54 research outputs found

    Linear Context Transform Block

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    Squeeze-and-Excitation (SE) block presents a channel attention mechanism for modeling global context via explicitly capturing dependencies across channels. However, we are still far from understanding how the SE block works. In this work, we first revisit the SE block, and then present a detailed empirical study of the relationship between global context and attention distribution, based on which we propose a simple yet effective module, called Linear Context Transform (LCT) block. We divide all channels into different groups and normalize the globally aggregated context features within each channel group, reducing the disturbance from irrelevant channels. Through linear transform of the normalized context features, we model global context for each channel independently. The LCT block is extremely lightweight and easy to be plugged into different backbone models while with negligible parameters and computational burden increase. Extensive experiments show that the LCT block outperforms the SE block in image classification task on the ImageNet and object detection/segmentation on the COCO dataset with different backbone models. Moreover, LCT yields consistent performance gains over existing state-of-the-art detection architectures, e.g., 1.5\sim1.7% APbbox^{bbox} and 1.0\sim1.2% APmask^{mask} improvements on the COCO benchmark, irrespective of different baseline models of varied capacities. We hope our simple yet effective approach will shed some light on future research of attention-based models.Comment: AAAI-2020 accepte

    Motion-Scenario Decoupling for Rat-Aware Video Position Prediction: Strategy and Benchmark

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    Recently significant progress has been made in human action recognition and behavior prediction using deep learning techniques, leading to improved vision-based semantic understanding. However, there is still a lack of high-quality motion datasets for small bio-robotics, which presents more challenging scenarios for long-term movement prediction and behavior control based on third-person observation. In this study, we introduce RatPose, a bio-robot motion prediction dataset constructed by considering the influence factors of individuals and environments based on predefined annotation rules. To enhance the robustness of motion prediction against these factors, we propose a Dual-stream Motion-Scenario Decoupling (\textit{DMSD}) framework that effectively separates scenario-oriented and motion-oriented features and designs a scenario contrast loss and motion clustering loss for overall training. With such distinctive architecture, the dual-branch feature flow information is interacted and compensated in a decomposition-then-fusion manner. Moreover, we demonstrate significant performance improvements of the proposed \textit{DMSD} framework on different difficulty-level tasks. We also implement long-term discretized trajectory prediction tasks to verify the generalization ability of the proposed dataset.Comment: Rat, Video Position Predictio

    HTsort: Enabling Fast and Accurate Spike Sorting on Multi-Electrode Arrays

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    Spike sorting is used to classify the spikes (action potentials acquired by physiological electrodes), aiming to identify their respective firing units. Now it has been developed to classify the spikes recorded by multi-electrode arrays (MEAs), with the improvement of micro-electrode technology. However, how to improve classification accuracy and maintain low time complexity simultaneously becomes a difficulty. A fast and accurate spike sorting approach named HTsort is proposed for high-density multi-electrode arrays in this paper. Several improvements have been introduced to the traditional pipeline that is composed of threshold detection and clustering method. First, the divide-and-conquer method is employed to utilize electrode spatial information to achieve pre-clustering. Second, the clustering method HDBSCAN (hierarchical density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise) is used to classify spikes and detect overlapping events (multiple spikes firing simultaneously). Third, the template merging method is used to merge redundant exported templates according to the template similarity and the spatial distribution of electrodes. Finally, the template matching method is used to resolve overlapping events. Our approach is validated on simulation data constructed by ourselves and publicly available data and compared to other state-of-the-art spike sorters. We found that the proposed HTsort has a more favorable trade-off between accuracy and time consumption. Compared with MountainSort and SpykingCircus, the time consumption is reduced by at least 40% when the number of electrodes is 64 and below. Compared with HerdingSpikes, the classification accuracy can typically improve by more than 10%. Meanwhile, HTsort exhibits stronger robustness against background noise than other sorters. Our more sophisticated spike sorter would facilitate neurophysiologists to complete spike sorting more quickly and accurately

    Identification of genes related to high royal jelly production in the honey bee (Apis mellifera) using microarray analysis

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    China is the largest royal jelly producer and exporter in the world, and high royal jelly-yielding strains have been bred in the country for approximately three decades. However, information on the molecular mechanism underlying high royal jelly production is scarce. Here, a cDNA microarray was used to screen and identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs) to obtain an overview on the changes in gene expression levels between high and low royal jelly producing bees. We developed a honey bee gene chip that covered 11,689 genes, and this chip was hybridised with cDNA generated from RNA isolated from heads of nursing bees. A total of 369 DEGs were identified between high and low royal jelly producing bees. Amongst these DEGs, 201 (54.47%) genes were up-regulated, whereas 168 (45.53%) were down-regulated in high royal jelly-yielding bees. Gene ontology (GO) analyses showed that they are mainly involved in four key biological processes, and pathway analyses revealed that they belong to a total of 46 biological pathways. These results provide a genetic basis for further studies on the molecular mechanisms involved in high royal jelly production.This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.30571409), Educational and scientific research program for young and middle-aged instructor of Fujian province (No.JAT160161) and the earmarked fund for Modern Agro-industry Technology Research System (No.CARS-45-KXJ3