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    The goal of a coach is to prepare an appropriate model of training for their athletes and provide adequate and healthy way of regulating their body weight.On a sample of 32 judo athletes of younger senior age on the territory of the city of BanjaLuka and municipality of Laktaši, a specific model of training was applied for a period of ten weeks and the judo athletes were divided into two groups. One group was the control group, and other was experimental. The experimental group has implemented 60 training sessions, of which 40 judo trainings (25 technical-tactical and 15 situational judo trainings-randoria) and 20 trainings with the load (50-80% of 1 RM).In this period, the control group worked only judo trainings or 40 training sessions. Statistical analysis of the results is divided into two segments - the descriptive statistics and application of methods of the inferential statistics. The initial and final measurements of body composition of groups were conducted by the bioelectrical impedance(BIA method), and the two-component(2C) model was used for this work - which divides the whole body in total body fat (fat mass) and non-fat body mass (fat-free mass). From the field of descriptive statistics on the level of the entire sample, the central and dispersion parameters were calculated. The methods of inferential statistics used in this study were t-test for dependent and independent samples and analysis of covariance.The values of percentage of body fat in the experimental group, which was exposed to a specific training process for a period of ten weeks, were notably statistically reduced during this period.Value of body fat from an initial 23.10% after the training protocol, decreased to 20.41%, on the .01 level of significance. Values of the percentage of body fat in the control group were kept on the same, higher level than recommended for judo, even after the training, pointing to the effects of their less successful training protocol

    The behavior style of coaches

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    On the sample by 121 perspective young athletes was carried out the researching in the aim to establish the behavior style of coaches. The relevant information was obtained through the validated questionnaires of Chelladura and Saleha (1980). The questionnaire contains 40 questions which directly determine 5 behavior styles of coaches. All questions possess the scale by 5 levels with possible statements: (always, often, periodically, rarely and never). The true answer is only one statement on one question. It is word about five degrees 'Likert's scale'. It was carried out extensive and complex statistics processing of date, where the input qualitative categorical variables were transformed into quantitative. In the next step, transformed categorical variables were exposed in classical and neoclassical statistical methodology. On the base of exact indications which were obtained by using relevant invariant and multivariate statistical methods and tests, dominant behavior style of coaches is 'Instructive'. This behavior style of coach is the most desirable. According to this researching at the last position is behavior style which is the autocratically and it is also at the same time the least desirable. The results of Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Canonic discriminative analysis show the general statistical significant difference in the representation of the behavior styles. Instructive and Autocratic behavior style of coach mostly influences on the total (general) discrimination i.e. difference. For above mentioned styles, it could be said that they are paradigm of contrasts in every way. Values of Tukey - HSD test explicitly shows that there are not statistical significant difference between Instructive Style and style Awarded - Feedback as well as between Democratically and style of Social Support. The other combinations i.e. couples of behavior styles are statistical significantly different

    Attitudes of Students of the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Banja Luka on Physical Exercise // Stavovi studenata akademije dramskih umjetnosti u Banjoj Luci prema fizičkom vježbanju

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    Contemporary theatre and film production require actors with extraordinary physical abilities, harmonious physical appearance and good looking body, which is a cult propagated by Hollywood – the dream factory. Today, theatre and film repertoire require a cast with extraordinary body skills, quick reflexes and acrobatic flexibility. Whether it is done as a part of regular curricular or as extracurricular activities, there is no doubt that regular physical exercise has a very important role in training young students of dramatic arts for their top-quality achievements. In order to determine the students’ attitudes on the importance of physical exercise and their interest for certain sports, there has been a survey among 27 first, second and third-year students of the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Banja Luka, Acting course. In accordance with the requirements set by the modern theatre and film production, this survey confirmed a very positive attitude and interest of students towards physical exercise and sports activities. Therefore, there is need for creating a clear concept of physical training of students, as a long-term project, which will contribute to raising quality of life as well as work and artistic creativity with students at the Academy of Dramatic Arts, University of Banja Luka

    Latent Structure Indicators for Assessing Feautres of Young Sportsmen Coaches // Latentna struktura indikatora za procjenu osobina trenera mladih sportista

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    Research was conducted on a sample of 121 respondents in total-sportsmen aged 14-16 years old from five different sports (skiing, boxing, swimming, volleyball and basketball), trough a questionnaire containing 19 representative indicators – qualities that the coach should possess. Examined are the attitudes of young and promising sportsmen of the desirable characteristics of a good coach. It’s about the selected young and promising sportsmen, whose quality is determined on the basis of achieved results at official championships in of Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina and international competitions. The survey questionnaire was administered in which any claim has 5 replies as follows: always, often, sometimes, rarely did I ever. It’s about five-point Liker scale. The survey contains questions related to gender, length of training period and type of sport. In order to determine the latent structure of the appropriateness of indicators was used factor analysis with Varimax rotation in solution. Given results of the factor analysis with Varimax rotation in solutions showed stable set of four isolated latent dimensions that can be described as: (1) technical quality of the trainers (2) the general human traits coaches (3) external characteristics of trainers and (4) the ratio of coaches to the sportsmen. The results point to the fact that the qualities that a coach has to exhibit the work of young and promising sportsmen in training and competition is of great importance for the formation of the whole personality and versatile young sportsmen in his sport promotion


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    ABSTRACT This study aims to ascertain the significance of the basketball game parameters which discriminated between winning and losing teams in matches played. The study sample comprises matches played at the men’s basketball tournament at the XXXII Olympic Games in Tokyo. Four regression models were formed. Due to the size of the sample, the number of explaining variables was reduced using factor analysis, followed by stepwise regression to ascertain the statistical significance of the obtained models summarily, which were then broken down into individual parameters. This study indicates: (1) one of the four set regression models was summarily highly statistically significant; (2) out of the remaining models, two were eliminated due to the presence of multicollinearity, and one model did not exhibit high statistical significance; (3) the final score was most influenced by the variables of two- and three-point shot percentages, number of three-point shots, turnovers, defensive rebounds, and true shooting percentage. The results of the study corroborated the results of other studies which were carried out in recent years, that the game of basketball is trending towards three-point shots and lay-ups, reduction of turnovers when passing, and defensive rebounds have been confirmed to be greatly significant