23 research outputs found

    Pork Market Price Transmission During the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Lithuanian Case

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    E-government development : standpoint of public sector's employees

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    Reikšminiai žodžiai: E-valdžios plėtra, viešasis sektorius, darbuotojai, nuomonė; Globalizacija; Plėtra; Viešasis sektorius; Viešasis valdymas; Viešojo administravimo organizacijos; Development; E-government development, public sector, employees, opinion; Globalization; Public administration organizations; Public management; Public secto

    Comparative analysis of Lithuanian family farms’ economic viability

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    Straipsnyje pateiktas tyrimas žemės ūkio gyvybingumo tematika papildo ankstesnius mokslininkų darbus, nagrinėjančius labai svarbų ekonominio gyvybingumo aspektą. Mokslinės literatūros ir dokumentų turinio analizė, mokslininkų požiūrių ir interpretacijų sintezė leido išskirti pagrindines ekonominio gyvybingumo tyrimų kryptis ir jų ribotumus bei parinkti rodiklius ūkininkų ūkių trumpalaikio ir ilgalaikio ekonominio gyvybingumo situacijos analizei. Remiantis parinktais vertinimo kriterijais ištirtas Lietuvos javų, rapsų, augalininkystės, pienininkystės bei augalininkystės-žolėdžių gyvulių ūkininkavimo tipų ūkininkų ūkių ekonominio gyvybingumo pokytis. Lyginamoji analizė atlikta remiantis 2004 ir 2010 m. ūkių apskaitos duomenų tinklo respondentinių ūkininkų ūkių situacija. Tyrimas parodė, kad ūkių ekonominis gyvybingumas sumažėjo. Ūkininkų ūkių, nepajėgiančių padengti gamybinių išlaidų arba bendrųjų išlaidų, šiek tiek padaugėjo, tačiau reikšmingai sumažėjo ilgalaikis ekonominis žemės ūkio veiklos patrauklumas.Study contributes to research of family farms’ viability covering an important aspect of economic viability. The aim of the paper is to analyze economic viability change of the Lithuanian family farms specialized in cereals and oilseeds, general field cropping, dairying and field crops-grazing livestock. The analysis of scientific literature, context analysis, the synthesis of scientists’ standpoints and interpretations let us to identify main directions and limitations of performed research, and set criteria for the analysis of short-term and long-term economic viability change. Economic viability of the Lithuanian family farms is evaluated and compared on the basis of operating performance in 2004 and 2010. The research results show the decline of family farms’ economic viability. There is a slight growth of non-viable family farms unable to cover farming overheads and total input. However, the long run economic attractiveness of farming activity for family farms reduced significantly. The performed analysis underlines the importance of non-farm income for small family farms’ survival. Research results show that economic viability of the Lithuanian family farms depends on the type of farming

    Analysis of the Nexus between Structural and Climate Changes in EU Pig Farming

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    The EU’s ambition to establish economy-wide climate neutrality by 2050 requires challenging transformations in many economic activities. This paper aims to investigate the nexus of structural changes and greenhouse gas emissions (GHGEs) in an important sector of the livestock system, namely pig farming, during the period of 2010–2020 and to discuss the main directions of GHGE reduction. The academic novelty of this contribution is characterised by a combination of the shift-share and cluster analysis that allows for the investigation of the evolution phenomenon, applying the sustainability prism in order to understand the nexus between pig farming and the livestock system, as well as combining the national and EU levels. Results suggest that the steep decline in the number of holdings and a moderate reduction in livestock units (LSUs) on farms do not bring tangible GHGE reduction results. The cluster analysis confirms that pig farming systems in pre-2004 member states, except for Finland and Greece, demonstrated positive developments or a lower decline in holdings with pigs and live swine LSUs compared to other countries, while in the dominant share of post-2003 member states, the GHGE reduction rate was higher. This research identifies a reduction in the pig population, improvement in feed production and the development of related supply chains, and changes in manure management and utilisation as the main directions of GHGE reduction; however, the identified clusters are related with different potentials of GHGE reduction when applying the aforementioned measures. Recommendations include the development and support of actions that focus on GHGE reduction from swine manure and contribute to the establishment of a circular economy in the EU

    Demographic viability of Lithuanian farms

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    Over recent years an issue of generational renewal in agriculture of the European Union is treated as a topical challenge. This talking-point is critical to uphold viable agriculture in the long run. The paper provides an analysis of the main criteria empowering the measurement of the scale of a generational renewal‘s problem and sets a baseline for the analysis of demographic viability of Lithuanian farmer and family farms. The research is based on the of results of the Agricultural Census of the Republic of Lithuania 2010. The paper analyses a situation of demographic viability of farmer and family farms by type of farming and economic size units, covers the issues of gender balance of farm holders and their family members, compares the nature of farmer and family farms‘ demographic viability in Lithuanian municipalities