7 research outputs found

    Complex evaluation of contracts for construction

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    The effectiveness of construction processes largely depends on the effective contract preparation. To draw an effective contract for construction, the methods of assessment and comparison of these types of contract should be developed. In recent years, multicriteria methods have been widely used for evaluating various complex phenomena. The development of construction evaluation methods requires the analysis of construction technology and organization, as well as economic factors and legal aspects of contracting in construction. In the present investigation, the criteria describing contracts for construction from various perspectives are determined based on the estimates elicited from experts. The weights of nine criteria used in complex evaluation of construction contracts are determined based on the use of the AHP method. The consistency of expert estimates is also assessed. Using multicriteria evaluation methods, construction contracts are compared and the best alternative is determined. Santrauka Didele reikšme statybos proceso efektyvumui turi tinkamas statybos rangos sutarties sudarymas. Siekiant sudaryti efektyvias statybos rangos sutartis, reikia sukurti rangos sutarčiu ivertinimo ir palyginimo metodikas. Pastaruoju metu sudetingiems procesams vertinti plačiai taikomi daugiakriteriniai vertinimo metodai. Ju vertinimas priklauso nuo rodikliu, charakterizuojančiu procesa, ir ju reikšmingumo. Siekiant parengti statybos vertinimo metodikas, reikia išnagrineti ne tik techninius, organizacinius, ekonominius, bet ir teisinius statybos rangos sutarties aspektus. Taikant ekspertu vertinimus, buvo nustatyti rodikliai, charakterizuojantys statybos rangos sutarties turini. Kompleksiškai ivertinant statybos rangos sutartis AHP metodu nustatyti devyniu rodikliu svoriai, ivertintas ekspertu nuomoniu suderinamumas. Taikant daugia‐kriterinius metodus tarpusavyje palygintos statybos rangos sutartys ir nustatytas geriausias variantas. First Published Online: 24 Jun 2011 Reikšminiai žodžiai: statybos ranga, daugiakriterinis vertinimas, rodiklis, AHP metodas, ekspertu vertinimas, suderinamuma

    Nucleotide sequence of the human tRNAUUGGln gene

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    An overview of the System of Rice Intensification for Paddy Fields of Malaysia

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