554 research outputs found


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    This paper documents that it is possible to measure electromagnetic fields created by physical movements of the human body-termed electrostatic body-motion effects-using readily available EEG amplifiers, and that it possible to measure the human body's capability to serve as an antenna and/or receiver for these electrostatic movements-termed the human antenna-receiver effect. Following the observation by Green et al (1991)1 that small body-motions could be detected by electrometers attached to copper walls, three experiments were conducted measuring the effects of hand-motions and foot-motions using DC amplifiers (the Synamps System by Neuroscan). Clear hand-motion and foot-motion effects could be recorded using a standard electrode box as an antenna. The electrostatic motion effect was attenuated as a function of distance of the motions from the electrode box, and by placing a wire mesh shield over the electrode box. The human body was discovered to funcrion as a strong antenna and/or receiver for electrostatic body-motions. The findings indicate that electrostatic body-motions and the human antenna-receiver effect are easily measurable, and may serve as a new method for investigating interpersonal dynamic energy system interactions in psychology, medicine and healing

    Influence of fluid-mechanical coupling in gas generation in undersaturated petroleum reservoirs

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    Among the several mechanisms of producing an oil reservoir, the gas expansion mechanism is an important primary recovery process. During the depletion of the reservoir, the pore pressure may reach values below the bubble pressure of the oil, allowing the gas release. From the geomechanical point of view, the change in pore volume, due to production, changes the dynamics of gas generation, since it is dependent upon the change in pore pressure. Studies considering the fluid-mechanical coupling show the relationship between variations of fluid pressure and porous structure of the reservoir. This work aims to study the influence of the fluid-mechanical partial coupling (one and two-way) in the process of gas release during recovery of hydrocarbon. It was used the partial coupling methodology developed by ATHENA/GTEP – PUC-Rio. The model called “A” has only one producing well, while the model called “B” has four injection wells, besides the producer. Initially, the oil present in the reservoir is in undersaturated condition. In model “A” was observed that the pressure drop of fluid is more accentuated, until it reaches the bubble pressure, when considering the two-way coupling. Consequently, the gas release initiation occurs earlier than one-way coupling scheme. After starting gas generation, the rates of pressure change in both partial coupling scenarios tend to equalize. In terms of compaction and subsidence, it was observed most significant displacements values in two-way coupling, highlighting the rigorous consideration of the geomechanical effects in the applied methodology. In model “B”, it was observed that the consideration of the two-way coupling resulted in a recovery scenario without generation of gas, unlike the results shown by the one-way coupling in which gas was generated during 40% of total simulation time. In geomechanical terms it was observed, as presented previously, that the values of vertical displacement were greater in the two-way coupling. The methodology used in this paper proved to be capable of simulating coupled process in a blackoil reservoir, as could be observed by the results. Furthermore, the use of one-way partial coupling scheme, which is widely used in the oil industry, showed results quite different in terms of gas liberation, when are compared with the two-way partial coupling scheme, which was developed in a more rigorous way

    Properties of the Bose glass phase in irradiated superconductors near the matching field

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    Structural and transport properties of interacting localized flux lines in the Bose glass phase of irradiated superconductors are studied by means of Monte Carlo simulations near the matching field B_Phi, where the densities of vortices and columnar defects are equal. For a completely random columnar pin distribution in the xy-plane transverse to the magnetic field, our results show that the repulsive vortex interactions destroy the Mott insulator phase which was predicted to occur at B = B_Phi. On the other hand, for ratios of the penetration depth to average defect distance lambda/d <= 1, characteristic remnants of the Mott insulator singularities remain visible in experimentally accessible quantities as the magnetization, the bulk modulus, and the magnetization relaxation, when B is varied near B_Phi. For spatially more regular disorder, e.g., a nearly triangular defect distribution, we find that the Mott insulator phase can survive up to considerably large interaction range \lambda/d, and may thus be observable in experiments.Comment: RevTex, 17 pages, eps files for 12 figures include

    Interactions, Distribution of Pinning Energies, and Transport in the Bose Glass Phase of Vortices in Superconductors

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    We study the ground state and low energy excitations of vortices pinned to columnar defects in superconductors, taking into account the long--range interaction between the fluxons. We consider the ``underfilled'' situation in the Bose glass phase, where each flux line is attached to one of the defects, while some pins remain unoccupied. By exploiting an analogy with disordered semiconductors, we calculate the spatial configurations in the ground state, as well as the distribution of pinning energies, using a zero--temperature Monte Carlo algorithm minimizing the total energy with respect to all possible one--vortex transfers. Intervortex repulsion leads to strong correlations whenever the London penetration depth exceeds the fluxon spacing. A pronounced peak appears in the static structure factor S(q)S(q) for low filling fractions f≤0.3f \leq 0.3. Interactions lead to a broad Coulomb gap in the distribution of pinning energies g(ϵ)g(\epsilon) near the chemical potential ÎĽ\mu, separating the occupied and empty pins. The vanishing of g(ϵ)g(\epsilon) at ÎĽ\mu leads to a considerable reduction of variable--range hopping vortex transport by correlated flux line pinning.Comment: 16 pages (twocolumn), revtex, 16 figures not appended, please contact [email protected]

    Petrogenesis and geochronology of the Arkasani Granophyre and felsic Dalma volcanic rocks : implications for the evolution of the Proterozoic North Singhbhum Mobile Belt, east India

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    The North Singhbhum Mobile Belt (NSMB) is a 200 km long, curved Proterozoic fold– thrust belt that skirts the northern margin of the Archean Singhbhum Craton of NE India. The Singhbhum Shear Zone (SSZ) developed between the Dhanjori and Chaibasa formations near the southern margin of the NSMB and represents an important Cu-U-P metallotect. A SHRIMP U–Pb zircon date of 1861±6 Ma, obtained for the syn- to post-kinematic Arkasani Granophyre that has intruded the SSZ, provides a minimum age for the prolonged tectonic activity and mineralization along the SSZ and for the time of closure of the Chaibasa and Dhanjori sub-basins. The Dalma Volcanic Belt, a submarine rift-related bimodal mafic-felsic volcanic suite, forms the spine of the NSMB. A SHRIMP U–Pb zircon igneous crystallization date of 1631±6 Ma was obtained for an unfoliated felsic volcanic rock from the base of the Dalma volcanic sequence. These new findings suggest that the different sub-basins in the NSMB evolved diachronously under contrasting tectonic environments and were juxtaposed during a later orogenic movement.http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayBackIssues?jid=GEO2015-11-30hb201

    Suppression of matching field effects by splay and pinning energy dispersion in YBa_2Cu_3O_7 with columnar defects

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    We report measurements of the irreversible magnetization M_i of a large number of YBa_2Cu_3O_7 single crystals with columnar defects (CD). Some of them exhibit a maximum in M_i when the density of vortices equals the density of tracks, at temperatures above 40K. We show that the observation of these matching field effects is constrained to those crystals where the orientational and pinning energy dispersion of the CD system lies below a certain threshold. The amount of such dispersion is determined by the mass and energy of the irradiation ions, and by the crystal thickness. Time relaxation measurements show that the matching effects are associated with a reduction of the creep rate, and occur deep into the collective pinning regime.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The nature of slow dynamics in a minimal model of frustration-limited domains

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    We present simulation results for the dynamics of a schematic model based on the frustration-limited domain picture of glass-forming liquids. These results are compared with approximate theoretical predictions analogous to those commonly used for supercooled liquid dynamics. Although model relaxation times increase by several orders of magnitude in a non-Arrhenius manner as a microphase separation transition is approached, the slow relaxation is in many ways dissimilar to that of a liquid. In particular, structural relaxation is nearly exponential in time at each wave vector, indicating that the mode coupling effects dominating liquid relaxation are comparatively weak within this model. Relaxation properties of the model are instead well reproduced by the simplest dynamical extension of a static Hartree approximation. This approach is qualitatively accurate even for temperatures at which the mode coupling approximation predicts loss of ergodicity. These results suggest that the thermodynamically disordered phase of such a minimal model poorly caricatures the slow dynamics of a liquid near its glass transition

    Commensurate and Incommensurate Vortex Lattice Melting in Periodic Pinning Arrays

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    We examine the melting of commensurate and incommensurate vortex lattices interacting with square pinning arrays through the use of numerical simulations. For weak pinning strength in the commensurate case we observe an order-order transition from a commensurate square vortex lattice to a triangular floating solid phase as a function of temperature. This floating solid phase melts into a liquid at still higher temperature. For strong pinning there is only a single transition from the square pinned lattice to the liquid state. For strong pinning in the incommensurate case, we observe a multi-stage melting in which the interstitial vortices become mobile first, followed by the melting of the entire lattice, consistent with recent imaging experiments. The initial motion of vortices in the incommensurate phase occurs by an exchange process of interstitial vortices with vortices located at the pinning sites. We have also examined the vortex melting behavior for higher matching fields and find that a coexistence of a commensurate pinned vortex lattice with an interstitial vortex liquid occurs while at higher temperatures the entire vortex lattice melts. For triangular arrays at incommensurate fields higher than the first matching field we observe that the initial vortex motion can occur through a novel correlated ring excitation where a number of vortices can rotate around a pinned vortex. We also discuss the relevance of our results to recent experiments of colloidal particles interacting with periodic trap arrays.Comment: 8 figure

    A-dependence of nuclear transparency in quasielastic A(e,e'p) at high Q^2

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    The A-dependence of the quasielastic A(e,e'p) reaction has been studied at SLAC with H-2, C, Fe, and Au nuclei at momentum transfers Q^2 = 1, 3, 5, and 6.8 (GeV/c)^2. We extract the nuclear transparency T(A,Q^2), a measure of the average probability that the struck proton escapes from the nucleus A without interaction. Several calculations predict a significant increase in T with momentum transfer, a phenomenon known as Color Transparency. No significant rise within errors is seen for any of the nuclei studied.Comment: 5 pages incl. 2 figures, Caltech preprint OAP-73
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