74

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    The optical (BVRI) and radio (8.4 GHz) light curves of S5 1803+784 on a time span of nearly 6 years are presented and discussed. The optical light curve showed an overall variation greater than 3 mag, and the largest changes occured in three strong flares. No periodicity was found in the light curve on time scales up to a year. The variability in the radio band is very different, and shows moderate oscillations around an average constant flux density rather than relevant flares, with a maximum amplitude of \sim30%, without a simultaneous correspondence between optical and radio luminosity. The optical spectral energy distribution was always well fitted by a power law. The spectral index shows small variations and there is indication of a positive correlation with the source luminosity. Possible explanations of the source behaviour are discussed in the framework of current models.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figure

    The Intra-Night Optical Variability of the bright BL Lac object S5 0716+714

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    We address the topic of the Intra-Night Optical Variability of the BL Lac object S5 0716+714. To this purpose a long term observational campaign was performed, from 1996 to 2003, which allowed the collection of a very large data set, containing 10,675 photometric measurements obtained in 102 nights. The source brightness varied in a range of about 2 mag, although the majority of observations were performed when it was in the range 13.0 < R < 13.75. Variability time scales were estimated from the rates of magnitude variation, which were found to have a distribution function well fitted by an exponential law with a mean value of 0.027 mag/h, corresponding to an e-folding time scale of the flux tau_F = 37.6 h. The highest rates of magnitude variation were around 0.10--0.12 mag/h and lasted less than 2 h. These rates were observed only when the source had an R magnitude < 13.4, but this finding cannot be considered significant because of the low statistical occurrence. The distribution of tau_F has a well defined modal value at 19 h. Assuming the recent estimate of the beaming factor delta about 20, we derived a typical size of the emitting region of about 5 times 10^{16}/(1 + z) cm. The possibility to search for a possible correlation between the mean magnitude variation rate and the long term changes of the velocity of superluminal components in the jet is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, accepted for Astronomy and Astrophysic

    GR 290 (Romano's Star): 2. Light history and evolutionary state

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    We have built the historical light curve of the luminous variable GR 290 back to 1901, from old observations of the star found in several archival plates of M 33. These old recordings together with published and new data show that for at least half a century the star was in a low luminosity state, with B ~18. After 1960, five large variability cycles of visual luminosity were recorded. The amplitude of the oscillations was seen increasing towards the 1992-1994 maximum, then decreasing during the last maxima. The recent light curve indicates that the photometric variations have been quite similar in all the bands, and that the B-V color index has been constant within +/-0.1 m despite the 1.5m change of the visual luminosity. The spectrum of GR 290 at the large maximum of 1992-94, was equivalent to late-B type, while, during 2002-2014, it has varied between WN10h-11h near the visual maxima to WN8h-9h at the luminosity minima. We have detected, during this same period, a clear anti-correlation between the visual luminosity, the strength of the HeII 4686 A emission line, the strength of the 4600-4700 A lines blend and the spectral type. From a model analysis of the spectra collected during the whole 2002-2014 period we find that the Rosseland radius R_{2/3}, changed between the minimum and maximum luminosity phases by a factor of 3, while T_eff varied between about 33,000 K and 23,000 K. The bolometric luminosity of the star was not constant, but increased by a factor of ~1.5 between minimum and maximum luminosity, in phase with the apparent luminosity variations. In the light of current evolutionary models of very massive stars, we find that GR 290 has evolved from a ~60 M_Sun progenitor star and should have an age of about 4 million years. We argue that it has left the LBV stage and is moving to a Wolf-Rayet stage of late nitrogen spectral type.Comment: Accepted on The Astronomical Journal, 10 figures. Replaced because the previous uploaded file was that without the final small corrections requested by the refere

    The BL Lac objects OQ 530 and S5 0716+714. Simultaneous observations in the X-rays, radio, optical and TeV bands

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    We present the results of the BeppoSAX observations of two BL Lacs, OQ 530 and S5 0716+714, as part of a ToO program for the simultaneous observation at radio, optical, X-ray and TeV energies. Both sources are detected in the LECS and MECS, with S5 0716+714 visible also in the PDS band, up to about 60 keV. The X-ray spectra of both sources are better fitted by a double power-law model, with a steep soft X-ray component flattening at harder energies, with breaks at 0.3 and 1.5 keV, respectively. The concave shape of the spectra in both objects is consistent with soft X-rays being produced by the synchrotron and harder X-rays by the inverse Compton processes. Also the X-ray variability properties confirm this scenario, in particular for S5 0716+714 our observation shows variations by about a factor 3 over one hour below 3 keV and no variability above. Their simultaneous broad band energy spectral distributions can be successfully interpreted within the frame of a homogeneous synchrotron and inverse Compton model, including a possible contribution from an external source of seed photons with the different spectral states of S5 0716+714 being reproduced by changing the injected power. The resulting parameters are fully consistent with the two sources being intermediate objects within the "sequence" scenario proposed for blazars.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted by A&

    Variability Modes of Blazars from Intensive Optical Monitoring

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    We report the main results of our six year long intensive optical monitoring on blazars ON 231 (W Com), BL Lac, and 3C 273. Intensive optical monitoring is an indispensable tool to obtain well sampled light curves and thus to understand the correlation with the variability in other bands and to discriminate among the proposed emission models. The curves based on our work show different variability modes: intermittent mode, quasi-regular mode and mixed mode. It is not clear if different variability modes can be present, at various times, in the life of an object suggesting that their occurrence can be related to the evolution of blazars. An optimized and nearly continuous optical monitoring is the only way to know the activity status of the sources and to retrieve useful information on their physical dynamics. Also, the rapid availability of information about the luminosity of a source is very important to trigger space based observations and to activate large multifrequency collaborations. We stress that a significant sample of blazars can be observed with small size telescopes (0.35-0.80 cm) equipped with CCD cameras. A world-wide network of several instruments in different countries, is very useful to increase the time coverage and to reduce the number of nights lost for bad meteorological conditions.Comment: Paper submitted to the AIP Conference Proceedings "High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy" - Conf. Proc. of the gamma-2000 symposium held in Heidelberg. 4 pages, doc format source (AIP Proc.), 1 gif figur