1 research outputs found

    (Neo)liberal planering

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    Ludvig von Mises sa att frÄgan om liberal planering inte var den om att planera eller inte planera, utan en frÄga om vem som planerar för vem; om det Àr individen som planerar för sig sjÀlv och sitt liv eller om det Àr en överskuggande statsapparat som planerar för alla dÀrunder. Liberal planering Àr en företeelse som ter sig hamnat i skuggan av vad som benÀmns neoliberal planering. SÄledes vore det av intresse att mer konkret definiera liberal planering och dess antites, étatistisk planering. Vidare torde ekonomiska utfall i lÀnder vilka tillÀmpar mer eller mindre étatistisk planering kunna ge en fingervisning om vilket av paradigmen som ter sig överlÀgset, sett ur denna aspekt.Ludvig von Mises once stated that the question of liberal planning was not whether or not to plan, but whose planning should be regarded; if the individual is mandated to plan for herself or if it should be the overarching government apparatus that will plan for each and every of its subjects. Liberal planning is a term that appears to have become beshaded by what is called neoliberal planning. Thus it would be of some interest to give a more precise definition of liberal planning and its antithesis, statist planning. However, there should also, with some likelyhood, be an observable correlation in economic development within different countries in relation to the magnitude of statist planning and intervention that is adopted, which would give a hint of the superiorty of either paradigm, in respect to the mentioned aspect