9 research outputs found

    I long for normality : a study on German parliamentarians with migration backgrounds

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    Nergiz DD. I long for normality : a study on German parliamentarians with migration backgrounds. Research. Wiesbaden: Springer VS; 2014

    Diversity in Parliaments of Germany: Turkey-origin Members of Parliament in Germany

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    Nergiz DD. Diversity in Parliaments of Germany: Turkey-origin Members of Parliament in Germany. In: Chapple J, ed. Boundaries: Dichotomies of Keeping In and Keeping Out. Oxfordshire: Inter-Disciplinary Press; 2010: 119-132

    ‚Gäste können nicht mitspielen’: Mandatsträger mit Migrationshintergrund kommen zu Wort

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    Nergiz DD. ‚Gäste können nicht mitspielen’: Mandatsträger mit Migrationshintergrund kommen zu Wort. In: Oppong M, ed. Migranten in der deutschen Politik. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften; 2011: 63-78

    German Politicians with Turkey Origin: Diversity in the Parliaments of Germany

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    Nergiz DD. German Politicians with Turkey Origin: Diversity in the Parliaments of Germany. In: Danisch R, ed. Citizens of the World: Pluralism, Migration and the Practices of Citizenship. Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi; 2010: 99-115

    Concluding Remarks: Considering Contexts and Units of Analysis

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    Faist T, Nergiz DD. Concluding Remarks: Considering Contexts and Units of Analysis. In: Amélina A, Nergiz D, Faist T, Glick-Schiller N, eds. Beyond Methodological Nationalism: Social Science Research Methodologies in Transition. London: Routledge; 2012

    Methodologies on the Move: The Transnational Turn in Migration Research

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    Amelina A, Nergiz DD, Faist T, eds. Methodologies on the Move: The Transnational Turn in Migration Research. London: Routledge; 2013

    Special Issue: Methodologies on the Move: The Transnational Turn in Migration Research

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    Amelina A, Faist T, Nergiz DD, eds. Special Issue: Methodologies on the Move: The Transnational Turn in Migration Research. Special Issue. 2012

    Methodological Predicaments of Cross-Border Studies

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    Amelina A, Faist T, Glick-Schiller N, Nergiz DD. Methodological Predicaments of Cross-Border Studies. In: Amélina A, Nergiz D, Faist T, Glick-Schiller N, eds. Beyond Methodological Nationalism: Research Methodologies in Cross-Border Studies. London: Routledge; 2012

    Beyond Methodological Nationalism: Research Methodologies for Cross-Border Studies

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    Amelina A, Nergiz DD, Faist T, Glick-Schiller N, eds. Beyond Methodological Nationalism: Research Methodologies for Cross-Border Studies. London: Routledge; 2012