17 research outputs found

    Short-term effects of carrying a school bag on the distribution of force and plantar pressure during walking of children of different levels of physical activity

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    Introduction: Carrying a school bag is a dominant activity that a child performs during daily productive activities. The aim of the research is to examine how carrying a school bag of different weights affects the distribution of force and plantar pressure during normal walking on the flat terrain of children of varying levels of physical activity.Methods: The pilot study included 124 students aged 11-12 from Banja Luka. According to the protocol, each group of respondents was treated with an intervention-customized school bag and a comparator-school bag that the child only opted for. For the research, the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children, measurement of anthropometric parameters, school bag weight, and Zebris tape (Zebris Medical GmbH, Germany) were used for gait analysis.Results: Inactive children achieved the lowest and active children’s highest walking speed during normal walking without a bag, with their customized school bag. When carrying a custom school bag: The highest maximum force is projected on the left heel 330.72 N in inactive children, and the lowest 265.93 N in moderately active children, the highest maximum pressure on the left heel is registered in inactive children, 27.60 N/cm2, and the lowest 21.85 N/cm2 in moderately active children. The maximum force-time of % of standing time on the left foot in the middle part lasted the longest in inactive children, and the shortest active children carried their school bag 40.31% and a custom school bag 39.76%.Conclusion: High physical activity and individual adjustment to distribute the burden well allow the child to adequately respond to the loads carried by the weight of the school bag

    Effect of type of sport, weekly physical exertion and body mass index on values of bone turnover markers in elite female athletes

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    Introduction. The aim of the study was to determine the level of bone turnover markers (serum middle fragment of osteocalcin and β-CrossLaps) in young female athletes involved in different sports, as well as to determine the relation between bone turnover markers (BMT) and type of sports activity, weekly physical exertion and body mass index. Methods. Out of a total of 111 female participants, 78 of them were elite athletes while the control group consisted of 33 female students of the faculty of medicine, of a similar age. Athletes with any kind of menstrual irregularity (N=18) were excluded from the study. Therefore, the sample was comprised of 27 basketball and handball players, 11 middle- and long-distance runners and 22 dancers. Results. Athletes belonging to ball game group had significantly greater body mass index and sport experience compared to the other two groups, while the dancers had the lowest weekly physical exertion. There was a statistically significant difference in serum level of osteocalcin bone markers (49.55 ± 16.83 vs. 36.13 ± 7.26; p = 0.001) and β-CrossLaps (0.75 ± 0.25 vs. 0.53 ± 0.14; p = 0.001) between female athletes and the control group respondents. Ball game players had a greater osteogenic effect compared to runners and dancers (p < 0.05). Furthermore, the results revealed significant connection between weekly physical exertion and body mass index on the one hand and BMT level on the other hand. Conclusion. Chronic physical activity exerts an osteogenic effect, which is made evident by the concentration of serum level of osteocalcin significantly connected with weekly physical exertion

    Women and sport

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    Regular physical activity is important for the health of both sexes. However, the physiological, anatomical, psychological and socio-cultural specificities of women require special considerations in all aspects of their sports. Puberty brings gender differences that result from different sexual functioning of endocrine axis. Despite the identical mechanisms of adaptation to physical activity, sexually mature women and men have inherited anatomical and physiological differences in body composition, aerobic capacity-building and muscle strength. In particular, it relates to the more complex female reproductive system. The female reproductive system is a functional part of the human body most sensitive to stress caused by heavy physical exertion. The most common disorders whose risk was significantly increased in physically active women are eating disorder, disturbed menstrual cycle, infertility, intimidated fractures, rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament, or even death. Mainly those are result of blunders and ignorance. Fortunately, they are largely preventable

    Bone Metabolism Markers and their Correlation with Body Mass Index in Aerobic Physical Activity

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    Introduction: Bone formation marker osteocalcin (OC) and bone resorption marker C-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen (CTX) can be used to detect or to monitor the early responses of the skeleton to physical activity. Literature suggests that it is likely that higher body mass index (BMI) has positive effect on bones and can postpone onset of osteoporosis.Aim of the Study: The aim of this study is to:1.Determine the effect of aerobic physical acitivity on OC and CTX in young women2.Investigate correlation of OC, CTX and BMI in young women engaged into structured aerobic excerciseMaterial and methods: Study included 64 healthy young women, aged 19 to 25 years, devided into two groups: intervention group (n=32) and control group (n=32). The study duration was six weeks with follow-up period of four weeks. The intervention group underwent structured aerobic physical activity program for six weeks, but the control group did not receive such program. Level of OC, CTX and BMI were measured at baseline, after 6-week aerobic program, and after 4-week follow up (only intervention group).Results: There was significant increase of OC level after 6-week aerobic program, while level of CTX did not changed. OC level was at its maximum immediately after finishing the program in the participants with normal BMI (p<0.001). There was no statistically significant interaction of BMI and CTX level.Conclusion: Aerobic physical activity increases level of osteocalcin, suggesting that it has positive influence on bone formation in young women, primarily in women with normal BMI

    99mtc-Sestamibi Scintimammography in Detection of Recurrent Breast Cancer

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    The aim of this study was to asses the accuracy of 99mTc-sestamibi scintimammography in patients with suspected recurrent breast cancer in the breast or loco regional tissues. After routine analyses in twenty-eight women (clinical examination, ultrasound, X-ray mammography, and fine needle aspiration biopsy) they were examined by scintimammography. All patients with suspected recurrent cancer in the breast or loco regional tissues (19) undergone surgery and the final diagnosis was determined by histopathological examination. Another 9 patients were followed 6-24 months. The scintigraphic studies were correlated with radiological findings and/ or with histopathology. There were 19 patients with recurrent tumours (15 with loco-regional recurrent and 4 in another breast). X-ray mammography identified 13 of these cancers. 99mTc-sestamibi scintimammography identified seventeen of recurrent breast cancers. In the seven out of nine patients without cancer, scintimammography were reported as having no changes consistent with cancer. X-ray mammography showed suspected cancer lesions in four out of nine patients without cancer. There were two false-positive scintimammograms and one false negative. Axillary lymph node recurrence occurred in four patients. All of them were positive on scinti-mammography. 99mTc-sestamibi scintimammography showed higher sensitivity, specificity and accuracy per patient than did X-ray mammography (90,9% vs. 63,6%, 71,4% vs. 57,1% and 83,3% vs. 61,1%, respectively). To identifying recurrent breast cancer disease is better to use scintimammo-raphy than X-ray mammograph


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    The term “aerobic capacity” represents the sum of aerobic metabolic processes in human organism. It is the basis of the physical working capacity. Value of the maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) is the best indicator for the aerobic capacity evaluation.The purpose of this study was to check the possibility of using VO2max as the indicator of aerobic capacity in sportsmen and to check differences in VO2max values in regard to non-sportsmen.The goals were: 1.Analyses of the VO2max values in sportsmen of various sports 2. Comparison of values of sportsmen with the values of non-sportsmen.This study included 67 sportsmen (rowers, football players and judoists) and 28 nonsportsmen. VO2max was measured by using a direct method.The results obtained show statistically higher VO2max values in rowers (4,52 L/min - 55,8 mL/kg/min) in regard to football players (4,2 L/min – 53,6 mL/kg/min), judoists (3,58 L/min - 47,2 mL/ kg/min) and non-sportsmen (3,28 L/min – 42,3 mL/kg/min). Successful rowing requires high anaerobic capacity and, therefore, high VO2max.These results show higher values of VO2max in sportsmen in regard to non-sportsmen, which is the result of training only

    Ventilator Function Improvement in Patients Undergoing Regular Hemodialysis: Relation to Sex Differences

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    Uremic lung is different entity then oedema present in cardiovascular diseases or in adult respiratory distress syndrome as well. This state is one of the possible complications in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) receiving regular hemodialysis (HD). There are several studies suggesting that in these patients in 30-40% cases pulmonary hypertension was developed. It is known that patients with primary pulmonary hypertension have peripheral airway obstruction The data also showed that primary as well secondary pulmonary hypertension are more often developed in females; even real reason is still unknown. The aim of the study was to estimate the ventilator functionimprovement in patients with CRF receiving regular HD related to sex differences. The study population consisted in 39 patients with CRF, with no cardiac and pulmonary diseases. These patients were treated by regular hemodialysis using bicarbonate or acetate mode, respectively. They were divided into two groups according to the sex. Spirometry parameters before and after onset of hemodialysis were recorded. The results were analyzed using Student t-test and presented as mean +/-SD. All p values <0,05 were considered significant. The result showed that ventilatory function in male patients is significantly improved, especially VC and FEV1, whereas in female patientsimprovement had not statistical significance. It can be concluded that one of the possible reasons for slight improvement of ventilatorfunction in female patients is pulmonary hypertension

    Ventilator Function Improvement in Patients Undergoing Regular Hemodialysis: Relation to Sex Differences

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    Uremic lung is different entity then oedema present in cardiovascular diseases or in adult respiratory distress syndrome as well. This state is one of the possible complications in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) receiving regular hemodialysis (HD). There are several studies suggesting that in these patients in 30-40% cases pulmonary hypertension was developed. It is known that patients with primary pulmonary hypertension have peripheral airway obstruction The data also showed that primary as well secondary pulmonary hypertension are more often developed in females; even real reason is still unknown. The aim of the study was to estimate the ventilator functionimprovement in patients with CRF receiving regular HD related to sex differences. The study population consisted in 39 patients with CRF, with no cardiac and pulmonary diseases. These patients were treated by regular hemodialysis using bicarbonate or acetate mode, respectively. They were divided into two groups according to the sex. Spirometry parameters before and after onset of hemodialysis were recorded. The results were analyzed using Student t-test and presented as mean +/-SD. All p values <0,05 were considered significant. The result showed that ventilatory function in male patients is significantly improved, especially VC and FEV1, whereas in female patientsimprovement had not statistical significance. It can be concluded that one of the possible reasons for slight improvement of ventilatorfunction in female patients is pulmonary hypertension

    Professional female athletes are at a heightened risk of iron-deficient erythropoiesis compared with nonathletes

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    Scanlan, AT ORCiD: 0000-0002-0750-8697This study primarily aimed to quantify and compare iron status in professional female athletes and nonathletes. Furthermore, this study also aimed to identify differences in iron status according to sporting discipline and explore the relationship between ferritin concentration and weekly training volume in professional athletes. A total of 152 participants were included in this study, including 85 athletes who were members of senior teams (handball, n = 24; volleyball, n = 36; soccer, n = 19; and judo, n = 6) involved at the highest level of competition and 67 nonathletes. A significantly greater proportion (p = .05) of athletes (27%) demonstrated iron-deficient erythropoiesis (IDE) compared with nonathletes (13%). There were nonsignificant differences (p > .05) in the prevalence of iron deficiency (ID; 49% vs. 46%) and iron deficiency anemia (IDA; 2% vs. 4%) between athletes and nonathletes. Similarly, the prevalence of ID, IDE, and IDA was not significantly different between sports (p > .05). Furthermore, training volume was negatively correlated with ferritin concentration in athletes (r: −.464, moderate, p < .001). Professional female athletes are at a heightened risk of IDE compared with nonathletes; therefore, they should be periodically screened for ID to reduce the deleterious effects on training and performance. The similar prevalence of ID, IDE, and IDA found across athletes competing in different sports suggests that overlaps exist between handball, volleyball, soccer, and judo athletes regarding risk of disturbance in iron metabolism. © 2020 Human Kinetics, Inc