18 research outputs found

    Electric Field of a Medium Voltage Indoor Post Insulator

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    This chapter deals with the influence of the electric field on a Medium Voltage Indoor Post Insulator (MVIPI) with standard and modified external shapes. The goal of this chapter is to show the electric field behavior of the MVIPI with different external shapes and to introduce a numerical model with a favorable distribution of the electric field that relieves the dielectric from stress. The chapter describes an MVIPI with nominal voltage 20 kV AC and shows an existing MVIPI, an MVIPI with a different number of ribs, and an MVIPI with exceptional external shape. The MVIPI’s new external shape does not have the typical shape of the ribs, but a new outline, using the Lagrange polynomial, that will acquire its optimal form through the optimization process. A Differential Evolution optimization algorithm is used for the optimal design of the insulator’s external shape. The value of the Electric Field Strength (EFS) will be minimized within the permissible bounds during the optimization process. The important parameters during the minimization of the objective function are the value of the EFS in the interior and exterior of the insulator. EFS values are shown for every MVIPI example and are compared with the existing MVIPI. The obtained results are analyzed and discussed

    Aging Quantification on Alveolar Bone Loss

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    Objectives were to measure labial alveolar resorption using Lamendin’s method; to correlate the measured values of resorption with age at death; to determine whether age influences alveolar resorption, and if so, to quantify this impact. The study was performed during the 1992–1995 period in identified war casualties in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Data on the date, month and year of birth, and on the month and year of death were known in all cases. Measurements were carried out in 845 anterior monoradicular maxillary and mandibular teeth from male bodies (n=198) aged 23–69, divided into five age groups of 23–29, 30–39, 40–49, 50–59 and 60–69 years. Teeth with macroscopic pathologic lesions were excluded from analysis. Lamendin’s method was used to measure the alveolar bone level on the labial aspect of the extracted teeth. Results are presented in tables. Regression analysis was used to determine the alveolar resorption increase with age. Results are also presented by the factor of alveolar resorption, where the youngest age group was divided by older age groups. In the total sample of 845 teeth, alveolar bone level of up to 3.49 mm was recorded in 740 (87.76%), of 3.50–5.99 mm in 99 (11.79%), and of >6.00 mm in 6 (0.71%) teeth. In anterior monoradicular teeth, labial alveolar resorption increased with age and showed a regular age dependent pattern toward older age groups in mandibular but not in maxillary teeth. A >6-mm pocket was very rarely recorded. Study results contribute to clinical practice, demonstrating that periodontology is a preventive discipline in dental medicine

    Sex determination of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian population based on odontometric characteristics of permanent lower canines

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    Introduction: Sex determination is one of fi rst and most important steps in identifying disintegrated bodies and skeletal remains. During the exhumation of bodies from the mass graves and archaeologicalexcavations, it is quite often the case that not all bones of one person are found, therefore, teeth and the scull are the only true identifi cation material. Canines are teeth most appropriate for sex determination.The aim of the research was to determine sex identity of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian population based on odontometric characteristics of permanent lower canines.Methods: The research sample included 180 patients of the Dental Offi ce, of both sexes. All patients with permanent lower right and left canines, without caries, with healthy state of gingiva and periodontium,without crown restorations were included in the research. Measurement was done directly in the patients' mouth using a digital sliding caliper. Greatest mesiodistal width of the lower right and left canine and intercuspal distance of the lower jaw were measured.Results: All parameters were higher in case of male, including Mandibular Canine Index (MCI) (pConclusions: The study showed that right canines are signifi cantly broader than the left ones and they are broader in case of males. Lower right canines, that is, MCI on the right, indicates greater accuracy insex determination in relation to left lower canines. The accuracy in sex determination for all variables is higher for the female

    Diverse Stature Estimation Formulae Applied to a Bosnian Population

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    Since 1996, the Trotter formulae, developed on American Whites, have been used almost without exception to determine the stature of the population in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2002, Ross and Konigsberg presented new formulae for stature estimation for Balkans, using bones from unidentified Bosnian and Croatian males, victims of the recent war. The same year, 2002, in his master thesis, Sarajlić also presented formulae for stature estimation of Bosnian population. The research was undertaken on male cadavers. The cadaver length was measured directly and the length of the long bones was obtained from radiographs. However, none of these formulae were tested on the bones from exhumed persons. This study compares all three methods on a large independent sample in order to determine which formulae provide the most accurate stature estimation for the male population in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The sample for this research consists of long bones (humerus, femur, tibia and fibula) and was obtained from 369 exhumed and identified Bosnian males. Bones from the left side of the body were tested. Not all of them were present in each case: 211 left humeri, 270 left femura, 273 left tibiae and 175 left fibulae. Data about height was recollected by family members. Apart of whole sample, all three methods were applied separately on individuals taller then 180 cm. Of all three tested methods formulae proposed by Sarajlić et al. folowed by Ross and Konigsberg formulae, produced significantly better results in stature estimation of tall persons

    Morphological characteristics of pubic symphysis for age estimation of exhumed persons

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    Suchey-Brooks method based on morphological features of pubic symphysis is a common method of age evaluation of human skeletal remains. The aim of the study was the classification of the examined samples into a particular phase according to Suchey-Brooks method, comparing the estimated age according to Suchey-Brooks with living age of the identified persons. The study was conducted on 120 pairs of pubic bones symphysis of male who disappeared from the area of north-west Bosnia during previous war, who were exhumed and the process of their identification was previously finished. The youngest person was 19 years old and the oldest 86. The study was retrospective, made by comparing the morphological characteristics of pubic symphysis pairs of the examined sample with Suchey-Brooks standards. The statistical analysis of data obtained by the survey showed that the smallest deviations from the average were in phase II by Suchey-Brooks, while the maximum deviation was in phase IV. The standard deviation generally increases from phase to phase, which is to be expected. The span of age obtained for Bosnian population is smaller at all stages in relation to Suchey Brooks-standards, as well as standard deviation, except in phases IV and VI. There was a significant difference noticed in phase V in the estimation of age between the original method and Bosnian population. In general, Suchey-Brooks method leads to underestimation of age, but the underestimation or overestimation in relation to the actual age is possible at each stage, which indicates the individual biological variation

    Sex determination of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian population based on odontometric characteristics of permanent lower canines

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    Introduction: Sex determination is one of fi rst and most important steps in identifying disintegrated bodies and skeletal remains. During the exhumation of bodies from the mass graves and archaeologicalexcavations, it is quite often the case that not all bones of one person are found, therefore, teeth and the scull are the only true identifi cation material. Canines are teeth most appropriate for sex determination.The aim of the research was to determine sex identity of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian population based on odontometric characteristics of permanent lower canines.Methods: The research sample included 180 patients of the Dental Offi ce, of both sexes. All patients with permanent lower right and left canines, without caries, with healthy state of gingiva and periodontium,without crown restorations were included in the research. Measurement was done directly in the patients' mouth using a digital sliding caliper. Greatest mesiodistal width of the lower right and left canine and intercuspal distance of the lower jaw were measured.Results: All parameters were higher in case of male, including Mandibular Canine Index (MCI) (pConclusions: The study showed that right canines are signifi cantly broader than the left ones and they are broader in case of males. Lower right canines, that is, MCI on the right, indicates greater accuracy insex determination in relation to left lower canines. The accuracy in sex determination for all variables is higher for the female

    Electric field strength of the medium voltage post insulator with different number of ribs

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    Članek obravnava modeliranje srednjenapetostnega podpornega izolatorja. V programskem orodju Matlab je izdelan model izolatorja, nato je izveden izračun električnega polja v programskem orodju Elefant. Poudarek je namenjen zunanji obliki izolatorja. V članku so prikazani primeri izolatorja z različnim številom reber in njihov vpliv na električno polje izolatorja.The paper describes the designing of a medium voltage post insulator. The insulator model was designed in Matlab software and calculations of the electric field were in Elefant software. The emphasis is on the external shape of the insulator. The paper presents examples of the insulator with different number of ribs and their influence on the insulator’s electric field strength

    Identification of the Heat Equation Parameters for Estimation of a Bare Overhead Conductor’s Temperature by the Differential Evolution Algorithm

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    This paper deals with the Differential Evolution (DE) based method for identification of the heat equation parameters applied for the estimation of a bare overhead conductor`s temperature. The parameters are determined in the optimization process using a dynamic model of the conductor; the measured environmental temperature, solar radiation and wind velocity; the current and temperature measured on the tested overhead conductor; and the DE, which is applied as the optimization tool. The main task of the DE is to minimise the difference between the measured and model-calculated conductor temperatures. The conductor model is relevant and suitable for the prediction of the conductor temperature, as the agreement between measured and model-calculated conductor temperatures is exceptional, where the deviation between mean and maximum measured and model-calculated conductor temperatures is less than 0.03 °C


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    Interdisciplinary application of data mining is linked with the ability to receive and process the large amounts of data. Although even the first computers could help in executing the tasks that required accuracy and reliability atypical to the human way of information processing, only increasing the speed of computer processors and advances in computer science have introduced the possibility that computers can play a more active role in decision making. Applications of these features are found in medicine, where data mining is used in clinical trials to determine the factors that influence health, and examine the effectiveness of medical treatments. With its ability to detect patterns and similarities within the data, data mining can help determine the statistical significance, pointing to the complex combinations of factors that cause certain effect. Such approach opens the opportunities of deeper analysis than it is the case with reliance solely on statistic

    Stature Estimation for Bosnian Male Population

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    Since 1996, the Trotter and Gleser formulae to determine the stature of recovered missing persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina have been used. The purpose of this study is to develop appropriate stature estimation formulae from the length of the femur, tibia and fibula for use in the Bosnia and Herzegovina to help in identifications of the victims. Research was undertaken on 50 male cadavers, of individuals who died between the ages of 23 to 54 years. The cadaver length was measured and the length of the long bones was obtained from X-ray photographs. The length of the cadavers of the individuals who died after age of 45 years was corrected according to Giles' table. This study established that using Trotter and Gleser's formulae underestimate stature of tall people in the current population of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Smallest standard error of estimate is observed in the formula that uses the sum of the length of femur and fibula. There are no statistically significant differences between the length of the bones from the left and right sides of the body. Therefore, formulae developed from the average length of bone pairs are recommended for use