2,909 research outputs found

    Die invloed van die herkenning van hoëfrekwensiewoorde op die leesvaardighede van Graad 2-leerders in die Grondslagfase

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    It is of utmost importance for learners to master language in order to learn effectively at school. Many learners are initially taught in school to read and write. Learners should later be able to use acquired reading skills to learn, and acquired writing skills must be applied to reproduce that which has been learnt. If learners do not master the foregoing skills, their progress at school will be seriously handicapped. In spite of the implementation of the National Curriculum Statement Grade R-9 (Schools) and Grade 10-12 (Schools) as well as the Foundations for Learning-campaign, illiteracy is still a serious problem in South Africa. Because the basis of all reading and writing skills are laid in the Foundation Phase, it is necessary for drastic steps to be taken to ensure that learners will be able to read with comprehension in their first years at school. This research is aimed at proving the significant relationship between high frequency words and reading skills (measured by word recognition and reading comprehension) and also to prove that the teaching of high frequency words can lead to the improvement of the above mentioned reading skills. The gathering/collection of data is characterised by the use of standardised tests. In addition, use was made of descriptive statistics; Pearson’s product moment correlations and Cohen’s r-values; t-tests and Cohen’s d-values; as well as one sample t-tests to analyse and interpret data.Keywords: sight-words, high frequency words, reading skills, Dolch words, foundation phase, fluency, reading comprehension, kindergartenSleutelbegrippe: sigwoorde, hoëfrekwensiewoorde, leesvaardighede, Dolch woorde, grondslagfase, leesvlotheid, leesbegrip, kindergartenThe article is in Afrikaans

    ANA as part of a comprehensive reading literacy school assessment system

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    Making decisions about teaching and learning is as core a component to teaching as providing the teaching itself. Effective use of assessment data to plan, judge, and modify teaching is a fundamental competency for good teaching. According to the Department of Basic Education (2013b), the purpose of the ANA is to determine learner performance with regard to the skills and knowledge that they have acquired as a result of teaching and learning experiences in school. In addition, it provides important evidence to inform planning and development at national, provincial, district and school level. The purpose of this article is to report on the results of an exploratory action research study that indicate that the Annual National Assessment is overstepping its boundaries in terms of supporting the development of a systematic, dynamic and effective reading literacy assessment system to address the early literacy skills of foundation phase learners. ANA was not designed or standardised to be a screening, diagnostic, and progress monitoring assessment.Keywords: Annual National Assessments, data-based decision making, progress monitoring assessment, basic early literacy skill

    Evaluation of detection methods for Legionella species using seeded water samples

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    South African laboratories are currently using various methods in a non-standardised approach to detect Legionella species in environmental samples. In an attempt to provide guidelines for the development of a standard method, a number of currently available detection methods were evaluated, using seeded samples of sterile and non-sterile tap water, cooling water and make-up water. The samples were seeded with a type strain of L. pneumophila serogroup 1 (American Type Culture Collection 33152). The effect of sample concentration by centrifugation and membrane filtration followed by either vortex or sonication for resuspension of organisms was studied. Three currently available culture methods were evaluated: the International standard method (ISO/DIS 11731), the Australian standard method (AS 3896 - 1991) and a locally-developed adaptation of the most probable number method (MPN). In addition, the direct immunofluorescence test and a commercially available latex agglutination test kit were included in the evaluations. The usefulness of treatment with acid or heat prior to culture was also compared. Our results indicated that concentration by membrane filtration using nitro-cellulose filters with a pore size of 0.45 ?m, followed by sonication for 10 min, would be the most appropriate concentration and resuspension method for the samples. In the absence of sample pretreatment with acid or heat, organism recovery from sterile seeded samples on BCYE ranged from 85.9 - 98.7%. However, in the non-sterile samples, these figures dropped to 8.1 - 38.5%. Sample pretreatment resulted in a further loss of at least 50% of organisms in all the samples, regardless of the pretreatment method or culture medium used. In general, the ISO and AS methods were more appropriate than the MPN method for organism recovery from sterile seeded samples. However, for the nonsterile samples, the MPN method yielded better recovery. WaterSA Vol.27(4) 2001: 523-52

    School-based assessment: the leash needed to keep the poetic ‘unruly pack of hounds’ effectively in the hunt for learning outcomes

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    The problem with assessment in South African public schools persists. In 2008 thousands of candidates taking South Africa’s first ever National Certificate Examination could not be resulted because of a failure to report school-based assessment (SBA) tasks. Only 62.5% of candidates prepared for the final external examination through a process of continuous SBA passed. In 2009 the pass rate dropped to a new low of 60.7%, which begs the question: why is SBA not serving its purpose of enhancing learning and preparing candidates for the high stakes external examinations? We focus on English First Additional Language (EFAL) teachers’ perceptions of SBA in the Further Education and Training (FET) band and the challenges they face with the implementation of the curriculum that calls for drastic changes in assessment practice.Last lesson of the afternoonWhen will the bell ring, and end this weariness?How long have they tugged the leash, and strained apartMy pack of unruly hounds! I cannot startThem on a quarry of knowledge they hate to hunt,                                        I can haul them and urge them no more.D.H. Lawrenc

    Die effek van multimedia leer- en onderrigsteunmateriaal op leesvaardighede van grondslagfaseleerders

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    The Department of Education, educators, parents and various stakeholders are concerned about the poor reading skills of learners in South African schools. Various national and international studies reveal shockingly low levels of reading proficiency among South African learners. The Department of Education has launched various investigations to establish why the levels of reading proficiencies are so poor. The National Reading Strategy was one of the responses to address their concerns. In order to address this issue effectively, it is imperative that the effective teaching of reading should commence in the Foundation Phase, where the basis for more advanced skills should be established. The purpose of this study was to establish whether the development and implementation of multimedia learning and teaching support material (LTSM) by means of a digital book disc (DBD) would contribute to effective facilitation of reading skills. The results of this study indicate that the integration of the DBD, as a form of multimedia LTSM, effectively supports the facilitation of reading skills.Keywords: Multimedia learning, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Early Childhood Education, Foundation Phase, DVD, teaching, learning, reading skillsArticle text in Afrikaan

    Gastric mucormycosis in a diabetic

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    A fatal case of gastric mucormycosis in a 46-year-old diabetic is described. The pathological findings at laparotomy and postmorte'm examination are discussed. An interesting feature was a massive splenic infarction.S. Afr. Med. J., 48, 838 (1974)

    Gastric Mucormycosis in a Diabetic Patient

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    A fatal case of gastric mucormycosis in a 46-year-old diabetic is described. The pathological findings at laparotomy and postmorte'm examination are discussed. An interesting feature was a massive splenic infarction.S. Afr. Med. J., 48, 838 (1974)