96 research outputs found

    A disulfide bridge mediated by cysteine 574 is formed in the dimer of the 70-kDa heat shock protein.

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    The 70-kDa heat shock protein (Hsp70) is predominantly present intracellularly as a monomer, but a small population is converted to dimers and oligomers under certain conditions. In the present study, we investigated the dimeric structure of human inducible Hsp70. As reported earlier, the C-terminal client-binding domain (amino acids 382-641) was required for the dimerization. A 40-amino acid deletion in the client-binding domain from either the N-terminus or C-terminus greatly enhanced the dimerization potential of Hsp70. Limited proteolysis indicated that the dimer formed through truncation from the C-terminus had a conformation similar to that of the non-truncated form. Truncation experiments demonstrated that the client-binding sub-domain (amino acids 382-520) with its adjacent region up to amino acid 541 was not sufficient for the dimerization but that the region up to amino acid 561 was sufficient. Interestingly, the dimer formed through truncation from the C-terminus acquired a homomeric disulfide bridge at Cys574

    Application of precise neutron focusing mirrors for neutron reflectometry: latest results and future prospects

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    超精密中性子集束ミラーによる電極界面のナノ構造解析技術の実用化 --測定精度の劇的な向上に向けた大きなマイルストーン--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2020-10-28.Neutron reflectometry (NR) is a powerful tool for providing insight into the evolution of interfacial structures, for example via operando measurements for electrode–electrolyte interfaces, with a spatial resolution of nanometres. The time resolution of NR, which ranges from seconds to minutes depending on the reflection intensity, unfortunately remains low, particularly for small samples made of state-of-the-art materials even with the latest neutron reflectometers. To overcome this problem, a large-area focusing supermirror manufactured with ultra-precision machining has been employed to enhance the neutron flux at the sample, and a gain of approximately 100% in the neutron flux was achieved. Using this mirror, a reflectivity measurement was performed on a thin cathode film on an SrTiO3 substrate in contact with an electrolyte with a small area of 15 × 15 mm. The reflectivity data obtained with the focusing mirror were consistent with those without the mirror, but the acquisition time was shortened to half that of the original, which is an important milestone for rapid measurements with a limited reciprocal space. Furthermore, a method for further upgrades that will reveal the structural evolution with a wide reciprocal space is proposed, by applying this mirror for multi-incident-angle neutron reflectometry

    Strangulation Caused by a Small Bowel Epiploic Appendage: Report of a Case

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    While many recent cases of colonic epiploic appendage causing acute abdomen have been reported, such appendages of the small bowel are extremely rare. We present a 59-year-old woman in whom a small bowel epiploic appendage caused volvulus. She presented with abdominal pain and vomiting in the absence of previous abdominal operations. A diagnosis of small bowel obstruction from strangulation was made. Laparotomy disclosed bloody peritoneal fluid and a closed loop of strangulated small intestine. An adherent band composed of an epiploic appendage and intestine had completely encircled a loop of jejunum, leading to obstruction. This band was released, and approximately 80 cm of gangrenous bowel was resected. Four epiploic appendages 5–6 cm in length were attached to the ileum at the mesenteric border, beginning at a point 70 cm proximal to the terminal ileum

    Prevention of Disuse Muscle Atrophy by Dietary Ingestion of 8-Prenylnaringenin in Denervated Mice

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    Flavonoids have attracted considerable attention in relation to their effects upon health. 8-Prenylnaringenin (8-PN) is found in the common hop (Humulus lupulus) and assumed to be responsible for the health impact of beer consumption. We wanted to clarify the effects of prenylation on the physiological functions of dietary flavonoids by comparing the effects of 8-PN with that of intact naringenin in the prevention of disuse muscle atrophy using a model of denervation in mice. Consumption of 8-PN (but not naringenin) prevented loss of weight in the gastrocnemius muscle further supported by the lack of induction of the protein content of a key ubiquitin ligase involved in muscle atrophy, atrogin-1, and by the activation of Akt phosphorylation. 8-PN content in the gastrocnemius muscle was tenfold higher than that of naringenin. These results suggested that, compared with naringenin, 8-PN was effectively concentrated into skeletal muscle to exert its preventive effects upon disuse muscle atrophy. It is likely that prenylation generates novel functions for 8-PN by enhancing its accumulation into muscle tissue through dietary intake

    Bioavailability of prenyl quercetin

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    Prenyl flavonoids are widely distributed in plant foods and have attracted appreciable attention in relation to their potential benefits for human health. Prenylation may enhance the biological functions of flavonoids by introducing hydrophobic properties in their basic structures. Previously, we found that 8-prenyl naringenin exerted a greater preventive effect on muscle atrophy than nonprenylated naringenin in a mouse model. Here, we aimed to estimate the effect of prenylation on the bioavailability of dietary quercetin (Q). The cellular uptake of 8-prenyl quercetin (PQ) and Q in Caco-2 cells and C2C12 myotube cells was examined. Prenylation significantly enhanced the cellular uptake by increasing the lipophilicity in both cell types. In Caco-2 cells, efflux of PQ to the basolateral side was <15% of that of Q, suggesting that prenylation attenuates transport from the intestine to the circulation. After intragastric administration of PQ or Q to mice or rats, the area under the concentration-time curve for PQ in plasma and lymph was 52.5% and 37.5% lower than that of Q, respectively. PQ and its O-methylated form (MePQ) accumulated at much higher amounts than Q and O-methylated Q in the liver (Q: 3400%; MePQ: 7570%) and kidney (Q: 385%; MePQ: 736%) of mice after 18 d of feeding. These data suggest that prenylation enhances the accumulation of Q in tissues during long-term feeding, even though prenylation per se lowers its intestinal absorption from the diet

    A comprehensive study on the immunological reactivity of the Hsp90 molecular chaperone.

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    Periodontitis is a chronic infectious disease, Porphyromonas gingivalis being the most implicated pathogen. In the present study, we investigated the role of P. gingivalis HtpG (PgHtpG), a bacterial ortholog of mammalian Hsp90, in the growth of P. gingivalis and also assessed the immunological cross-reactivity of the members of the Hsp90 family. Antiserum against rat liver Hsp90 potently reacted with yeast Hsp90, called Hsc82, and also weakly with human Hsp90 (hHsp90) and human mitochondrial paralog Trap1, but did not react with PgHtpG, Escherichia coli HtpG, or human endoplasmic reticulum paralog Grp94. Moreover, among 19 monoclonal antibodies raised against hHsp90, nine cross-reacted with yeast Hsc82, and one with human Grp94, but none bound to PgHtpG or E. coli HtpG. Among them, three mAbs that strongly reacted with yeast Hsc82 recognized Asn(291)-Ile(304), a conserved region of the family protein. The polyclonal antibody raised against a peptide, Met(315)-Glu(328), of human Grp94, which corresponded to the conserved region of hHsp90, cross-reacted with hHsp90, but not with other Hsp90-family members. Thus, although mammalian Hsp90 shares some immunological reactivity with yeast Hsc82, human Grp94, and human Trap1, it is considerably distinct from its bacterial ortholog, HtpG. Disruption of the P. gingivalis htpG gene neither affected bacterial survival nor altered the sensitivity of P. gingivalis to various forms of stress