349 research outputs found

    4-H and Youth Development: Music Project Guide

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    As you learn more about music, you probably will discover yourself enjoying it more. You can set your own goals for learning activities based on your interests and skills in music.As you set music project goals, challenge yourself to learn more than you know and can do now. Seek out new experiences and learning opportunities.In the music project, you can: develop and demonstrate performance skills, listen to and learn about various types of music, compose or arrange music, and • explore the construction of musical instrumentshttps://lib.dr.iastate.edu/extension_4h_pubs/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Combining transcriptional datasets using the generalized singular value decomposition

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    Background Both microarrays and quantitative real-time PCR are convenient tools for studying the transcriptional levels of genes. The former is preferable for large scale studies while the latter is a more targeted technique. Because of platform-dependent systematic effects, simple comparisons or merging of datasets obtained by these technologies are difficult, even though they may often be desirable. These difficulties are exacerbated if there is only partial overlap between the experimental conditions and genes probed in the two datasets. Results We show here that the generalized singular value decomposition provides a practical tool for merging a small, targeted dataset obtained by quantitative real-time PCR of specific genes with a much larger microarray dataset. The technique permits, for the first time, the identification of genes present in only one dataset co-expressed with a target gene present exclusively in the other dataset, even when experimental conditions for the two datasets are not identical. With the rapidly increasing number of publically available large scale microarray datasets the latter is frequently the case. The method enables us to discover putative candidate genes involved in the biosynthesis of the (1,3;1,4)-β-D-glucan polysaccharide found in plant cell walls. Conclusion We show that the generalized singular value decomposition provides a viable tool for a combined analysis of two gene expression datasets with only partial overlap of both gene sets and experimental conditions. We illustrate how the decomposition can be optimized self-consistently by using a judicious choice of genes to define it. The ability of the technique to seamlessly define a concept of "co-expression" across both datasets provides an avenue for meaningful data integration. We believe that it will prove to be particularly useful for exploiting large, publicly available, microarray datasets for species with unsequenced genomes by complementing them with more limited in-house expression measurements.Andreas W Schreiber, Neil J Shirley, Rachel A Burton and Geoffrey B Finche

    Protein Kinase A Activity and Anchoring Are Required for Ovarian Cancer Cell Migration and Invasion

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    Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is the deadliest of the gynecological malignancies, due in part to its clinically occult metastasis. Therefore, understanding the mechanisms governing EOC dissemination and invasion may provide new targets for antimetastatic therapies or new methods for detection of metastatic disease. The cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) is often dysregulated in EOC. Furthermore, PKA activity and subcellular localization by A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) are important regulators of cytoskeletal dynamics and cell migration. Thus, we sought to study the role of PKA and AKAP function in both EOC cell migration and invasion. Using the plasma membrane-directed PKA biosensor, pmAKAR3, and an improved migration/invasion assay, we show that PKA is activated at the leading edge of migrating SKOV-3 EOC cells, and that inhibition of PKA activity blocks SKOV-3 cell migration. Furthermore, we show that while the PKA activity within the leading edge of these cells is mediated by anchoring of type-II regulatory PKA subunits (RII), inhibition of anchoring of either RI or RII PKA subunits blocks cell migration. Importantly, we also show – for the first time – that PKA activity is up-regulated at the leading edge of SKOV-3 cells during invasion of a three-dimensional extracellular matrix and, as seen for migration, inhibition of either PKA activity or AKAP-mediated PKA anchoring blocks matrix invasion. These data are the first to demonstrate that the invasion of extracellular matrix by cancer cells elicits activation of PKA within the invasive leading edge and that both PKA activity and anchoring are required for matrix invasion. These observations suggest a role for PKA and AKAP activity in EOC metastasis

    Isolation of plant transcription factors using a modified yeast one-hybrid system

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    BACKGROUND: The preparation of expressional cDNA libraries for use in the yeast two-hybrid system is quick and efficient when using the dedicated Clontech™ product, the MATCHMAKER Library Construction and Screening Kit 3. This kit employs SMART technology for the amplification of full-length cDNAs, in combination with cloning using homologous recombination. Unfortunately, such cDNA libraries prepared directly in yeast can not be used for the efficient recovery of purified plasmids and thus are incompatible with existing yeast one-hybrid systems, which use yeast transformation for the library screen. RESULTS: Here we propose an adaptation of the yeast one-hybrid system for identification and cloning of transcription factors using a MATCHMAKER cDNA library. The procedure is demonstrated using a cDNA library prepared from the liquid part of the multinucleate coenocyte of wheat endosperm. The method is a modification of a standard one-hybrid screening protocol, utilising a mating step to introduce the library construct and reporter construct into the same cell. Several novel full length transcription factors from the homeodomain, AP2 domain and E2F families of transcription factors were identified and isolated. CONCLUSION: In this paper we propose a method to extend the compatibility of MATCHMAKER cDNA libraries from yeast two-hybrid screens to one-hybrid screens. The utility of the new yeast one-hybrid technology is demonstrated by the successful cloning from wheat of full-length cDNAs encoding several transcription factors from three different families

    Microarray expression analysis of meiosis and microsporogenesis in hexaploid bread wheat

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    BACKGROUND: Our understanding of the mechanisms that govern the cellular process of meiosis is limited in higher plants with polyploid genomes. Bread wheat is an allohexaploid that behaves as a diploid during meiosis. Chromosome pairing is restricted to homologous chromosomes despite the presence of homoeologues in the nucleus. The importance of wheat as a crop and the extensive use of wild wheat relatives in breeding programs has prompted many years of cytogenetic and genetic research to develop an understanding of the control of chromosome pairing and recombination. The rapid advance of biochemical and molecular information on meiosis in model organisms such as yeast provides new opportunities to investigate the molecular basis of chromosome pairing control in wheat. However, building the link between the model and wheat requires points of data contact. RESULTS: We report here a large-scale transcriptomics study using the Affymetrix wheat GeneChip(® )aimed at providing this link between wheat and model systems and at identifying early meiotic genes. Analysis of the microarray data identified 1,350 transcripts temporally-regulated during the early stages of meiosis. Expression profiles with annotated transcript functions including chromatin condensation, synaptonemal complex formation, recombination and fertility were identified. From the 1,350 transcripts, 30 displayed at least an eight-fold expression change between and including pre-meiosis and telophase II, with more than 50% of these having no similarities to known sequences in NCBI and TIGR databases. CONCLUSION: This resource is now available to support research into the molecular basis of pairing and recombination control in the complex polyploid, wheat

    A porphyrin-based microporous network polymer that acts as an efficient catalyst for cyclooctene and cyclohexane oxidation under mild conditions

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    The highly efficient dibenzodioxin-forming reaction between the (pentafluorophenyl)porphyrin manganese(III) (MnP) and hexahydroxytriptycene (HHT) provide a new microporous network polymer (P1), which demonstrated a large surface area (1080 m2 g− 1) and proved to be an efficient solid for heterogeneous catalysis for cyclooctene and cyclohexane oxidation under mild conditions and with high capacity of recovery and reuse in many catalytic cycles