50 research outputs found

    Some Issues of Participation of Divisible Citizens in Civil and Administrative Legal Proceedings

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    The article attempts to outline the boundaries of responsibility of legal representatives for the obligations of the legally incompetent, the procedural status of the legally incompetent and their legal representatives in civil and administrative court proceedings. The opinion was expressed that the duties of a minor defendant could be performed at the expense of his legal representative. A legal representative should also be charged legal costs

    Subject Matter Competence of Arbitration Court in Respect to Cases of Legal Norm Acts Challenge : Walking in Circulation

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    The article presents the review of the ways determining the cases of legal norm acts challenge considered by arbitration court, their merits and demerits

    Реорганизация системы внутрихолдинговых расчетов: методический инструментарий, оценка эффективности

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    In the context of growth trends in the scale and diversification of business, the internal costs of companies with a complex holding structure are also increasing. Solutions that improve the efficiency of settlement systems are particularly relevant and significant. Therefore, the paper is devoted to the problems of building settlement systems that minimize the negative impact of certain factors reducing the economic efficiency of calculations. The purpose of the study is to develop methodological foundations for rationalization the holding’s settlement system based on clearing obligations. The tasks of this paper are set as follows: to propose methodological tools for the reorganization of the system of intra-holding settlements; to test the proposed recommendations for the rationalization of the settlement system in holding structures. According to the results of the study, the authors systematized a set of factors that determine the effectiveness of the system of intra-group settlements. It is proposed to attribute the number of payment transactions and the volume of payment turnover to the quantitative factors of the settlement system efficiency. Qualitative factors of the settlement system efficiency are associated with the consolidation of financial information, the degree of automation of settlement processes, and the flexibility of the settlement system. The authors used the Ward method to build a cluster structure of the holding based on the analysis of payment turnover of pairs of companies, statistical methods of quantitative and qualitative assessment of the effectiveness of the holding’s settlement system. The scientific novelty is expressed by the fact that the paper offers methodological tools for reorganization the system of intra-holding settlements. A methodology for rationalization the holding’s settlement system based on clearing obligations, universal in use by holding-type companies, has been developed and its approbation has been carried out. The conclusions based on the results of the study form recommendations for changing some aspects of the holding’s activities in accordance with the results of the modernization of the holding’s settlement system. The method of rationalization of the system of intra-holding settlements proposed by the authors has versatility in application and can be used in solving management tasks within any holding.В условиях тенденций роста масштабов и диверсификации бизнеса возрастают и внутренние издержки компаний, имеющих сложную холдинговую структуру. Решения, обеспечивающие повышение эффективности расчетных систем, являются особенно актуальными и значимыми. Поэтому работа посвящена проблемам построения расчетных систем, минимизирующих негативное влияние отдельных факторов снижения экономической эффективности расчетов. Цель исследования — развитие методических основ рационализации расчетной системы холдинга на основе клиринга обязательств. Задачи: предложить методический инструментарий реорганизации системы внутрихолдинговых расчетов; осуществить апробацию предложенных рекомендаций по рационализации системы расчетов в холдинговых структурах. По результатам исследования авторами систематизирован комплекс факторов, определяющих эффективность функционирования системы внутригрупповых расчетов. К количественным факторам эффективности расчетной системы предложено отнести количество платежных операций и объем платежного оборота. Качественные факторы эффективности расчетной системы сопряжены с консолидацией финансовой информации, степенью автоматизации процессов расчетов, гибкостью расчетной системы. Авторами использован метод Варда для построения кластерной структуры холдинга на основе анализа платежных оборотов пар компаний, статистические методы количественной и качественной оценки эффективности системы расчетов холдинга. Научная новизна выражена тем, что в статье предложен методический инструментарий реорганизации системы внутрихолдинговых расчетов. Разработана методика рационализации расчетной системы холдинга на основе клиринга обязательств, универсальная в применении компаниями холдингового типа, и осуществлена ее апробация. В выводах по результатам исследования сформированы рекомендации по изменению некоторых аспектов деятельности холдинга в соответствии с результатами модернизации расчетной системы холдинга. Предложенная авторами методика рационализации системы внутрихолдинговых расчетов обладает универсальностью в применении и может быть использована при решении управленческих задач в рамках любого холдинга

    Assessment of satisfaction with quality of stationery long-term social care system: the Stavropol Territory case

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    The purpose of the article is to assess satisfaction with quality of long–term stationary social care system for elderly population in the Stavropol Territory, as well as to identify problem areas in its functioning and form a set of management solutions to eliminate them. The paper analyzes the results of a sociological study having been conducted from January to July 2022. It has confirmed a high level of satisfaction with quality of the system by the elderly as well as employees of the pilot institutions of the region. The sample size of the study is 440 respondents. Such research methods as analytical method, secondary analysis, anonymous written survey, statistical methods of data processing, and graphical methods of presenting the data obtained have been used

    The Role of Electrostatic Interactions in Complex Formation between Bacterial Luciferase and NADPH:FMN-oxidoreductase

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    A possible mechanism of complex formation between bacterial luciferase and NADPH:FMNoxidoreductase from Vibrio harveyi sustained by electrostatic forces is studied. The complex between the enzymes is important for a direct FMNH2 transfer without a contact with solvent, which could cause a rapid autooxidation and the formation of reactive oxygen species. In the current work the diversity of possible relative positions of NADPH:FMN-oxidoreductase and luciferase was obtained with Monte-Carlo sampling governed by oxidoreductase internal charged groups and electrostatic field caused by luciferase. Among the structures with the minimal energies, the one was found that has a proper active sites orientation for a direct FMNH2 transfer. Possible role of hydrogen bonding between Arg291 and Gln197 of luciferase and oxidoreductase, respectively, in stabilization of this complex is propose


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    The article presents the first results of magnetotelluric sounding (MTS) surveys of the Baikal foredeep. This study is part of the project of the Institute of the Earth’s Crust SB RAS, which investigates the geological and geoelectrical structure of the southeastern marginal part of the Siberian platform and updates the model of the Baikal rift zone. An objective is to preliminary assess the mining potential of the Riphean strata in the Baikal foredeep. The relevance of the study centers on the possibility of discovering a new promising oil-gas field in proximity to energy-intensive industrial and agricultural enterprises. The MTS section of the sedimentary cover shows an increased conductivity of its lower part, which is most likely due to highly porous carbonate-terrigenous rocks in the middle – lower part of the ‘Baikal three-member’ structure. The intra-lithospheric conductive layer that hosts most of the earthquake hypocenters of the Baikal rift is investigated


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    The article presents the first results of magnetotelluric sounding (MTS) surveys of the Baikal foredeep. This study is part of the project of the Institute of the Earth’s Crust SB RAS, which investigates the geological and geoelectrical structure of the southeastern marginal part of the Siberian platform and updates the model of the Baikal rift zone. An objective is to preliminary assess the mining potential of the Riphean strata in the Baikal foredeep. The relevance of the study centers on the possibility of discovering a new promising oil-gas field in proximity to energy-intensive industrial and agricultural enterprises. The MTS section of the sedimentary cover shows an increased conductivity of its lower part, which is most likely due to highly porous carbonate-terrigenous rocks in the middle – lower part of the ‘Baikal three-member’ structure. The intra-lithospheric conductive layer that hosts most of the earthquake hypocenters of the Baikal rift is investigated.В статье представлены первые результаты работ методом магнитотеллурического зондирования на территории Прибайкальского краевого прогиба, являющихся частью масштабного проекта Института земной коры СО РАН по уточнению геологического строения юго-восточной краевой части Сибирской платформы и физико-геологической модели Байкальской рифтовой зоны. Задачей настоящей работы является предварительная оценка перспективности рифейских толщ в Прибайкальском краевом прогибе. Актуальность этих исследований связана с возможностью выделения здесь новой перспективной нефтегазоносной области, находящейся в достаточной близости от крупных промышленных и сельскохозяйственных потребителей. В ходе исследований в разрезе осадочного чехла установлена повышенная проводимость его нижней части, наиболее вероятно связанная с наличием высокопористых карбонатно-терригенных пород средней – нижней части «байкальского трехчлена». Изучено поведение литосферного проводящего слоя, в диапазоне глубин залегания которого локализуется большая часть гипоцентров землетрясений на Байкальском рифте


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    The characteristics of intrinsic fluorescence of firefly luciferase L. mingrelica during de-naturation with urea were studied. The dependence of both steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence parameters on the urea concentration revealed a single transition with the mid-point at 3.1±0.1M

    Bacterial Luciferases from Vibrio harveyi and Photobacterium leiognathi Demonstrate Different Conformational Stability as Detected by Time-Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy

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    Detecting the folding/unfolding pathways of biological macromolecules is one of the urgent problems of molecular biophysics. The unfolding of bacterial luciferase from Vibrio harveyi is well-studied, unlike that of Photobacterium leiognathi, despite the fact that both of them are actively used as a reporter system. The aim of this study was to compare the conformational transitions of these luciferases from two different protein subfamilies during equilibrium unfolding with urea. Intrinsic steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectra and circular dichroism spectra were used to determine the stages of the protein unfolding. Molecular dynamics methods were applied to find the differences in the surroundings of tryptophans in both luciferases. We found that the unfolding pathway is the same for the studied luciferases. However, the results obtained indicate more stable tertiary and secondary structures of P. leiognathi luciferase as compared to enzyme from V. harveyi during the last stage of denaturation, including the unfolding of individual subunits. The distinctions in fluorescence of the two proteins are associated with differences in the structure of the C-terminal domain of α-subunits, which causes different quenching of tryptophan emissions. The time-resolved fluorescence technique proved to be a more effective method for studying protein unfolding than steady-state methods