109 research outputs found

    The Impact of the Perceived Services Quality on Customer Loyalty in the Jordanian Mobile Telecom Companies

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    This study aims to examine the impact of the perceived quality of the services provided by the Jordanian mobile telecom companies on customer loyalty, also this study aimed to determine the most important classifications of perceived quality measurement. A questionnaire has been used as a tool to collect data from the industrial companies. In addition, the study hypotheses were tested using a simple linear regression analysis. The study found out the existence of positive impact of the perceived services quality dimensions (Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness, Safety and Empathy) on customer loyalty, except responsiveness dimension, which did not show a statistically significant in this study. Hence, top management in these companies need to work on increase the interest of the tangible aspects of the service quality, and achieving the requirements responsiveness dimension, and reduce waiting times at the reception office and the telephone service centers

    Effects of Some local Conditions on Leaching Factor of Aridisols in Kalar/Garmian, Kurdistan- Iraq

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    Five sites were selected in Kalar city on different topographic position. The mean annual rainfall of the study area about 280 mm with about 24.5 C° mean annual temperature. The study area used for rain feed crop production. Morphological properties of the studied pedons indicated that all pedons were developed with Ochric epipedons and Cambic and Argillic endopedons .The results of particle size distribution show a wide differences between sand and clay in surface horizons except pedon (2) because of low elevation compared with other pedons. Moreover, the results of exchangeable sodium and potassium indicate that pedons (4) and (5) had the lowest value of soil leaching factor which is an indication of the high activity of weathering and leaching processes. In another hand, the results of total element analysis has observed that the silicate ratio were high to indicate the high leaching processes which is the proof of the existence of fine materials movement particularly clay colloids, this is not merely due to the rare rainy weather conditions that are prevalent recently but is a result of wet paleoclimatic conditions, and this movement eventually occurred due to in situ factors. All soils are belonged to Aridisols order with suborders Argids and Cambidsas these soils are in aridic moisture regime include Ochric diagnostic surface horizon with Argillic and Cambic diagnostic subsurface horizons

    Distribution of Gypsiferous Soil Using Geoinformatics Techniques for Some Aridisols in Garmian, Kurdistan Region-Iraq

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    The paper deals with techniques of image classification developed to distinguish gypsiferous soils, using the integration of field observation and remote sensing and more specific Landsat/ETM imagery. A Landsat image was assembled and used in this study. The image was acquired by the ETM/Landsat 7 sensor, which was acquired on August, 2012.Two main data have been used in this research, I) Field and II) Satellite data. The amount of gypsum is different from location to other, may be due to the parent material of some locations of the study area which is rich with gypsum minerals, and there is evidence of Gypsic indopedon horizon. The results indicated that the amount of organic matter decreases with increasing the amount of gypsum. In general, the study area is rich with total lime. These results reflect the effect of decalcification and calcification processes caused the formation of illuvial subsurface (calcic) horizon in some location of the study area.The pH values were around neutral to slightly alkaline due to the effect of calcareous parent material and type of climatic conditions. The low ECe values indicate that the soil was non-saline reflected by low values of ECe. The soil classes of the study area are belonging to Haplogypsids, Haplocalcids, Haplocambids, Calciargids and Haplargids. Two maps were prepared to show the distribution of gypsiferous in the study area, the first one is map which shows the output of supervised classification and maximum- like hood for specific, and the second is the thermal-based classification. Thermal-based map could predict the gypsiferous area in a better way, than the classification based only on spectral properties of non-thermal bands

    Microvascular Decompression: Salient Surgical Principles and Technical Nuances

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    Trigeminal neuralgia is a disorder associated with severe episodes of lancinating pain in the distribution of the trigeminal nerve. Previous reports indicate that 80-90% of cases are related to compression of the trigeminal nerve by an adjacent vessel. The majority of patients with trigeminal neuralgia eventually require surgical management in order to achieve remission of symptoms. Surgical options for management include ablative procedures (e.g., radiosurgery, percutaneous radiofrequency lesioning, balloon compression, glycerol rhizolysis, etc.) and microvascular decompression. Ablative procedures fail to address the root cause of the disorder and are less effective at preventing recurrence of symptoms over the long term than microvascular decompression. However, microvascular decompression is inherently more invasive than ablative procedures and is associated with increased surgical risks. Previous studies have demonstrated a correlation between surgeon experience and patient outcome in microvascular decompression. In this series of 59 patients operated on by two neurosurgeons (JSN and PEK) since 2006, 93% of patients demonstrated substantial improvement in their trigeminal neuralgia following the procedure—with follow-up ranging from 6 weeks to 2 years. Moreover, 41 of 66 patients (approximately 64%) have been entirely pain-free following the operation

    The Effect of Training and Development Effectiveness on Jordanian Municipalities

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    Purpose: This study investigates the impact of training and development effectiveness on Jordanian municipality's performance. It aims to understand the relationship between training programs and municipal outcomes, with a focus on employee performance and organizational effectiveness.   Theoretical framework: The study employs a descriptive analysis approach to explore its objectives. It relies on a questionnaire-based data collection method, targeting all workers in Jordanian municipalities and the Greater Amman Municipality. The research uses statistical analysis software SPSS for data analysis and hypothesis testing.   Design, methodology, approach: The study's design involves surveying 7043 employees across various job titles in Jordanian municipalities and the Amman municipality. The questionnaire serves as the primary data collection tool. The research utilizes the SPSS program for statistical analysis and hypothesis validation. Descriptive statistics and analytical methods are employed to assess the effectiveness of training and development programs.   Findings: The study reveals that the majority of employees are male, aged 40 or younger, with less than 15 years of service. Around 78.5% of employees hold a diploma or higher qualification. The research indicates an average level of approval regarding the performance of municipalities and employees. It establishes a significant impact of training and development effectiveness on municipal and employee performance, influenced by factors such as academic qualification and age.   Research, practical & social implications: The findings emphasize the need for tailored training programs, especially for younger employees and newcomers. The study advocates for comprehensive training preparation, evaluation based on predefined criteria, and the allocation of financial resources in municipal budgets for ongoing training and development initiatives. These insights have practical implications for enhancing municipal employee performance and, consequently, the overall functioning of Jordanian municipalities.   Originality: This study contributes original insights by investigating the specific context of Jordanian municipalities. It sheds light on the effectiveness of training and development programs, highlighting their influence on employee and municipal performance. The research provides unique recommendations, emphasizing the importance of targeted training for specific employee groups and the necessity of financial allocation for sustained training efforts
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