81 research outputs found

    Concentrations and sources of pesticides and PCBs in surficial sediments of the Red Sea coast, Egypt

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    AbstractSixteen surface sediments from the Egyptian coast of the Red Sea were collected and studied for organochlorine contamination. This research was endeavored to study sources, concentrations and risk factors of pesticides and PCBs in the surficial sediments collected from the studied locations. The sediments in the studied areas are predominantly sand. The most abundant PCB congeners detected in the investigated sediment samples of the Red Sea proper were a total of PCB 52 and a total of PCB 138 (225 and 465ngkg−1drywt., respectively). Meanwhile, in the Aqaba Gulf the most abundant PCB congener was a total of PCB 138 (226ngkg−1drywt.). At the Suez Gulf, the most abundant PCB congeners were a total of PCB 180 and 153 (127 and 103ngkg−1drywt., respectively). The input of direct industrial and domestic discharge in most of the contaminated zones of the studied area resulted in a larger concentration of total PCB 52, 138, 153 and 180. The results obtained showed fairly low levels of pesticide residues. The most dominant pollutants were the HCHs and DDTs, high proportions of α-HCH over γ-HCH isomer indicated less recent input of lindane. The α-HCH/γ-HCH ratios in most of the studied locations are slightly less than those in technical-grade HCH mixture (66.5% α isomer, 11.4% β isomer, 15.2% γ isomer (lindane), 6.4% δ isomer, and 0.5% other isomers) indicating that there was less input of lindane in the past several years. This study clearly indicates that PCB concentrations, DDTs, cyclodienes, HCHs were much lower than those recorded by the international organization


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    linear generators have been proposed as a proper power takeoff system for direct-drive wave energy conversion. Coupled directly to a reciprocating wave energy device, it was declared that linear generators could be a valuable replacement for hydraulic and pneumatic systems. In this paper, the design and performance evaluation of permanent magnet linear generator that implements Halbach array arrangement is established. The designed generator is suitable for direct energy extraction from sea waves at small wave amplitude. The electromagnetic design is performed using finite element method and space harmonic analysis. A comparative study is performed between Halbach array and conventional air-cored linear generators to show the effectiveness of the proposed design. The equivalent circuit based model is utilized to investigate the dynamic performance of the Halbach array generator. The simulated dynamic performance of the designed generator clarifies that the implementation of Halbach array arrangement would improve energy extraction and voltage waveform

    Optimal Sizing of Standalone PV-Wind Hybrid Energy System in Rural Area North Egypt

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    This paper studies the sizing of stand-alone renewable energy system applied in rural areas in the north of Egypt. The available renewable energy sources in these areas are investigated to be integrated to supply the different types of electrical loads. The quality and quantity of these sources over various weather and climate changes are studied to construct a robust energy system. The load demand in such areas is determined according to all activities require electrical energy. This study considers the different economic levels and technologies which affect the load demand value. The technique and economical indices required to obtain the optimal are investigated and applied in the various estimated cases. The genetic algorithm (GA) technique is applied to determine the size and number of photovoltaic panels and wind turbines. The obtained solution takes into account the loss of power supply probability and the minimization of system cost. This study presents an essential phase in the sustainable development of such rural areas

    The Effect of Mineral Pigments on Mechanical Properties of Concrete

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     Pigmented concrete exhibits artesian properties in addition to ordinary concrete properties, explicitly high strength, excellent durability, and weather resistance. However, the influence of several parameters that affect the characteristics of colored concrete should be studied; extensively. In this paper, the impact of the w/b (water/binder) ratio using color pigments on the mechanical properties such as compressive and flexural strengths of colored cement mortar prisms and cubes experimentally investigated. The experimental program included 21 mixes with six cubes and three flexural prisms specimens for assessing compressive and flexural strength, respectively. The blends included different water/binder ratios with values of 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6, in addition to several color pigments as a partial replacement of cement. The percentage of replacements altered between 0, 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% with two different shades of pigments consisting of red iron and green chromium oxide. Based on the experimental results, empirical expressions were generated based on Abram’s law to assess the relationship between the compressive strength of colored concrete and w/b ratio. The results revealed that the compressive and flexural strength of colored concrete is influenced by w/b ratio and partially replacement percentage of cement by color pigment not proportionally direct. Furthermore, the shade of pigments also has a different impact as well

    Acid red 17, acid yellow 11, direct yellow 12, direct blue 86 ve mordant violet 40 boyalarının karışımını içeren suyun arıtılması için gelişmiş oksidasyon işlemi

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    Boyaların atık sudan uzaklaştırılması hem çevre hem de üreticiler için tekstil endüstrisindekien büyük sorunlardan biridir. Bu makale, beş farklı boya (Asit Kırmızısı 17, Asit Sarısı 11,Doğrudan Sarı 12, Doğrudan Mavi 86 ve Mordan Menekşe 40) içeren sentetik atık su karışımınıarıtmak için ultraviyole (UV) ile birlikte ozon (O3) ve O3 uygulama olasılığı farklı kromofor veankraj gruplarına sahip boyaların renk giderme etkinliği için incelemiştir. Temas süresi,optimum çalışma koşullarını elde etmek için UV ile kombine O3 veya O3 akışı altında bir kesiklireaktörde incelenmiştir. Sonuçlar, O3 uygulamasının UV destekli ozonlamadan daha etkiliolduğunu göstermiştir. Bu karışımdaki her bir boyanın ileri oksidasyonu, aynı boyanın çözeltiiçinde ayrı ayrı çıkarılmasıyla karşılaştırıldı. Sonuçlar, boyayı karışımdan ve su çözeltisindeki tekboyayı çıkarmak için gereken sürede yalnızca küçük bir fark olduğunu kanıtlamıştır.The removal of dyes from wastewater is one of the biggest problems in the textile industry for both environment and manufacturers. This study examined the possibility of applying ozone (O3) and O3 in combination with ultraviolet (UV) to treat a mixture of synthetic wastewater containing five different dyes (Acid Red 17, Acid Yellow 11, Direct Yellow 12, Direct Blue 86 and Mordant Violet 40) for the decolorization efficiency of dyes with different chromophore and anchor groups. The contact time was studied in a batch reactor under the flow of O3 or O3 combined with UV to achieve optimal operating conditions. The results showed that the application of O3 was more effective than UV-assisted ozonation. The advanced oxidation of each dye in this mixture was compared with the removal of the same dye in the solution separately. The results proved that there is only a slight difference in the time required to remove the dye from the mixture and the single dye in the water solution

    Spotlight on mechanical properties of autogenic self-healing of concrete

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    Self-healing concrete is defined as the concrete ability to recover its cracks. Cracks in concrete are a common phenomenon that reveals adverse effects on a structure’s integrity, durability, and serviceability due to its relatively low tensile strength. Recently, self-healing techniques have been developed to ensure crack recovery and implemented in strategic structures to optimize maintenance costs. This study aims to highlight one self-healing technique type named the “autogenic self-healing technique”. Four mixes including the control were designed and established to examine the self-healing mechanism when using mineral admixtures such as fly ash and polyvinyl alcohol fiber (PVA fiber) at various percentiles. All mixes encountered 20% cement volume replacement by fly ash with various PVA fiber percentile additions: 1, 1.5, and 2%. Compressive, flexural, and tensile strengths were examined after cracking and failure. The cube prism and cylinder specimens were cracked and then cured at 28 days for testing to failure. The results showed that the compressive strength recovered in mixes with 1.5 and 2% PVA. This work provides promising insight on cracks healing or recovery to a certain extent

    Comprehensive risk assessment of heavy metals in surface sediments along the Egyptian Red Sea coast

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    AbstractThe contamination of heavy metals (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Ni, Pb, Cd, Co, Cr, and Hg) in 16 surface sediment samples collected from the Suez Gulf, Aqaba Gulf and the Red Sea Proper was studied to evaluate their distribution and potential ecological risk. The concentrations of the studied metals decreased in the order of Fe>Mn>Zn>Cr>Ni>Co>Pb>Cu>Cd>Hg (3490.2, 115.77, 28.66, 18.47, 11.40, 9.70, 3.26, 1.94, 6.10, 0.02μg/g dry weight). Based on the effect-range classification (ERL–ERM, TEL–PEL, LEL–SEL), the studied heavy metals did not pose any environmental risks for all investigated stations except Marsa Alam and El-Quseir stations, which may pose an environmental risk for Cr and Ni. The ecological risk assessment for metals in surface sediments was evaluated using the metal pollution index (MPI), geoaccumulation index (Igeo), and potential ecological risk index (ERI). Multivariate techniques including Pearson correlation, hierarchical cluster and principal components analysis were used to evaluate the metal sources

    Effect of undifferentiated versus hepatogenic partially differentiated mesenchymal stem cells on hepatic and cognitive functions in liver cirrhosis

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    Liver cirrhosis is the outcome of chronic liver injury. The current study aimed to investigate the therapeutic effect of undifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells versus in vitro partially differentiated mesenchymal stem cells on liver cirrhosis and hepatic encephalopathy. 50 adult male albino rats constituted the animal model and were divided into the following groups: control, thioacetamide, undifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells and hepatocyte growth factor-differentiated mesenchymal stem cells groups. Cognitive assessment was achieved by open field test and Y-maze task. We measured serum alanine aminotransferase, albumin and transforming growth factor-beta1, gene expression of α-smooth muscle actin, matrix metalloprotein-2, its tissue inhibitor and apoptotic markers: Bax and Bcl2, brain glial fibrillary acidic protein, synaptophysin, and dopaminergic receptors

    Techno-Economic Analysis of ZnO Nanoparticles Pretreatments for Biogas Production from Barley Straw

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of ZnO nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) on the biogas production from mechanically treated barley straw and to perform a techno-economic analysis based on the costs assessment and on the results of biogas production. The structural changes of mechanically pretreated barley straw were observed using FTIR, XRD, TGA, and SEM. Additionally, both green ZnO NPs prepared from red alga (Antithamnion plumula) extract and chemically prepared ZnO NPs were characterized by FTIR, XRD, SEM, and TEM, surface area, and EDX. The results revealed that the biogas production was slightly improved by 14.9 and 13.2% when the barley straw of 0.4 mm was mechanically pretreated with 10 mg/L of both green and chemical ZnO NPs and produced 390.5 mL biogas/g VS and 385 mL biogas/g VS, respectively. On the other hand, the higher concentrations of ZnO NPs equal to 20 mg/L had an inhibitory effect on biogas production and decreased the biogas yield to 173 mL biogas/g VS, which was less than the half of previous values. It was also clear that the mechanically treated barley straw of 0.4 mm size presented a higher biogas yield of about 340 mL/g VS, in comparison to 279 mL biogas/g VS of untreated biomass. The kinetic study showed that the first order, modified Gompertz and logistic function models had the best fit with the experimental data. The results showed that the nanoparticles (NPs) of the mechanically treated barely straw are a suitable source of biomass for biogas production, and its yields are higher than the untreated barley straw. The results of the cost-benefit analysis showed that the average levelized cost of energy (LCOE), adopting the best treatments (0.4 mm + 10 mg/L ZnO), is 0.21 €/kWh, which is not competitive with the other renewable energy systems in the Egyptian energy market

    Silica fume and crumb rubber as partial replacement of cement and fine aggregate concrete

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    This study investigated nine mixes containing 0 or 15% silica fume as the cement replacement and 0 or 10% treated and untreated crumb rubber as the fine aggregate replacement. The fresh and mechanical properties of these concrete mixes were correlated with non-destructive test results including rebound hammer and Ultrasonic Pulse velocity (UPV). One curing scheme was adopted here in this study which was normal curing. Microstructure characterization was carried out using X-ray diffraction Analysis (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The XRD showed that the crumb rubber must be washed in clean water after pretreatment with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to avoid ettringite formation in the concrete pores. The results showed that combining the silica fume and crumb rubber enhanced the compressive strength of the rubberized concrete. The rebound hammer numbers were closely correlated linearly with the compressive strength of the test mixes