1,666 research outputs found

    Myomectomy in Early Pregnancy - A Case Report

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    Uterine leiomyomas are by far the most common benign tumours of the female genital tract. The true incidence of leiomyomas during pregnancy is, however, unknown. Although leiomyomas usually remain asymptomatic during pregnancy, they may complicate its course. The management of leiomyoma during pregnancy is medical, but, in rare circumstances, surgical intervention and myomectomy may be required. A case of myomectomy in early pregnancy is described

    Extended preservation of human liver grafts with UW solution.

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    The fate of 185 cadaveric liver homografts preserved for four to 24 hours with University of Wisconsin (UW) solution was compared with that of 180 grafts preserved for three to 9 1/2 hours with conventional Euro-Collins solution. Although the average preservation time of the UW-preserved livers was almost twice as long as that of the Euro-Collins-preserved livers, the UW-preserved grafts survived at a higher rate; permitted equal patient survival; and had a lower rate of primary nonfunction, a reduced need for retransplantation, and a lower rate of hepatic artery thrombosis. There was no correlation between the time of preservation of UW-preserved grafts up to 24 hours and liver function abnormalities in the first postoperative week. In contrast, livers preserved with Euro-Collins solution for more than five hours had significantly increased perturbations of hepatic function tests. The potential revolutionary effect of the UW solution on liver transplantation is described herein

    Las normas generales de tesorería y su influencia en el manejo de los fondos públicos

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    Objective. Determine the relationship that exists between the level of application of general rules of treasury and the management of the public funds in the Provincial Municipality of Ambo, Huánuco (Peru), period 2020, the which, during agood management, could reconcile and have a good balance between its income and expenses. Methods. A quantitative, explanatory and cross­sectional study was carried out. The population was represented by 65 employees public of theProvincial Municipality of Ambo. It employed as technique the survey quantitative and as instrumenta an sheet of collection of data surveys and to ensure the validation and reliability of the instrument was counted with a study pilot between employees and the judgment of experts in the field, respectively. To evaluate the association between the variables was applied correlation of Pearson's; likewise, was worked with a level of confidence of the 95 %, that is considered highly feasible; The level of significance established were a value of p < 0,01, minor to 0,05. Results. The result of the compliance of the rules of treasury general and their influence on the management of funds public was of the 74,06 %. The findings showed that the application of these rules has a level of compliance in unit of box of the 62,60 %. Meanwhile, the management of bank accounts and subaccounts show that the 83.33% of the answers were affirmative, while that in the use of the fund fixed for the box small is observed a compliance of the 93,33 %; in relation with the rules specific and the conciliation of sub accounts bank of the treasury public, we can say that the level compliance was of the 43,78 %, which indicates that they are statistically significant. Conclusion. It has been shown that the application of the general rules of treasury exerts influence on the management ofpublic funds of the Municipality, and that during a good management it will be able to reconcile and have a good balance between its income and expenses. In the same way, with a correct application and improvement in the perception of the rules, there will be a better perspective of the approach of control and the administration of the resources economic in the institution.Objetivo. Determinar la relación que existe entre el nivel de aplicación de las normas generales de tesorería y el manejo de los fondos públicos en la Municipalidad Provincial de Ambo, Huánuco (Perú), periodo 2020, la cual, durante un buen manejo, podría conciliar y tener un buen balance entre sus ingresos y gastos. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo, explicativo y de corte transversal. La población estuvo representada por 65 empleados públicos de la Municipalidad Provincial de Ambo. Se empleó como técnica la encuesta cuantitativa y como instrumento una ficha de recopilación de datos de encuestas y para asegurar la validación y confiabilidad del instrumento se contó con un estudio piloto entre empleados y el juicio de expertos en la materia, respectivamente. Para evaluar la asociación entre las variables se aplicó la correlación de Pearson; así mismo, se trabajó con un nivel de confianza del 95 %, que es considerado altamente factible; el nivel de significación establecido fue unvalor de p < 0,01, menor a 0,05. Resultados. El resultado del cumplimiento de las normas generales de tesorería y su influencia en el manejo de los fondos públicos fue del 74,06 %. Los hallazgos evidenciaron que la aplicación de estas normas tienen un nivel de cumplimiento en unidad de caja del 62,60 %. Mientras tanto, el manejo de cuentas y subcuentas bancarias muestra que el 83,33 % de las respuestas fueron afirmativas, mientras que en el uso del fondo fijo para la caja chica se observa un cumplimiento del 93,33 %. En relación con las normas especificas y la conciliación de subcuentas bancarias del tesoro público, podemos decir que el nivel cumplimiento fue del 43,78 %, lo que indica que son significativos estadísticamente. Conclusión. Se ha demostrado que la aplicación de las normas generales de tesorería ejerce influencia en el manejo de los fondos públicos de la Municipalidad, y que durante un buen manejo esta podrá conciliar y tener un buen balance entre sus ingresos y gastos. Del mismo modo, con un correcta aplicación y mejora en la percepción de las normas se tendrá una mejor perspectiva del enfoque de control y la administración de los recursos económicos en la institución