1,505 research outputs found

    Agriculture and climate change: An agenda for negotiation in Copenhagen

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    Table of Contents: •Overview by Gerald C. Nelson •Agricultural Science and Technology Needs for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation by Rudy Rabbinge •Reducing Methane Emissions from Irrigated Rice by Reiner Wassmann, Yasukazu Hosen, and Kay Sumfleth •Direct and Indirect Mitigation Through Tree and Soil Management by Brent M. Swallow and Meine van Noordwijk •The Potential for Soil Carbon Sequestration by Rattan Lal •Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Livestock Systems by M. Herrero and P. K. Thornton •The Role of Nutrient Management in Mitigation by Helen C. Flynn •Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification Methodologies for Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use by Sean Smukler and Cheryl Palm •Synergies Among Mitigation, Adaptation, and Sustainable Development by Pete Smith •The Importance of Property Rights in Climate Change Mitigation by Helen Markelova and Ruth Meinzen-Dick •The Important Role of Extension Systems by Kristin E. Davis •Adaptation to Climate Change: Household Impacts and Institutional Responses by Futoshi Yamauchi and Agnes Quisumbing •The Constructive Role of International Trade by Franz FischlerClimate change, Copenhagen, Science and technology, rice, Soil fertility management, Greenhouse gas, Nutrients, Forestry resources, Land use, Sustainable development, International trade, extension activities, Household behavior, Institutional Impacts,

    Do roads cause deforestation? Using satellite images in econometric analysis of land use

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    In this paper we demonstrate how satellite images and other geographic data can be used to predict land use. A cross-section model of land use is estimated with data for a region in central Mexico. Parameters from the model are used to examine the effects of reduced human activity. If variables that proxy human influence are changed to reflect reduced impact, "forest" area increases and "irrigated crop" area is reduced.geographic data, land use, remotely sensed data, spatial econometrics.

    The Impact of Government Policies on Philippine Sugar

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    This paper examines the impact of trade policies, such as export taxes, marketing controls, low interest rate on production and equipment loans and special minimum wages, on sugar production and trade. It also investigates the effect of government polices on domestic prices and therefore the distribution of income from sugar production and processing.economic reform, sugar products


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    A common test for spatial dependence in regression analysis with continuous dependent variables is the Moran's I. For limited dependent variable models, the standard definition of a residual breaks down because yi is qualitative. Efforts to correct for potential spatial effects in limited dependent variable models have relied on ad-hoc methods such as including a spatial lag variable or using a regular sample that omits neighboring observations. Kelejian and Prucha have recently developed a version of Moran's I for limited dependent variable models. We present the statistic in a more accessible way and use it to test the value of previously-used ad-hoc techniques with a specific data set. Keywords: Morans I, Spatial Autocorrelation, Limited Dependent Variable Models, Land-Use Change, Geographical Information Systems (GIS),Moran's I, Spatial Autocorrelation, Limited Dependent Variable Models, Land-Use Change, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,


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    South Korea uses a quota and a tariff on beef imports to keep farm prices high. Part of the quota rents are used to support indirect benefits to producers. The welfare costs of these policies are analyzed. Following a suggestion of Hayami, a deficiency payment financed by tariff revenues from increased imports is considered as an alternative to the quota. As Anderson (1983) found for Japan, a deficiency payment is Pareto-superior only if indirect benefits from the quota revenue are ignored.International Relations/Trade,

    Assessing the Robustness of Predictions in Spatially Explicit Models of Land Use

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    We propose an information-theoretic approach to assess the performance of a discrete choice model used to analyze land use and land use change. We show that our disaggregated measure can be used to compare robustness of predictions across land use categories and across models. Furthermore, a proper reformulation of the problem shows that a disaggregated (observation by observation) log-likelihood lends itself to an information theoretic interpretation, which allows comparisons performance across models.Land Economics/Use,
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