19 research outputs found

    Do Robotics and Virtual Reality Add Real Progress to Mirror Therapy Rehabilitation? A Scoping Review

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    Background. Mirror therapy has been used in rehabilitation for multiple indications since the 1990s. Current evidence supports some of these indications, particularly for cerebrovascular accidents in adults and cerebral palsy in children. Since 2000s, computerized or robotic mirror therapy has been developed and marketed. Objectives. To map the extent, nature, and rationale of research activity in robotic or computerized mirror therapy and the type of evidence available for any indication. To investigate the relevance of conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis on these therapies. Method. Systematic scoping review. Searches were conducted (up to May 2018) in the Cochrane Library, Google Scholar, IEEE Xplore, Medline, Physiotherapy Evidence Database, and PsycINFO databases. References from identified studies were examined. Results. In sum, 75 articles met the inclusion criteria. Most studies were publicly funded (57% of studies; n = 43), without disclosure of conflict of interest (59% of studies; n = 44). The main outcomes assessed were pain, satisfaction on the device, and body function and activity, mainly for stroke and amputees patients and healthy participants. Most design studies were case reports (67% of studies; n = 50), with only 12 randomized controlled trials with 5 comparing standard mirror therapy versus virtual mirror therapy, 5 comparing second-generation mirror therapy versus conventional rehabilitation, and 2 comparing other interventions. Conclusion. Much of the research on second-generation mirror therapy is of very low quality. Evidence-based rationale to conduct such studies is missing. It is not relevant to recommend investment by rehabilitation professionals and institutions in such devices

    Methodological Considerations to Investigate Dosage Parameters of Intensive Upper Limb Rehabilitation in Children with Unilateral Spastic Cerebral Palsy: A Scoping Review of RCTs

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    International audiencePurposes: To identify and synthesize RCTs on the isolated effect of dosage parameters of upper limb Intensive Motor Rehabilitation Treatments (IMRT) of children with Unilateral Spastic Cerebral Palsy (USCP); to identify the most frequent methodological weaknesses.Methods: Searches were conducted until September 2018 in gray and published literature databases and supplemented by exploring the identified studies' references. Inclusion criteria applied: RCT; children aged 1.5 to 19 years with USCP; upper limb IMRT differing only from ≥1/4 dosage parameters between groups. Literature analyses conducted: qualitative and descriptive.Results: We identified 461 studies. Seventeen were included: three presented a rehabilitation dosage distinction between groups in Frequency-Time, four in Intensity-Progressivity, three in Intensity-Restraint, two in Intensity-Environment and five presented ≥3 distinctions above.Conclusions: Inconsistencies were noted between USCP lifelong issues, and the short follow-ups and lack of participation assessments. Confounding factors and misstatements in Intent To Treat (ITT) analyses were identified. A meta-analysis was considered irrelevant

    Une opération à cœur ouvert sous acupuncture ? Décryptage d’une émission diffusée sur France 2

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    International audienceObjectives: To analyze a clip from the program “Acupuncture, osteopathy, hypnosis: do complementary medicines have superpowers?” about acupuncture as an anesthetic for surgical procedures in China. To propose a rational explanation for the phenomena observed. To describe the processes leading a public service broadcasting channel to offer this type of content at prime time and the potential consequences in terms of public health.Method: Analysis using critical thinking attitudes and skills, along with a bibliographical search of Medline, Google Scholar and Cochrane Library databases.Results: The information delivered in the television clip is ambiguous. It does not allow the viewer to form an informed opinion on the relevance of acupuncture as an anesthetic for surgical procedures. It is reasonable to assume that the clip shows surgery performed with undisclosed epidural anesthesia coupled with mild intravenous anesthesia, sometimes performed in other countries. What needs to be highlighted here is the overestimation of acupuncture added to the protocol. The media tend to exaggerate the risks and expected effects of the treatments they report on, which can lead patients to turn to unproven therapies.Conclusion: Broadcasting such a clip at prime time underlines the urgent need for the public and all health professionals to be trained in sorting and critically analyzing health information.Objectifs : Analyser une séquence de l’émission télévisée « Acupuncture, ostéopathie, hypnose : les médecines complémentaires ont-elles de super-pouvoirs ? », présentant un exemple d’« une opération à cœur ouvert, avec une anesthésie sous acupuncture » pratiquée dans un hôpital chinois. Proposer une explication plus rationnelle des phénomènes observés. Décrire les processus amenant une chaîne du service public audiovisuel à proposer ce type de séquence à une heure de grande écoute et les conséquences potentielles en matière de santé publique.Méthode : Analyse critique utilisant des principes et outils rationnels, accompagnés d’une recherche bibliographique sur les bases de données Medline, Google Scholar et Cochrane Library.Résultats : Les informations délivrées dans la séquence sont ambiguës et ne permettent pas de se faire un avis éclairé sur l’intérêt de l’acupuncture pour une chirurgie à cœur ouvert. Il est raisonnable de penser que la séquence montre une chirurgie pratiquée avec anesthésie péridurale non avouée, couplée à une sédation intraveineuse légère. La particularité est ici la surestimation de l’effet spécifique de l’acupuncture ajoutée au protocole. Les médias ont en effet tendance à exagérer les risques et les effets attendus des traitements sur lesquels ils communiquent, ce qui peut conduire les patients à se tourner vers des thérapies non éprouvées.Conclusion : La diffusion d’une telle séquence à une heure de grande écoute souligne l’impérieuse nécessité pour le grand public mais aussi et surtout les professionnels de santé d’être formés au tri et à l’analyse critique des informations en matière de santé

    Additional file 1: of Reliability of diagnosis and clinical efficacy of visceral osteopathy: a systematic review

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    Detailed search strategy for reliability and efficacy studies. Description of data: Appendix 1 contains literature sources, search terms and equations of the systematic review. (ODT 22 kb