388 research outputs found

    Classification of multiple electromagnetic interference events in high-voltage power plant

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    This paper addresses condition assessment of electrical assets contained in high voltage power plants. Our work introduces a novel analysis approach of multiple event signals related to faults, and which are measured using Electro-Magnetic Interference method. The proposed method transfers the expert’s knowledge on events presence in the signals to an intelligent system which could potentially be used for automatic EMI diagnosis. Cyclic spectrum analysis is used as feature extraction to efficiently extract the repetitive rate and the dynamic discharge level of the events, and multi-class support vector machine is adopted for their classification. This first and novel method achieved successful results which may have potential implications on developing a framework for automatic diagnosis tool of EMI events

    Imaging time series for the classification of EMI discharge sources

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    In this work, we aim to classify a wider range of Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) discharge sources collected from new power plant sites across multiple assets. This engenders a more complex and challenging classification task. The study involves an investigation and development of new and improved feature extraction and data dimension reduction algorithms based on image processing techniques. The approach is to exploit the Gramian Angular Field technique to map the measured EMI time signals to an image, from which the significant information is extracted while removing redundancy. The image of each discharge type contains a unique fingerprint. Two feature reduction methods called the Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and the Local Phase Quantisation (LPQ) are then used within the mapped images. This provides feature vectors that can be implemented into a Random Forest (RF) classifier. The performance of a previous and the two new proposed methods, on the new database set, is compared in terms of classification accuracy, precision, recall, and F-measure. Results show that the new methods have a higher performance than the previous one, where LBP features achieve the best outcome

    Classification of EMI discharge sources using time–frequency features and multi-class support vector machine

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    This paper introduces the first application of feature extraction and machine learning to Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) signals for discharge sources classification in high voltage power generating plants. This work presents an investigation on signals that represent different discharge sources, which are measured using EMI techniques from operating electrical machines within power plant. The analysis involves Time-Frequency image calculation of EMI signals using General Linear Chirplet Analysis (GLCT) which reveals both time and frequency varying characteristics. Histograms of uniform Local Binary Patterns (LBP) are implemented as a feature reduction and extraction technique for the classification of discharge sources using Multi-Class Support Vector Machine (MCSVM). The novelty that this paper introduces is the combination of GLCT and LBP applications to develop a new feature extraction algorithm applied to EMI signals classification. The proposed algorithm is demonstrated to be successful with excellent classification accuracy being achieved. For the first time, this work transfers expert's knowledge on EMI faults to an intelligent system which could potentially be exploited to develop an automatic condition monitoring system

    Flight Test Methodology for NASA Advanced Inlet Liner on 737MAX-7 Test Bed (Quiet Technology Demonstrator 3)

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    This paper describes the acoustic flight test results of an advanced nacelle inlet acoustic liner concept designed by NASA Langley, in a campaign called Quiet Technology Demonstrator 3 (QTD3). NASA has been developing multiple acoustic liner concepts to benefit acoustics with multiple-degrees of freedom (MDOF) honeycomb cavities, and lower the excrescence drag. Acoustic and drag performance were assessed at a lab-scale, flow duct level in 2016. Limitations of the lab-scale rig left open-ended questions regarding the in-flight acoustic performance. This led to a joint project to acquire acoustic flyover data with this new liner technology built into full scale inlet hardware containing the NASA MDOF Low Drag Liner. Boeing saw an opportunity to collect the acoustic flyover data on the 737 MAX-7 between certification tests at no impact to the overall program schedule, and successfully executed within the allotted time. The flight test methodology and the test configurations are detailed and the acoustic analysis is summarized in this paper. After the tone and broadband deltas associated with the inlet hardware were separated and evaluated, the result was a significant decrease in cumulative EPNL (Effective Perceived Noise Level)

    Classification of partial discharge signals by combining adaptive local iterative filtering and entropy features

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    Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI) is a measurement technique for Partial Discharge (PD) signals which arise in operating electrical machines, generators and other auxiliary equipment due to insulation degradation. Assessment of PD can help to reduce machine downtime and circumvent high replacement and maintenance costs. EMI signals can be complex to analyze due to their nonstationary nature. In this paper, a software condition-monitoring model is presented and a novel feature extraction technique, suitable for nonstationary EMI signals, is developed. This method maps multiple discharge sources signals, including PD, from the time domain to a feature space which aids interpretation of subsequent fault information. Results show excellent performance in classifying the different discharge sources

    Coating life prediction

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    The investigation combines both experimental studies and numerical modeling to predict coating life in an oxidizing environment. The experimental work provides both input to and verification of two numerical models. The coatings being examined are an aluminide coating on Udimet 700 (U-700), a low-pressure plasma spray (LPPS) Ni-18Co-17Cr-24Al-0.2Y overlay coating also on U- 700, and bulk deposits of the LPPS NiCoCrAlY coating

    Acoustic Phased Array Quantification of Quiet Technology Demonstrator 3 Advanced Inlet Liner Noise Component

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    Acoustic phased array flyover noise measurements were acquired as part of the Boeing 737 MAX-7 NASA Advanced Inlet Liner segment of the Quiet Technology Demonstrator 3 (QTD3) flight test program. This paper reports on the processes used for separating and quantifying the engine inlet, exhaust and airframe noise source components and provides sample phased array-based comparisons of the component noise source levels associated with the inlet liner treatment configurations. Full scale flyover noise testing of NASA advanced inlet liners was conducted as part of the Quiet Technology Demonstrator 3 flight test program in July and August of 2018. Details on the inlet designs and testing are provided in the companion paper of Reference 1. The present paper provides supplemental details relating to the acoustic phased array portion of the analyses provided in Ref. 1. In brief, the test article was a Boeing 737MAX-7 aircraft with a modified right hand (starboard side) engine inlet, which consisted of either a production inlet liner, a NASA designed inlet liner or a simulated hard wall configuration (accomplished by applying speed tape over the inlet acoustic treatment areas). In all three configurations, the engine forward fan case acoustic panel was replaced with a unperforated (hardwall) panel. No other modifications to any other acoustic treatment areas were made. The left hand (port side) engine was a production engine and was flown at idle thrust for all measurements in order to isolate the effects of the inlet liners to the right hand engine. As described in Ref. 1, the NASA inlet treatment consists of laterally cut slots (cut perpendicular to the flow direction) which are designed to reduce excrescence drag while maintaining or exceeding the liner acoustic noise reduction capabilities. The NASA inlet liner consists of a Multi-Degree of Freedom (MDOF) design with two breathable septum layers inserted into each honeycomb cell [1]. The aircraft noise measurements were acquired for both takeoff (flaps 1 setting, gear up) and approach (flaps 30 gear up and gear down) configurations. The inlet and flight test configurations are summarized in Table 1. Table 1: Inlet Treatment and Flight Configurations Inlet Forward Fan Case Aircraft Production Hardwall Flaps 1, gear up; flaps 30 gear up; flaps 30 gear down NASA Hardwall Flaps 1, gear up; flaps 30 gear up; flaps 30 gear down Hardwall Hardwall Flaps 1, gear up; flaps 30 gear up; flaps 30 gear down III.Test Description and Hardware The flight testing was conducted at the Grant County airport in Moses Lake, WA, between 27 July and 6 August 2018. The noise measurement instrumentation included 8 flush dish microphones arranged in a noise certification configuration as well as an 840 microphone phased array. The flush dish microphones were used to quantify the levels and differences in levels between the various inlet treatments. The phased array was used to separate and quantify the narrowband (tonal) and broadband noise component levels from the engine inlet/exhaust and from the airframe. Phased array extraction of the broadband component was critical to this study because it allowed for the separation of the inlet component from the total airplane level noise even when it was significantly below the total level. Figure 1 provides an overview of the phased array microphone layout as well as a detailed image of an individual phased array microphone mounted in a plate holder (the microphone sensor is the dot in the center of the plate). The ground plane ensemble array microphones (referred to as ensemble array in this paper) were mounted in plates with flower petal edges designed to minimize edge scattering effects. Fig. 1 Flyover test microphone layout. The phased array configuration was the result of a progressive development of concepts originally implemented in Ref. 2 and refined over the following years, consisting namely of multiple multi-arm logarithmic spiral subarrays designed to cover overlapping frequency ranges and optimized for various aircraft emission angles. For the present case, the signals from all 840 microphones were acquired on a single system. The 840 microphones were parsed into 11 primary subarray sets spanning from smallest to largest aperture size and labeled accordingly as a, b, , k, where a corresponds to the smallest fielded subarray and k corresponds to the largest aperture subarray. The apertures ranged from approximately 10 ft to 427 ft in size (in the flight direction) with the subarrays consisting of between 215 and 312 microphones. Figure 2 shows three such subarrays, k, h and a. As done in Ref. 2, microphones were shared between subarrays in order to reduce total channel count. Fig. 2 Sample subarray sizes (20 from overhead refer to Figure 3a discussion). In addition to the above, each of the 11 primary subarray sets consisted of four subarrays optimized to provide near equivalent array spatial resolution in both the flight and lateral directions within 30 degrees of overhead (i.e., airplane directly above the center of the array), namely, at angles of 0, 10, 20 and 30 degrees relative to overhead where angle is defined as shown in Figure 3a. This allowed for optimized aircraft noise measurements from 60 to 120 degree emission angle.6 An example of this pletharray design is shown in Figure 3b for the k subarray. When the aircraft is at overhead, the microphones indicated by the blue markers are used for beamforming. When the aircraft is at angles 10 degrees from overhead, both the blue and red colored microphones are used, and so on for the 20 and 30 degree aircraft locations. See Ref. 3 for extensive details on pletharray design for aeroacoustic phased array testing. 6 In the discussions that follow, emission angle values are used. These are the angles at the time sound is emitted relative to the engine axis and are calculated based on flight path angle, body aircraft body angle with respect to the relative wind direction, and engine axis angle relative to aircraft body angle

    Focusing on Cultural Design Features for an Indigenous Website

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    This paper reports on part of a user-centred study examining the design of a website for an Indigenous Australian community. It focuses on the capture of culturally relevant design features and describes the outcomes from a focus group undertaken with 12 members of the community stakeholders. Key cultural themes to emerge from the focus group were the need for visually relevant imagery, support for kinship and community, as well as fun, local language and traditional forms of music, dance and oral history. These themes were mapped into design features such as a virtual tour of the building and grounds, video messages from community members, a facility for feedback and interactive games. Many existing guidelines for cultural design were affirmed in the study, including the use of simple language, local imagery and the provision of an interaction style appropriate to the Indigenous group

    Advanced Stirling Duplex Materials Assessment for Potential Venus Mission Heater Head Application

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    This report will address materials selection for components in a proposed Venus lander system. The lander would use active refrigeration to allow Space Science instrumentation to survive the extreme environment that exists on the surface of Venus. The refrigeration system would be powered by a Stirling engine-based system and is termed the Advanced Stirling Duplex (ASD) concept. Stirling engine power conversion in its simplest definition converts heat from radioactive decay into electricity. Detailed design decisions will require iterations between component geometries, materials selection, system output, and tolerable risk. This study reviews potential component requirements against known materials performance. A lower risk, evolutionary advance in heater head materials could be offered by nickel-base superalloy single crystals, with expected capability of approximately 1100C. However, the high temperature requirements of the Venus mission may force the selection of ceramics or refractory metals, which are more developmental in nature and may not have a well-developed database or a mature supporting technology base such as fabrication and joining methods

    In-Situ Growth of Yb2O3 Layer for Sublimation Suppression for Yb14MnSb11 Thermoelectric Material for Space Power Applications

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    The compound Yb14MnSb11 is a p-type thermoelectric material of interest to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as a candidate replacement for the state-of-the-art Si-Ge used in current radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs). Ideally, the hot end of this leg would operate at 1000 C in the vacuum of space. Although Yb14MnSb11 shows the potential to double the value of the thermoelectric figure of merit (zT) over that of Si-Ge at 1000 C, it suffers from a high sublimation rate at elevated temperatures and would require a coating in order to survive the required RTG lifetime of 14 years. The purpose of the present work is to measure the sublimation rate of Yb14MnSb11 and to investigate sublimation suppression for this material. This paper reports on the sublimation rate of Yb14MnSb11 at 1000 C (approximately 3 x 10(exp -3) grams per square centimeter hour) and efforts to reduce the sublimation rate with an in situ grown Yb2O3 layer. Despite the success in forming thin, dense, continuous, and adherent oxide scales on Yb14MnSb11, the scales did not prove to be sublimation barriers
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