105 research outputs found

    Unbound states of 32Cl and the 31S(p,\gamma)32Cl reaction rate

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    The 31S(p,\gamma)32Cl reaction is expected to provide the dominant break-out path from the SiP cycle in novae and is important for understanding enrichments of sulfur observed in some nova ejecta. We studied the 32S(3He,t)32Cl charge-exchange reaction to determine properties of proton-unbound levels in 32Cl that have previously contributed significant uncertainties to the 31S(p,\gamma)32Cl reaction rate. Measured triton magnetic rigidities were used to determine excitation energies in 32Cl. Proton-branching ratios were obtained by detecting decay protons from unbound 32Cl states in coincidence with tritons. An improved 31S(p,\gamma)32Cl reaction rate was calculated including robust statistical and systematic uncertainties

    The Single-Particle Structure of Neutron-Rich Nuclei of Astrophysical Interest at the Ornl Hribf

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    The rapid nuetron-capture process (r process) produces roughly half of the elements heavier than iron. The path and abundances produced are uncertain, however, because of the lack of nuclear strucure information on important neutron-rich nuclei. We are studying nuclei on or near the r-process path via single-nucleon transfer reactions on neutron-rich radioactive beams at ORNL's Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (HRIBF). Owing to the difficulties in studying these reactions in inverse kinematics, a variety of experimental approaches are being developed. We present the experimental methods and initial results.Comment: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nucle

    Direct reaction measurements with a 132Sn radioactive ion beam

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    The (d,p) neutron transfer and (d,d) elastic scattering reactions were measured in inverse kinematics using a radioactive ion beam of 132Sn at 630 MeV. The elastic scattering data were taken in a region where Rutherford scattering dominated the reaction, and nuclear effects account for less than 8% of the cross section. The magnitude of the nuclear effects was found to be independent of the optical potential used, allowing the transfer data to be normalized in a reliable manner. The neutron-transfer reaction populated a previously unmeasured state at 1363 keV, which is most likely the single-particle 3p1/2 state expected above the N=82 shell closure. The data were analyzed using finite range adiabatic wave calculations and the results compared with the previous analysis using the distorted wave Born approximation. Angular distributions for the ground and first excited states are consistent with the previous tentative spin and parity assignments. Spectroscopic factors extracted from the differential cross sections are similar to those found for the one neutron states beyond the benchmark doubly-magic nucleus 208Pb.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    New Features in the Computational Infrastructure for Nuclear Astrophysics

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    A Computational Infrastructure for Nuclear Astrophysics has been developed to streamline the inclusion of the latest nuclear physics data in astrophysics simulations. The infrastructure consists of a platform-independent suite of computer codes that are freely available online at http://nucastrodata.org. The newest features of, and future plans for, this software suite are given. © Copyright owned by the author(s)

    Reactions of a Be-10 beam on proton and deuteron targets

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    The extraction of detailed nuclear structure information from transfer reactions requires reliable, well-normalized data as well as optical potentials and a theoretical framework demonstrated to work well in the relevant mass and beam energy ranges. It is rare that the theoretical ingredients can be tested well for exotic nuclei owing to the paucity of data. The halo nucleus Be-11 has been examined through the 10Be(d,p) reaction in inverse kinematics at equivalent deuteron energies of 12,15,18, and 21.4 MeV. Elastic scattering of Be-10 on protons was used to select optical potentials for the analysis of the transfer data. Additionally, data from the elastic and inelastic scattering of Be-10 on deuterons was used to fit optical potentials at the four measured energies. Transfers to the two bound states and the first resonance in Be-11 were analyzed using the Finite Range ADiabatic Wave Approximation (FR-ADWA). Consistent values of the spectroscopic factor of both the ground and first excited states were extracted from the four measurements, with average values of 0.71(5) and 0.62(4) respectively. The calculations for transfer to the first resonance were found to be sensitive to the size of the energy bin used and therefore could not be used to extract a spectroscopic factor.Comment: 16 Pages, 10 figure

    Recent direct reaction experimental studies with radioactive tin beams

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    Direct reaction techniques are powerful tools to study the single-particle nature of nuclei. Performing direct reactions on short-lived nuclei requires radioactive ion beams produced either via fragmentation or the Isotope Separation OnLine (ISOL) method. Some of the most interesting regions to study with direct reactions are close to the magic numbers where changes in shell structure can be tracked. These changes can impact the final abundances of explosive nucleosynthesis. The structure of the chain of tin isotopes is strongly influenced by the Z=50 proton shell closure, as well as the neutron shell closures lying in the neutron-rich, N=82, and neutron-deficient, N=50, regions. Here we present two examples of direct reactions on exotic tin isotopes. The first uses a one-neutron transfer reaction and a low-energy reaccelerated ISOL beam to study states in 131Sn from across the N=82 shell closure. The second example utilizes a one-neutron knockout reaction on fragmentation beams of neutron-deficient 106,108Sn. In both cases, measurements of gamma rays in coincidence with charged particles proved to be invaluable.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics "Extremes of the Nuclear Landscape", Zakopane, Poland, August 31 - September 7, 201

    The magic nature of 132Sn explored through the single-particle states of 133Sn

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    Atomic nuclei have a shell structure where nuclei with 'magic numbers' of neutrons and protons are analogous to the noble gases in atomic physics. Only ten nuclei with the standard magic numbers of both neutrons and protons have so far been observed. The nuclear shell model is founded on the precept that neutrons and protons can move as independent particles in orbitals with discrete quantum numbers, subject to a mean field generated by all the other nucleons. Knowledge of the properties of single-particle states outside nuclear shell closures in exotic nuclei is important for a fundamental understanding of nuclear structure and nucleosynthesis (for example the r-process, which is responsible for the production of about half of the heavy elements). However, as a result of their short lifetimes, there is a paucity of knowledge about the nature of single-particle states outside exotic doubly magic nuclei. Here we measure the single-particle character of the levels in 133Sn that lie outside the double shell closure present at the short-lived nucleus 132Sn. We use an inverse kinematics technique that involves the transfer of a single nucleon to the nucleus. The purity of the measured single-particle states clearly illustrates the magic nature of 132Sn.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures and 4 table

    19Ne levels studied with the 18F(d,n)19Ne\u3csup\u3e*\u3c/sup\u3e(18F+p) reaction

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    A good understanding of the level structure of 19Ne around the proton threshold is critical to estimating the destruction of long-lived 18F in novae. Here we report the properties of levels in 19Ne in the excitation energy range of 6.9 ≤ Ex ≤ 8.4 MeV studied via the proton-transfer 18F(d,n)Ne* reaction at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility. The populated 19Ne levels decay by breakup into p+18F and α+15O particles. The results presented in this manuscript are those of levels that are simultaneously observed from the breakup into both channels. An s-wave state is observed at 1468 keV above the proton threshold, which is a potential candidate for a predicted broad Jπ = 1/2+ state. The proton and α partial widths are deduced to be Γp = 228 ± 50 keV and Γα = 130 ± 30 keV for this state. © 2012 American Physical Society
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