1 research outputs found

    Model prikolice za transport voća i grožđa

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    The problem with fruit production lies in big yields, that can differ much and in very sensitive fruits especially if they are for fresh consumption or stored fresh for longer period. Yield can vary from 20-50 t/ha up to 100 t/ha for apples. During harvesting, packaging, transportation out of the filed and to the storage and further, fruits are very susceptible to damage so special care must be taken. Evan a small damage during the manipulation in period of storage can cause a serious diseases and loss of quality. A producer from Smederevo has constructed a trailer with low clearance that is adjustable for coupling with small tractors (IMT 539 or IMT 542). This tractor-machinery couple is suitable for movement between rows and on public roads. The trailer is single-axel 3 m long, 1.5 m wide, with 1.3 m height and 0.24 m clearance.U voćarskoj proizvodnji neke vrste voća dostižu prinos i do 100 t (npr jabuke), a većina od 20-50 t, s jedne strane, i druge, da se radi o veoma osetljivim plodovima, pogotovu ako se isti čuvaju i koriste u svežem stanju u dužem vremenskom periodu. Prilikom berbe ploda, ostavljanje u ambalažu utovaru, iznošenju iz zasada, transportu do skladišta za čuvanje, mora se pokloniti izuzetna pažnja. I najmanje mehaničko oštećenje u toku čuvanja ploda dovodi do pojave bolesti - truleži. Proizvođač iz Smedereva konstruisao je prikolicu sa niskim klirensom prilagođenu da se agregatira s traktorom manje snage motora (npr. IMT-539 ili 542) tako da je agregat prilagođen za kretanje u zasadu i javnom saobraćaju. Prikolica je jednoosovinska dimenzija 3.000 x 1.500 mm, visine napred 1.300 i pozadi 240 mm