552 research outputs found

    Functional brain networks involved in gaze and emotional processing

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    Eye-gaze direction plays a fundamental role in the perception of facial features and particularly the processing of emotional facial expressions. Yet, the neural underpinnings of the integration of eye gaze and emotional facial cues are not well understood. The primary aim of this study was to delineate the functional networks that subserve the recognition of emotional expressions as a function of eye gaze. Participants were asked to identify happy, angry, or neutral faces, displayed with direct or averted gaze, while their neural responses were measured with fMRI. The results showed that recognition of happy expressions, irrespective of eye-gaze direction, engaged the critical nodes of the default mode network. Recognition of angry faces, on the other hand, was gaze-dependent, engaging the critical nodes of the salience network when presented with direct gaze, but fronto-parietal areas when presented with averted gaze. Functional connectivity analysis further showed gaze-dependent engagement of a large-scale network connected to bilateral amygdala during the recognition of angry expressions. This study provides important insights into the functional connectivity between the amygdala and other critical social-cognitive brain nodes, which are essential in processing of ambiguous, potentially threatening social signals. These findings have implications for psychiatric disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, which are characterized by aberrant limbic connectivity

    Suppressed supersymmetry breaking terms in the Higgs sector

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    We study the little hierarchy between mass parameters in the Higgs sector and other SUSY breaking masses. This type of spectrum can relieve the fine-tuning problem in the MSSM Higgs sector. Our scenario can be realized by superconformal dynamics. The spectrum in our scenario has significant implications in other phenomenological aspects like the relic abundance of the lightest neutralino and relaxation of the unbounded-from-below constraints.Comment: 14 pages, late

    Z decays into light gluinos: a calculation based on unitarity

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    The Z boson can decay to a pair of light gluinos through loop-mediated processes. Based on unitarity of the S-matrix, the imaginary part of the decay amplitude is computed in the presence of a light bottom squark. This imaginary part can provide useful information on the full amplitude. Implications are discussed for a recently proposed light gluino and light bottom squark scenario.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Cold event in the South Atlantic Bight during summer of 2003: Model simulations and implications

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    A set of model simulations are used to determine the principal forcing mechanisms that resulted in anomalously cold water in the South Atlantic Bight (SAB) in the summer of 2003. Updated mass field and elevation boundary conditions from basin-scale Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) simulations are compared to climatological forcing to provide offshore and upstream influences in a one-way nesting sense. Model skill is evaluated by comparing model results with observations of velocity, water level, and surface and bottom temperature. Inclusion of realistic atmospheric forcing, river discharge, and improved model dynamics produced good skill on the inner shelf and midshelf. The intrusion of cold water onto the shelf occurred predominantly along the shelf-break associated with onshore flow in the southern part of the domain north of Cape Canaveral (29° to 31.5°). The atmospheric forcing (anomalously strong and persistent upwelling-favorable winds) was the principal mechanism driving the cold event. Elevated river discharge increased the level of stratification across the inner shelf and midshelf and contributed to additional input of cold water into the shelf. The resulting pool of anomalously cold water constituted more than 50% of the water on the shelf in late July and early August. The excess nutrient flux onto the shelf associated with the upwelling was approximated using published nitrate-temperature proxies, suggesting increased primary production during the summer over most of the SAB shelf

    Gluino Pair Production at Linear e^+e^- Colliders

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    We study the potential of high-energy linear e+e−e^+e^- colliders for the production of gluino pairs within the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). In this model, the process e+e−→g~g~e^+e^-\to\tilde{g}\tilde{g} is mediated by quark/squark loops, dominantly of the third generation, where the mixing of left- and right-handed states can become large. Taking into account realistic beam polarization effects, photon and Z0Z^0-boson exchange, and current mass exclusion limits, we scan the MSSM parameter space for various e+e−e^+e^- center-of-mass energies to determine the regions, where gluino production should be visible.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    Constraints on Baryon-Nonconserving Yukawa Couplings in a Supersymmetric Theory

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    The 1-loop evolution of couplings in the minimal supersymmetric standard model, extended to include baryon nonconserving (B ⁣ ⁣ ⁣/)(B\!\!\!/) operators through explicit RR-parity violation, is considered keeping only B ⁣ ⁣ ⁣/B\!\!\!/ superpotential terms involving the maximum possible number of third generation superfields. If all retained Yukawa couplings YiY_i are required to remain in the perturbative domain (Yi<1)(Y_i < 1) upto the scale of gauge group unification, upper bounds ensue on the magnitudes of the B ⁣ ⁣ ⁣/B\!\!\!/ coupling strengths at the supersymmetry breaking scale, independent of the model of unification. They turn out to be similar to the corresponding fixed point values reached from a wide range of YiY_i (including all YiY_i greater than unity) at the unification scale. The coupled evolution of the top and B ⁣ ⁣ ⁣/B\!\!\!/ Yukawa couplings results in a reduction of the fixed point value of the former.Comment: PRL-TH-94/8 and TIFR/TH/94-7, 15 pages, LaTe

    A Detailed Study of the Gluino Decay into the Third Generation Squarks at the CERN LHC

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    In supersymmetric models a gluino can decay into tb\tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_1 through a stop or a sbottom. The decay chain produces an edge structure in the m_{tb} distribution. Monte Carlo simulation studies show that the end point and the edge height would be measured at the CERN LHC by using a sideband subtraction technique. The stop and sbottom masses as well as their decay branching ratios are constrained by the measurement. We study interpretations of the measurement in the minimal supergravity model. We also study the gluino decay into tb and \tilde{\chi}^{\pm}_2 as well as the influence of the stop left-right mixing on the m_{bb} distribution of the tagged tbtb events.Comment: revtex, 20 pages in PRD format, 35 eps file

    Bessel Process and Conformal Quantum Mechanics

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    Different aspects of the connection between the Bessel process and the conformal quantum mechanics (CQM) are discussed. The meaning of the possible generalizations of both models is investigated with respect to the other model, including self adjoint extension of the CQM. Some other generalizations such as the Bessel process in the wide sense and radial Ornstein- Uhlenbeck process are discussed with respect to the underlying conformal group structure.Comment: 28 Page

    Supersymmetric effects in top quark decay into polarized W-boson

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    We investigate the one-loop supersymmetric QCD (SUSY-QCD) and electroweak (SUSY-EW) corrections to the top quark decay into a b-quark and a longitudinal or transverse W-boson. The corrections are presented in terms of the longitudinal ratio \Gamma(t-->W_L b)/\Gamma(t--> W b) and the transverse ratio \Gamma(t-->W_- b)/\Gamma(t--> W b). In most of the parameter space, both SUSY-QCD and SUSY-EW corrections to these ratios are found to be less than 1% in magnitude and they tend to have opposite signs. The corrections to the total width \Gamma(t-->W b) are also presented for comparison with the existing results in the literature. We find that our SUSY-EW corrections to the total width differ significantly from previous studies: the previous studies give a large correction of more than 10% in magnitude for a large part of the parameter space while our results reach only few percent at most.Comment: Version in PRD (explanation and refs added

    Crossover from two- to three-dimensional critical behavior for nearly antiferromagnetic itinerant electrons

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    The crossover from two- to three-dimensional critical behavior of nearly antiferromagnetic itinerant electrons is studied in a regime where the inter-plane single-particle motion of electrons is quantum-mechanically incoherent because of thermal fluctuations. This is a relevant regime for very anisotropic materials like the cuprates. The problem is studied within the Two-Particle Self-Consistent approach (TPSC), that has been previously shown to give a quantitative description of Monte Carlo data for the Hubbard model. It is shown that TPSC belongs to the n→∞n\rightarrow \infty limit of the O(n)O\left( n\right) universality class. However, contrary to the usual approaches, cutoffs appear naturally in the microscopic TPSC theory so that parameter-free calculations can be done for Hubbard models with arbitrary band structure. A general discussion of universality in the renormalized-classical crossover from d=2d=2 to d=3d=3 is also given.Comment: Revtex, 23 pages + 6 postcript figures (with epsfile
