75,498 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Sampling Strategies on Load Estimation For Illinois River at Highway 59

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    This study investigated the precision and accuracy of the two load calculation techniques. The study compared total phosphorus loads calculated by integration of Arkansas Water Resources Center (AWRC) intensive sampling data to loads calculated by a regression technique (rating curve) using fewer data. The 1998 AWRC dataset from the Illinois River at Arkansas Highway 59 was sub-sampled in a manner to simulate fixed period monitoring schemes supplemented with storm sampling. The ESTIMATOR software program was used to calculate loads. These loads were compared to the integrated load. The error of the integrated load when the variation in concentration between samples is not linear and the sensitivity of the integrated load to sampling interval were also investigated. The results show that the central tendency of the ESTIMATOR loads is accurate when storm data are included, but that the 95% confidence interval represents up to +/- 30-40% difference from the integrated load for individual estimates. More frequent sampling and more samples lead to more accurate loads. The results indicate that the central tendency of load estimates would be accurate for a method that uses a regression model with 32 or more samples including storm samples

    Illinois River 2000 Pollutant Loads at Arkansas 59 Bridge

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    Automatic water samplers and a U. S. Geological Survey gauging station were established in 1995 on the main stem of the Illinois River at the Arkansas Highway 59 Bridge. Since that time, continuous stage and discharge measurements and water quality sampling have been used to determine pollutant concentrations and loads in the Arkansas portion of the Illinois River. This report represents the results from the measurement and sampling for January 1, 2000 to December 31, 200

    Illinois River 1998 Nutrient and Suspended Sediment Loads at Arkansas Highway 59 Bridge

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    Automatic water samplers and a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) gauging station were established in 1995 on the main stem of the Illinois River at the Arkansas Highway 59 Bridge. Since that time, continuous stage and discharge measurements and water quality sampling have been used to determine pollutant concentrations and loads in the Arkansas portion of the Illinois River. This report represents the results from the measurement and sampling for January 1, 1998 to December 31, 1998

    Oxygen isotopic paleotemperatures across the Runangan-Whaingaroan (Eocene-Oligocene) boundary in a New Zealand shelf sequence

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    Oxygen isotopic compositions of the tests of mainly benthic foraminifera, from sections of conformable Late Eocene (Runangan) to Early Oligocene (Whaingaroan) shelf mudstones, at both Cape Foulwind and Port Elizabeth, western South Island, indicate that shelf sea paleotemperatures followed the global open-ocean trend towards a Paleogene minimum near the Eocene-Oligocene boundary. Throughout the latest Eocene, temperatures declined steadily by 3°C, showed a temporary minor warming at the Eocenc-Oligocene boundary, dropped sharply by 2°C in the Early Oligocene, and ameliorated significantly later in the Early Oligocene. The qualitative temperature trends for New Zealand shelf waters at this time are similar to those inferred from earlier paleontologic syntheses and limited oxygen isotopic work, but involve a range of temperatures within the warm and cool temperate climatic zones and an absolute temperature depression across the Eocene-Oligocene boundary of only 5°C from about 17 to 12°C. Results are consistent with isotopic paleotemperatures determined from deep-sea sediment cores south of New Zealand where the cooling is inferred to mark the onset of production of Antarctic bottom waters at near-freezing temperatures

    Illinois River 2001 Pollutant Loads At Arkansas Highway 59 Bridge

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    Automatic water samplers and a U. S. Geological Survey gauging station were established in 1995 on the main stem of the Illinois River at the Arkansas Highway 59 Bridge. Since that time, continuous stage and discharge measurements and water quality sampling have been used to determine pollutant concentrations and loads in the Arkansas portion of the Illinois River. This report represents the results from the measurement and sampling for January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2001

    Quantum geometry from 2+1 AdS quantum gravity on the torus

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    Wilson observables for 2+1 quantum gravity with negative cosmological constant, when the spatial manifold is a torus, exhibit several novel features: signed area phases relate the observables assigned to homotopic loops, and their commutators describe loop intersections, with properties that are not yet fully understood. We describe progress in our study of this bracket, which can be interpreted as a q-deformed Goldman bracket, and provide a geometrical interpretation in terms of a quantum version of Pick's formula for the area of a polygon with integer vertices.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, revised with more explanations, improved figures and extra figures. To appear GER

    Stratigraphy and reserves of pumiceous sand deposits in Perry's 'Asparagus Block' at Horotiu

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    The stratigraphic relationships between the deposits of the Hinuera Formation and the Taupo Pumice Alluvium are described over a 16 ha plot of land known as the 'Asparagus Block' at Horotiu. The Hinuera Formation is exposed at the surface at the southern end of this block, and is overlain by a wedge of Taupo Pumice Alluvium which increases in thickness from 0 to 8 m northwards across the block. Lithofacies in the Hinuera Formation are dominated by trough cross-bedded gravelly sands (lithofacies AI), with common cross-laminated sands (lithofacies B) and massive to horizontally laminated silts (lithofacies D). The pumice content of these deposits is mainly 70%. Lithofacies in the Taupo Pumice Alluvium are dominated by horizontally to inclined (tabular cross-) bedded slightly gravelly sands and sands (lithofacies G 1/2), with common occurrences of horizontally bedded to massive sandy silts (lithofacies D). The pumice content of these Taupo deposits is high, typically >80%. Cross-sections are presented showing an interpreted subsurface distribution of these lithofacies from south to north through the 'Asparagus Block'. The estimated reserve of extractable pumice sand from the block is of the order of about 400,000 to 450,000 m³

    Assessing the Rental Value of Residential Properties: An Abductive Learning Networks Approach

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    This paper attempts to estimate rental value of residential properties using Abductive Learning Networks (ALN), and artificial intelligence technique. The results indicate that the ALN model provides an accurate estimation of rents with only seven input variables, while other multivariate statistical techniques do not. The ALN model automatically selects the best network structure, node types and coefficients, and therefore it simplifies the maintenance of the model. Once the final model is synthesized, the ALN model becomes very compact, rapidly executable and cost-effective.

    Method for deducing anisotropic spin-exchange rates

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    Using measured spin-transfer rates from alkali atoms to He-3, combined with spin-relaxation rates of the alkali atoms due to He-3 and He-4, it should be possible to differentiate between isotropic and anisotropic spin-exchange. This would give a fundamental limit on the He-3 polarization attainable in spin-exchange optical pumping. For K-He, we find the limit to be 0.90+-0.11

    The Quantum Modular Group in (2+1)-Dimensional Gravity

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    The role of the modular group in the holonomy representation of (2+1)-dimensional quantum gravity is studied. This representation can be viewed as a "Heisenberg picture", and for simple topologies, the transformation to the ADM "Schr{\"o}dinger picture" may be found. For spacetimes with the spatial topology of a torus, this transformation and an explicit operator representation of the mapping class group are constructed. It is shown that the quantum modular group splits the holonomy representation Hilbert space into physically equivalent orthogonal ``fundamental regions'' that are interchanged by modular transformations.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX, no figures; minor changes and clarifications in response to referee (basic argument and conclusions unaffected