139 research outputs found

    Impaired Fibrinolysis Is Linked With Digital Vasculopathy and Onset of New Digital Ulcers in Systemic Sclerosis (vol 49, pg 598, 2022)

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    J Rheumatol 2022; doi: 10.3899/jrheum.210931 In the Methods section, under the subheading ā€œFollow-up and study outcome,ā€ the last sentence should be as follows: ā€œAll new DUs were recorded by contacting all 39 patients once every 1ā€“3 months during follow-up.ā€ The error does not affect the results or conclusions of the study. This correction only applies to the April 1 First Release. The correct text appears in the print and online issues

    Impact of alterations in X-linked IRAK1gene and miR-146a on susceptibility and clinical manifestations in patients with systemic sclerosis

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    Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a heterogeneous multisystem autoimmune disease with unknown etiology. Numerous studies have indicated that the disease heterogeneity implies various genetic abnormalities. Considering that SSc is characterized by a strong sex bias and that the position of IRAK1 gene is on the X chromosome, we assume that variations in IRAK1 gene could explain female predominance of SSc. It was previously described that miR-146a has a role in 'fine-tuning' regulation of the TLR/NF-kB signaling pathway through down-regulation of IRAK1 gene. The aim of the present study was to analyze both variants and expression level of IRAK1 and miR-146a genes in terms of susceptibility to SSc and clinical presentation of SSc patients. We analyzed variants IRAK1 rs3027898 C gt A and miR-146a rs2910164 C gt G in 102 SSc patients and 66 healthy subjects. Genotyping was performed by Sanger sequencing. Expression level of IRAK1 mRNA and miR-146a in PBMCs was performed in subset of 50 patients and 13 healthy controls by RT-qPCR. Our results showed that there was no association between IRAK1 rs3027898 and the risk of SSc in women. However, the analysis of genotype distribution of the mir-146a rs2910164 C gt G variant indicated that CC genotype shows strong association with lung fibrosis and active form of the disease. When expression level of IRAK1 gene was analyzed, we detected significant downregulation of IRAK1 mRNA in SSc patients compared to controls, as well as in male compared to female patients, in patients with ACAS autoantibodies and in patients with severe skin involvement. Regarding the expression level of miR-146a, we have found significantly reduced expression in SSc patients, in patients with skin involvement and in male SSc patients. The results from this study indicate that expression of IRAK1 gene could explain phenotypic heterogeneity of SSc and may be involved in the pathogenesis of SSc due to its differential expression in certain subgroups. Our results also suggested that miR-146a rs2910164 CC genotype may be predisposing factor for development lung fibrosis and more progressive form of SSc. Results from relative expression analysis of miR-146a demonstrated that changes in the level of this miRNA may have an impact on development and clinical course of SSc.This is the peer reviewed version of the paper: Vreca, M., Andjelkovic, M., Tosic, N., Zekovic, A., Damjanov, N., Pavlovic, S., & Spasovski, V. (2018). Impact of alterations in X-linked IRAK1gene and miR-146a on susceptibility and clinical manifestations in patients with systemic sclerosis. Immunology Letters, 204, 1ā€“8. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.imlet.2018.10.002


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    Cerebrovascular insult (CVI) is one of leading causes of mortality and morbidity worldwide, with significant influence of lifestyle on its development.The aim of this study was to investigate the different risk factors and their impact on hyperlipidaemia in two ethnic groups of patients who were hospitalized after CVI during two years.The total of 230 patients, 35-65 years old, with the ischemic CVI who had been hospitalized and treated at the Clinical Center PriÅ”tina were included in our study. The patients were divided into two groups: group A (n=130)- Muslim patients, and group S (n=100) ā€“ Orthodox patients. Their antropometric and serum lipid parameters were measured and nutritional habits were assessed by food frequency questionnaire (FFQ).The patients from both groups were classified as adipose, with BMI in males around 33, and in females 28-30. Percentage of body fat was also high in both groups, especially in women (p<0.001), without significant difference between groups A and S. Physical activity was very low in both studied groups. In the group A, 86.92% patients with CVI were physically inactive, while in the group S the percentage amounted to 92% (p<0.001). The number of smokers was rather high in both groups, particularly in group S (89%) and more than a half (53%) of examinees had been smoking for more than 10 years. Almost all smokers consumed more than 20 cigarettes per day (83%). In group A, there were 35% of non-smokers (p<0.001).The average diastolic blood pressure value in the groups A and S (Table 6,7) was 97.97Ā±4.75 mmHg and 100.82Ā±6.71 mmHg, respectively, while systolic pressure was 174.27Ā±3.18 mmHg in group A and 183.73Ā±11.39 mmHg in group S. In spite of different lifestyles in both groups, the studied risk factors were proved to have significant influence on the onset of hyperlipidemia. The S group patients whose diet was predominantly based on animal fats had significantly higher risk in comparison to the group whose diet was based on vegetable fats. Smoking habits and physical inactivity were widely present in both groups. Our results suggest the need for target nutrition messages and behavioral interventions in developing prevention strategies for reduction of cerebrovascular risk factors

    Association of C35T polymorphism in dihydrofolate reductase gene with toxicity of methotrexate in rheumatoid arthritis patients

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    Background: Methotrexate (MTX), a folate analogue, is the most commonly used disease-modifying drug in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, high interindividual differences in drug response are present among RA patients.Research design and methods: In a group of 234 RA patients treated with MTX, we investigated whether rs1650697 polymorphism in DHFR gene may have an impact on MTX efficacy and/or adverse drug effects (ADEs). Relative DAS28 values (rDAS28) were used for the estimation of MTX therapy and all ADEs were recorded. Patients were genotyped for selected polymorphism by real-time PCR method. Results: According to the European League Against Rheumatism criteria after 6 months of MTX therapy, 196 patients (83.8%) were classified as responders (25 (10.7%) were good and 171 (73.1%) were moderate) and 38 patients (16.2%) as nonresponders. ADEs were observed in 55 patients (23.5%). Conclusions: Our results showed that the presence of T allele might be protective against MTX hepatotoxicity measured by transaminase levels (p = 0.05). Furthermore, among patients who also received low-dose corticosteroids, we have found a lower rDAS value in patients with CC genotype (p = 0.039).This is the peer-reviewed version of the article: Vejnović, D.; Milić, V.; Popović, B.; Damnjanović, T.; Maksimović, N.; Bunjevački, V.; Krajinović, M.; Novaković, I.; Damjanov, N.; Jekić, B. Association of C35T Polymorphism in Dihydrofolate Reductase Gene with Toxicity of Methotrexate in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients. Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology 2019, 15 (3), 253ā€“257. [https://doi.org/10.1080/17425255.2019.1563594

    Influence of promoter polymorphisms of the TNF-Ī± (-308G/A) and IL-6 (-174G/C) genes on therapeutic response to etanercept in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Uvod: Genetički faktori su značajni za predviđanje ishoda lečenja bolesnika sa reumatoidnim artritisom (RA). Cilj studije bio je da se ispita uticaj-308G/A TNF-Ī± (rs 1800629) i -174G/C IL-6 (rs1800795) promotorskih polimorfizama na terapijski odgovor na etanercept. Metode: U studiju su bila uključena 73 pacijenta sa aktivnim RA. Terapijski odgovor je procenjivan posle 6 i 12 meseci terapije po kriterijumima Evropske lige protiv reumatizma. Genotipizacija pacijenata za polimorfizme -308G/A TNF-Ī± i -174G/C IL-6 urađena je PCR-RFLP metodom i procenjivan je uticaj genotipova na odgovor na etanercept. Rezultati: Nije bilo razlike u procentu respondera (pacijenti kod kojih se DAS28 popravio gt 1,2) između pacijenata sa TNF-Ī± -308GG, GA i AA genotipom ni posle 6 ni posle 12 meseci tretmana. Posle 12 meseci lečenja procenat respondera je bio značajno veći kod pacijenata sa IL-6 -174GG u odnosu na pacijente sa GC ili CC genotipom (p= 0,006, x2 test). Poređenje pacijenata prema kombinovanim IL-6/TNF-Ī± genotipovima pokazalo je da je IL-6 -174GG / TNF-Ī± -308GG genotip učestaliji kod respondera u odnosu na druge kombinovane genotipove (p= 0.022, x2 test). Tačnije, svi pacijenti sa kombinovanim IL-6 -174GG / TNF-Ī± -308GG genotipom bili su responderi posle 12 meseci terapije etanerceptom. Zaključak: Studija pokazuje da bolesnici sa genotipovima koji se povezuju sa manjom produkcijom TNF-Ī± i IL-6 najbolje odgovaraju na terapiju etanerceptom.Background: The study was undertaken to assess the influence of functional -308G /A TNF-Ī± (rs 1800629) and -174G/C IL-6 (rs1800795) promoter polymorphisms on the therapeutic response to etanercept, a TNF-Ī± blocker, in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methods: Seventy-three patients suffering from active RA were studied, at baseline and 6 and 12 months after therapy. The therapeutic response was estimated according to the European League Against Rheumatism response criteria. Patients were genotyped for -308G /A TNF-Ī± and -174G/C IL-6 polymorphisms by the PCR-RFLP method, and the influence of genotype on etanercept response was assessed. Results: No difference in the percentage of responders (patients who had DAS28 improvement gt 1.2) between patients with the TNF-Ī± -308GG and GA and AA genotype was detected after 6 and 12 months of treatment. After 12 months of treatment the percentage of responders was significantly increased in patients with the IL-6 -174GG genotype compared with those with the GC or CC genotype (p=0.006 by Chi-square test). Evaluation of the patients according to their combined IL-6/TNF-Ī± genotypes showed that patients with the IL-6 -174GG / TNF-Ī± -308GG genotype were more frequent among the responders compared to those with other combined genotypes (p=0.022 by Chisquare test). More precisely, all patients with the combined IL-6 -174GG / TNF-Ī± -308GG genotype were responders after 12 months of etanercept treatment. Conclusions: The study suggests that patients who are genetically low TNF-Ī± and IL-6 producers are the best responders to etanercept therapy

    Can Pharmacogenetic Variants in TPMT, MTHFR and SLCO1B1 Genes Be Used as Potential Markers of Outcome Prediction in Systemic Sclerosis Patients?

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    Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a rare connective tissue disorder with highest morbidity and mortality among rheumatologic diseases. Disease progression is highly heterogeneous between patients, implying a strong need for individualization of therapy. Four pharmacogenetic variants, namely TPMT rs1800460, TPMT rs1142345, MTHFR rs1801133 and SLCO1B1 rs4149056 were tested for association with severe disease outcomes in 102 patients with SSc from Serbia treated either with immunosuppressants azathioprine (AZA) and methotrexate (MTX) or with other types of medications. Genotyping was performed using PCR-RFLP and direct Sanger sequencing. R software was used for statistical analysis and development of polygenic risk score (PRS) model. Association was found between MTHFR rs1801133 and higher risk for elevated systolic pressure in all patients except those prescribed with MTX, and higher risk for kidney insufficiency in patients prescribed with other types of drugs. In patients treated with MTX, variant SLCO1B1 rs4149056 was protective against kidney insufficiency. For patients receiving MTX a trend was shown for having a higher PRS rank and elevated systolic pressure. Our results open a door wide for more extensive research on pharmacogenomics markers in patients with SSc. Altogether, pharmacogenomics markers could predict the outcome of patients with SSc and help in prevention of adverse drug reactions

    Can pharmacogenetic variants in TPMT, MTHFR and SLCO1B1 genes be used as potential markers of outcome prediction in systemic sclerosis patients?

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    Introduction: Systemic sclerosis(SSc) is a rare autoimmune disorder that affects connective tissues and hasthe highest morbidity and mortality among rheumatologic diseases. Clinical presentations as well as disease progression are highly heterogeneous between patients, implying a strong need for individualization of therapy. Methods: Four pharmacogenetic variants, namely TPMT rs1800460, TPMT rs1142345, MTHFR rs1801133 and SLCO1B1 rs4149056 were tested for association with severe disease outcomes in 102 patients with SSc from Serbia treated either with immunosuppressants azathioprine (AZA) and methotrexate (MTX) or with other types of medications. Genotyping was performed using PCR-RFLP and direct Sanger sequencing. R software was used for statistical analysis and development of polygenic risk score (PRS) model. Results: Association wasfound between MTHFR rs1801133 and higher risk for elevated systolic pressure in all patients except those prescribed with MTX, and higher risk for kidney insufficiency in patients prescribed with other types of drugs. In patients treated with MTX, variant SLCO1B1 rs4149056 was protective against kidney insufficiency. For patients receiving MTX a trend was shown for having a higher PRS rank and elevated systolic pressure. Conclusion: Our results open a door wide for more extensive research on pharmacogenomics markers in patients with SSc. Altogether, pharmacogenomics markers could predict the outcome of patients with SSc and help in prevention of adverse drug reaction
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