584 research outputs found

    MOOC introduction into educational process: experience of on-line courses integration in university educational programs

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    The article presents the results of a study on the introduction of mass open online courses into educational programs of the Belgorod State National Research Universit

    Diffracted transition radiation of a beam of relativistic electrons in a thin single-crystal plate

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    In the present work, diffracted transition radiation (DTR) of the beam of relativistic electrons crossing a thin single-crystal plate has been considered. The expression for the DTR angular density has been derived for the case when the path of the electron in the target is considerably less than extinction length. For the first time the kinematic character of DTR of the beam of ultra-relativistic electrons crossing a thin single-crystal plate has been prove

    Anisotropy and crystallite misalignment in textured superconductors

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    A misalignment of anisotropic crystallites causes small values of anisotropy and decreases the critical current density of textured polycrystalline superconductors. To relate the crystallite misalignment and out-plane anisotropy, the magnetic properties of the textured Bi2223 polycrystalline superconductor were investigated. A distribution of orientation angles of crystallites was determined using different data: scanning electron microscopy images and hysteresis magnetization loops when an external magnetic field was applied at different angles with respect to the texturing plane of the sample. It was demonstrated that the standard deviation of the distribution and the magnetic disorder angle of crystallites in textured samples can be determined from the magnetization data in perpendicular directions. These data may be either the irreversible magnetization measured for two different orientations of the sample or the simultaneously measured magnetization projections parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Biological preparations with different mechanisms of action for protecting potato against fungal diseases

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    Mycological analysis throughout the vegetation period of potato (Solanum tuberosum) made it possible to study in detail the structure of the micromycete community, to determine typical dominant (frequency, more than 60%), typical common (frequency, 30 to 60%), typical rare (frequency, 10 to 30%), and casual (frequency, less than 10%) species and to estimate changes in the microorganism community caused by plant protection preparations with different mechanisms of action. It was shown that, as a result of occurrence of resistant forms, synthetic preparations against fungal pathogens of potato (such as TMTD, Ridomil gold MC, and Cupricol) were only slightly more effective than biological preparations (Trichodermin and AgroChit), with the former considerably changing the natural saprophytic mycological community. An increase in the soil pool of Trichoderma harzianum as a result of application of a biological preparation based on this antagonistic fungus correlated with its effectiveness against the soil pathogen Fusarium sp., which causes root rot. A chitosan-based elicitor preparation more effectively suppressed the development of early (Alternaria sp. and Macrosporium sp.) and late (Phytophthora sp.) blighting of leaves and had a weaker effect on soil microflora. © MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica", 2006

    COVID 19 Accelerator of Changes in the Readiness of University Teachers to Use Distant Learning Technologies

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    The article describes the experience of the Belgorod State University (BelSU) in organizing the educational process during the forced transition to full distant learning due to COVID-19. The authors present the results of the study of changes in the readiness of the university faculty to use distant learning technologie

    Innovative approaches in the educational process management of the university with the use of information and educational environment

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    In our study, we consider one of the innovative approaches to managing the organization of higher education - the process approach, which creates real opportunities for optimizing and adapting management processes in the University to the requirements of all stakeholders (administration, students, faculty, employees). The study was performed on the basis of the Belgorod national research University (BelSU) with the aim of improving the system of management of educational process of the University, determining of efficiency of functioning of information systems in educational subsystem BSU, determining the relationships of staff and teachers to use modern information and communication technologies (ICT), as well as areas of improvement in the management of the educational process using IC

    Dynamic theory X-ray radiation by relativistic electron in composite target

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    The dynamic theory of coherent X-ray radiation by relativistic electron crossing a three-layer structure consisting of an amorphous substance layer, a layer of vacuum and a layer with artificial periodic structure has been developed. The process of radiation and propagation of X-ray waves in an artificial periodic structure have been considered based on two-wave approximation of dynamic diffraction theory in Laue scattering geometr


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    The authors have summarized the shortcomings of traditional methods of risk assessment based on probabilistic approaches, identifi ed the advantages of fuzzy multiple descriptions. Justifi ed the transition to non-Markov paradigm research of innovative risk. The implementation of innovative strategies takes place inRussiaunder development trends of globalization, nonlinearity and nonequilibrium external and internal environment that requires a new understanding of the management of high risk and innovative insurance in ensuring the sustainability of modern enterprises. Under these conditions, the problem also updated the competitiveness of enterprises, based on their innovative activity. However, a number of researchers have noted inconsistencies in practice innovative risk management mechanisms and insurance management innovation in enterprises, as well as the lack of development of management problems high innovation risk that the objective obstacles increase innovation activity of the domestic economy and its post-industrial development.Авторами обобщены недостатки традиционных методов оценки рисков на основе вероятностных подходов, выявлены преимущества метода нечетко-множественных описаний. Обоснован переход к немарковской парадигме исследований инновационного риска. Реализация инновационной стратегии России проходит в условиях развития тенденций глобализации, нелинейности и неравновесности внешней и внутренней среды, что требует нового понимания особенностей управления высоким инновационным риском и страхования в обеспечении устойчивости современных предприятий. В этих условиях также актуализируется проблема конкурентоспособности предприятий, основанной на их инновационной активности. Вместе с тем, ряд исследователей отмечает несогласованность на практике механизмов управления инновационным риском и его страхования с управлением инновационной деятельностью на предприятиях, а также недостаточную разработку проблем управления высоким инновационным риском, что объективно препятствует повышению инновационной активности отечественной экономики и ее постиндустриальному развитию

    Влияние агротехники возделывания на качество плодов расторопши пятнистой

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    Relevance. The research is aimed at developing elements of technology for cultivating milk thistle (Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.). Such elements as the timing and methods of sowing, the seeding rate, and weed control measures are presented here. The research was carried out on leached Chernozem soils of the Middle Volga region in a temperate continental climate.Results. The effectiveness of early spring ordinary crops, allowing to increase the content of oil– up to 33%, protein – up to 16%, was established. The methods used allow to increase the oil harvest from 1 ha by an average of 14%, in comparison with wide-row sowing, which is a significant indicator in the cultivation of the crop. The use of agrotechnical methods of weed control provided an increase in the yield of milk thistle seeds by an average of 0.16 t/ha, in comparison with the control.Актуальность. Исследования направлены на разработку элементов технологии возделывания расторопши пятнистой (Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.) для Среднего Поволжья с целью получения качественной продукции плодов расторопши для фармацевтической перерабатывающей отрасли. На изучение взяты такие элементы технологии, как сроки и способы посева, норма высева семян, меры борьбы с сорняками. Исследования проведены на выщелоченных чернозёмных почвах Среднего Поволжья в условиях умеренно-континентального климата.Результаты. Установлена эффективность ранневесенних рядовых посевов, позволяющих увеличить содержание масла – до 33%, протеина – до 16,6%. Применяемые приемы позволять увеличить сбор масла на 1,5%, в сравнении с широкорядным посевом, что является значимым качественным показателем для плодов расторопши. Применение агротехнических приёмов борьбы с сорняками обеспечили прибавку урожая семян расторопши в среднем на 0,16 т/га,в сравнении с контрольным вариантом