145 research outputs found

    Precise Estimates of the Physical Parameters for the Exoplanet System HD-17156 Enabled by HST FGS Transit and Asteroseismic Observations

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    We present observations of three distinct transits of HD 17156b obtained with the Fine Guidance Sensors (FGS) on board the Hubble Space Telescope} (HST). We analyzed both the transit photometry and previously published radial velocities to find the planet-star radius ratio R_p/R_s = 0.07454 +/- 0.00035, inclination i=86.49 +0.24/-0.20 deg, and scaled semi-major axis a/R = 23.19 +0.32/-0.27. This last value translates directly to a mean stellar density determination of 0.522 +0.021/-0.018 g cm^-3. Analysis of asteroseismology observations by the companion paper of Gilliland et al. (2009) provides a consistent but significantly refined measurement of the stellar mean density. We compare stellar isochrones to this density estimate and find M_s = 1.275 +/- 0.018 M_sun and a stellar age of $3.37 +0.20/-0.47 Gyr. Using this estimate of M_s and incorporating the density constraint from asteroseismology, we model both the photometry and published radial velocities to estimate the planet radius R_p= 1.0870 +/- 0.0066 Jupiter radii and the stellar radius R_s = 1.5007 +/- 0.0076 R_sun. The planet radius is larger than that found in previous studies and consistent with theoretical models of a solar-composition gas giant of the same mass and equilibrium temperature. For the three transits, we determine the times of mid-transit to a precision of 6.2 s, 7.6 s, and 6.9 s, and the transit times for HD 17156 do not show any significant departures from a constant period. The joint analysis of transit photometry and asteroseismology presages similar studies that will be enabled by the NASA Kepler Mission.Comment: Accepted for publication to Ap

    Asteroseismology of the Transiting Exoplanet Host HD 17156 with HST FGS

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    Observations conducted with the Fine Guidance Sensor on Hubble Space Telescope (HST) providing high cadence and precision time-series photometry were obtained over 10 consecutive days in December 2008 on the host star of the transiting exoplanet HD 17156b. During this time 10^12 photons (corrected for detector deadtime) were collected in which a noise level of 163 parts per million per 30 second sum resulted, thus providing excellent sensitivity to detection of the analog of the solar 5-minute p-mode oscillations. For HD 17156 robust detection of p-modes supports determination of the stellar mean density of 0.5301 +/- 0.0044 g/cm^3 from a detailed fit to the observed frequencies of modes of degree l = 0, 1, and 2. This is the first star for which direct determination of the mean stellar density has been possible using both asteroseismology and detailed analysis of a transiting planet light curve. Using the density constraint from asteroseismology, and stellar evolution modeling results in M_star = 1.285 +/- 0.026 solar, R_star = 1.507 +/- 0.012 solar, and a stellar age of 3.2 +/- 0.3 Gyr.Comment: Accepted by ApJ; 16 pages, 18 figure

    A High Angular Resolution Survey of Massive Stars in Cygnus OB2: Results from the Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensors

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    We present results of a high angular resolution survey of massive OB stars in the Cygnus OB2 association that we conducted with the Fine Guidance Sensor 1R (FGS1r) on the Hubble Space Telescope. FGS1r is able to resolve binary systems with a magnitude difference delta-V < 4 down to separations as small as 0.01 arcsec. The sample includes 58 of the brighter members of Cyg OB2, one of the closest examples of an environment containing a large number of very young and massive stars. We resolved binary companions for 12 targets and confirmed the triple nature of one other target, and we offer evidence of marginally resolved companions for two additional stars. We confirm the binary nature of 11 of these systems from complementary adaptive optics imaging observations. The overall binary frequency in our study is 22% to 26% corresponding to orbital periods ranging from 20 - 20,000 years. When combined with the known short-period spectroscopic binaries, the results supports the hypothesis that the binary fraction among massive stars is > 60%. One of the new discoveries is a companion to the hypergiant star MT 304 = Cyg OB2-12, and future measurements of orbital motion should provide mass estimates for this very luminous star.Comment: accepted for AJ, 84 pages, 61 figure

    Stars in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field

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    We identified 46 unresolved source candidates in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field, down to i775 = 29.5. Unresolved objects were identified using a parameter S, which measures the deviation from the curve-of-growth of a point source. Extensive testing of this parameter was carried out, including the effects of decreasing signal-to-noise and of the apparent motions of stars, which demonstrated that stars brighter than i775 = 27.0 could be robustly identified. Low resolution grism spectra of the 28 objects brighter than i775 = 27.0 identify 18 M and later stellar type dwarfs, 2 candidate L-dwarfs, 2 QSOs, and 4 white dwarfs. Using the observed population of dwarfs with spectral type M4 or later, we derive a Galactic disk scale height of 400 \pm 100 pc for M and L stars. The local white dwarf density is computed to be as high as (1.1 \pm 0.3) x10^(-2) stars/pc^3. Based on observations taken 73 days apart, we determined that no object in the field has a proper motion larger than 0.027"/year (3 sigma detection limit). No high velocity white dwarfs were identified in the HUDF, and all four candidates appear more likely to be part of the Galactic thick disk. The lack of detected halo white dwarfs implies that, if the dark matter halo is 12 Gyr old, white dwarfs account for less than 10% of the dark matter halo mass.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figures, accepted by Ap

    Two Active Nuclei in 3C294

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    The z=1.786 radio galaxy 3C294 lies <10 arsec from a 12th mag star and has been the target of at least three previous investigations using adaptive-optics imaging. A major problem in interpreting these results is the uncertainty in the precise alignment of the radio structure with the H or K-band AO imaging. Here we report observations of the position of the AO guide star with the HST Fine Guidance Sensor, which, together with positions from the U. S. Naval Observatory's UCAC2 catalog, allow us to register the infrared and radio frames to an accuracy of better than 0.1 arcsec. The result is that the nuclear compact radio source is not coincident with the brightest discrete object in the AO image, an essentially unresolved source on the eastern side of the light distribution, as Quirrenbach et al. (2001) had suggested. Instead, the radio source is centered about 0.9 arcsec to the west of this object, on one of the two apparently real peaks in a region of diffuse emission. Nevertheless, the conclusion of Quirrenbach et al. that 3C294 involves an ongoing merger appears to be correct: analysis of a recent deep Chandra image of 3C294 obtained from the archive shows that the nucleus comprises two X-ray sources, which are coincident with the radio nucleus and the eastern stellar object. The X-ray/optical flux ratio of the latter makes it extremely unlikely that it is a foreground Galactic star.Comment: 16 pages, including 4 figures. To appear in ApJ, vol. 60