1 research outputs found

    Teksturalne i fizikalno-kemijske karakteristike bijelih kozjih sireva u salamuri od smrznutog mlijeka i gruša. Primjena kvadratnog I - odstupanja

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    Objective of this study was to investigate the effect of short term frozen storage of milk and curd on textural properties and physico-chemical composition of white brined goat cheese. Raw milk and curds (at various stages of pressing) were frozen and kept for seven days at -27 °C. Following the freezing, all the experimental cheeses were manufactured by the standard procedure, the same that was used for the control cheese sample which did not undergo freezing at any stage of production. The Square I - distance was used in order to rank the cheeses according to their similarity to the control cheese in terms of texture attributes and physico-chemical characteristics. The results show that, in terms of all examined variables, the cheese made from frozen milk is the most similar to the control cheese.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je istpitivanje utjecaja kratkotrajnog skladištenja smrznutog mlijeka i gruša na teksturalne i fizikalno-kemijske karakteristike kozjeg bijelog sira u salamuri. Sirovo mlijeko i gruš (u različitim fazama prešanja) smrznuti su i skladišteni sedam dana na temperaturi od -27 °C. Po odmrzavanju, svi eksperimentalni sirevi proizvedeni su prema standardnoj proceduri, identičnoj kao i za kontrolni sir, koji nije bio podvrgnut smrzavanju ni u jednoj fazi proizvodnje. Kvadratno I – odstupanje primijenjeno je pri rangiranju eksperimentalnih sireva prema sličnosti s kontrolnim sirom u smislu teksture i fizikalno-kemijskih karakteristika. Rezultati pokazuju da je sir od smrznutog mlijeka najsličniji kontrolnom siru prema svim ispitivanim parametrima teksture i fizikalno-kemijskih karakteristika