15 research outputs found

    Arrhythmogenic mechanisms in the isolated perfused hypokalaemic murine heart

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    AIM: Hypokalaemia is associated with a lethal form of ventricular tachycardia (VT), torsade de pointes, through pathophysiological mechanisms requiring clarification. METHODS: Left ventricular endocardial and epicardial monophasic action potentials were compared in isolated mouse hearts paced from the right ventricular epicardium perfused with hypokalaemic (3 and 4 mm [K(+)](o)) solutions. Corresponding K(+) currents were compared in whole-cell patch-clamped epicardial and endocardial myocytes. RESULTS: Hypokalaemia prolonged epicardial action potential durations (APD) from mean APD(90)s of 37.2 ± 1.7 ms (n = 7) to 58.4 ± 4.1 ms (n =7) and 66.7 ± 2.1 ms (n = 11) at 5.2, 4 and 3 mm [K(+)](o) respectively. Endocardial APD(90)s correspondingly increased from 51.6 ± 1.9 ms (n = 7) to 62.8 ± 2.8 ms (n = 7) and 62.9 ± 5.9 ms (n = 11) giving reductions in endocardial–epicardial differences, ΔAPD(90), from 14.4 ± 2.6 to 4.4 ± 5.0 and −3.4 ± 6.0 ms respectively. Early afterdepolarizations (EADs) occurred in epicardia in three of seven spontaneously beating hearts at 4 mm [K(+)](o) with triggered beats followed by episodes of non-sustained VT in nine of 11 preparations at 3 mm. Programmed electrical stimulation never induced arrhythmic events in preparations perfused with normokalemic solutions yet induced VT in two of seven and nine of 11 preparations at 4 and 3 mm [K(+)](o) respectively. Early outward K(+) current correspondingly fell from 73.46 ± 8.45 to 61.16±6.14 pA/pF in isolated epicardial but not endocardial myocytes (n = 9) (3 mm [K(+)](o)). CONCLUSIONS: Hypokalaemic mouse hearts recapitulate the clinical arrhythmogenic phenotype, demonstrating EADs and triggered beats that might initiate VT on the one hand and reduced transmural dispersion of repolarization reflected in ΔAPD(90) suggesting arrhythmogenic substrate on the other

    Characterization of <em>SEMA3A</em>-encoded semaphorin as a naturally occurring Kv4.3 protein inhibitor and its contribution to Brugada syndrome.

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    RATIONALE: Semaphorin 3A (SEMA3A)-encoded semaphorin is a chemorepellent that disrupts neural patterning in the nervous and cardiac systems. In addition, SEMA3A has an amino acid motif that is analogous to hanatoxin, an inhibitor of voltage-gated K channels. SEMA3A-knockout mice exhibit an abnormal ECG pattern and are prone to ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. OBJECTIVE:: Our aim was to determine whether SEMA3A is a naturally occurring protein inhibitor of Kv4.3 (Ito) channels and its potential contribution to Brugada syndrome. METHODS AND RESULTS:: Kv4.3, Nav1.5, Cav1.2, or Kv4.2 were coexpressed or perfused with SEMA3A in HEK293 cells, and electrophysiological properties were examined via whole-cell patch clamp technique. SEMA3A selectively altered Kv4.3 by significantly reducing peak current density without perturbing Kv4.3 cell surface protein expression. SEMA3A also reduced Ito current density in cardiomyocytes derived from human-induced pluripotent stem cells. Disruption of a putative toxin binding domain on Kv4.3 was used to assess physical interactions between SEMA3A and Kv4.3. These findings in combination with coimmunoprecipitations of SEMA3A and Kv4.3 revealed a potential direct binding interaction between these proteins. Comprehensive mutational analysis of SEMA3A was performed on 198 unrelated SCN5A genotype-negative patients with Brugada syndrome, and 2 rare SEMA3A missense mutations were identified. The SEMA3A mutations disrupted SEMA3A&#39;s ability to inhibit Kv4.3 channels, resulting in a significant gain of Kv4.3 current compared with wild-type SEMA3A. CONCLUSIONS:: This study is the first to demonstrate SEMA3A as a naturally occurring protein that selectively inhibits Kv4.3 and SEMA3A as a possible Brugada syndrome susceptibility gene through a Kv4.3 gain-of-function mechanism