38 research outputs found

    Ground states of holographic superconductors

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    We investigate the ground states of the Abelian Higgs model in AdS_4 with various choices of parameters, and with no deformations in the ultraviolet other than a chemical potential for the electric charge under the Abelian gauge field. For W-shaped potentials with symmetry-breaking minima, an analysis of infrared asymptotics suggests that the ground state has emergent conformal symmetry in the infrared when the charge of the complex scalar is large enough. But when this charge is too small, the likeliest ground state has Lifshitz-like scaling in the infrared. For positive mass quadratic potentials, Lifshitz-like scaling is the only possible infrared behavior for constant nonzero values of the scalar. The approach to Lifshitz-like scaling is shown in many cases to be oscillatory.Comment: 36 pages, 7 figure

    Mimicking the QCD equation of state with a dual black hole

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    We present numerical and analytical studies of the equation of state of translationally invariant black hole solutions to five-dimensional gravity coupled to a single scalar. As an application, we construct a family of black holes that closely mimics the equation of state of quantum chromodynamics at zero chemical potential.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    The quantization of exotic states in SU(3) soliton models: A solvable quantum mechanical analog

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    The distinction between the rigid rotor and Callan-Klebanov approaches to the quantization of SU(3) solitons is considered in the context of exotic baryons. A numerically tractable quantum mechanical analog system is introduced to test the reliability of the two quantization schemes. We find that in the equivalent of the large N_c limit of QCD, the Callan-Klebanov approach agrees with a numerical solution of the quantum mechanical analog. Rigid rotor quantization generally does not. The implications for exotic baryons are briefly discussed.Comment: 8 pages; 3 figures; minor corrections; reference adde

    An Invertible Transform for Efficient String Matching in Labeled Digraphs

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    Let G = (V, E) be a digraph where each vertex is unlabeled, each edge is labeled by a character in some alphabet ?, and any two edges with both the same head and the same tail have different labels. The powerset construction gives a transform of G into a weakly connected digraph G\u27 = (V\u27, E\u27) that enables solving the decision problem of whether there is a walk in G matching an arbitrarily long query string q in time linear in |q| and independent of |E| and |V|. We show G is uniquely determined by G\u27 when for every v_? ? V, there is some distinct string s_? on ? such that v_? is the origin of a closed walk in G matching s_?, and no other walk in G matches s_? unless it starts and ends at v_?. We then exploit this invertibility condition to strategically alter any G so its transform G\u27 enables retrieval of all t terminal vertices of walks in the unaltered G matching q in O(|q| + t log |V|) time. We conclude by proposing two defining properties of a class of transforms that includes the Burrows-Wheeler transform and the transform presented here

    Pion-Nucleon Scattering Relations at Next-to-Leading Order in 1/N_c

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    We obtain relations between partial-wave amplitudes for pi-N-->pi-N and pi-N-->pi-Delta directly from large N_c QCD. While linear relations among certain amplitudes holding at leading order (LO) in 1/N_c were derived in the context of chiral soliton models two decades ago, the present work employs a fully model-independent framework based on consistency with the large N_c expansion. At LO we reproduce the soliton model results; however, this method allows for systematic corrections. At next-to-leading order (NLO), most relations require additional unknown functions beyond those appearing at leading order (LO) and thus have little additional predictive power. However, three NLO relations for the pi-N-->pi-Delta reaction are independent of unknown functions and make predictions accurate at this order. The amplitudes relevant to two of these relations were previously extracted from experiment. These relations describe experiment dramatically better than their LO counterparts.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures; references adde

    NSeq: a multithreaded Java application for finding positioned nucleosomes from sequencing data

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    We introduce NSeq, a fast and efficient Java application for finding positioned nucleosomes from the high-throughput sequencing of MNase-digested mononucleosomal DNA. NSeq includes a user-friendly graphical interface, computes false discovery rates (FDRs) for candidate nucleosomes from Monte Carlo simulations, plots nucleosome coverage and centers, and exploits the availability of multiple processor cores by parallelizing its computations. Java binaries and source code are freely available at https://github.com/songlab/NSeq. The software is supported on all major platforms equipped with Java Runtime Environment 6 or later

    A bound on the speed of sound from holography

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    We show that the squared speed of sound v_{s}^{2} is bounded from above at high temperatures by the conformal value of 1/3 in a class of strongly coupled four-dimensional field theories, given some mild technical assumptions. This class consists of field theories that have gravity duals sourced by a single scalar field. There are no known examples to date of field theories with gravity duals for which v_{s}^{2} exceeds 1/3 in energetically favored configurations. We conjecture that v_{s}^{2}=1/3 represents an upper bound for a broad class of four-dimensional theories.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Thermodynamics and bulk viscosity of approximate black hole duals to finite temperature quantum chromodynamics

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    We consider classes of translationally invariant black hole solutions whose equations of state closely resemble that of QCD at zero chemical potential. We use these backgrounds to compute the ratio zeta/s of bulk viscosity to entropy density. For a class of black holes that exhibits a first order transition, we observe a sharp rise in zeta/s near T_c. For constructions that exhibit a smooth cross-over, like QCD does, the rise in zeta/s is more modest. We conjecture that divergences in zeta/s for black hole horizons are related to extrema of the entropy density as a function of temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur