26 research outputs found

    OrganiZational communication and organiSational communication: Binaries and the fragments of a field

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    In this paper, I employ personal narrative to help cast light on connections and tensions between organiZational communication research, as produced in the United States, and organiSational communication research, as produced in Aotearoa New Zealand. I address the issue by highlighting three sets of differences between these bodies of research: canonical, institutional and theoretical. I then unpack how these differences are apparent in my own university before sketching out three ways in which we might productively use such tensions to achieve radical engagement, and critique disciplinary others, identities, and locations


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    The X-ray structure of the title compound has been determined and the structure shows an exo-configured planar dithiolanone ring. This is in contrast to the few previous dithiolanones to be characterised crystallographically which are all twisted.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Stereochemical outcomes of C-F activation reactions of benzyl fluoride

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    NK and DOH acknowledge support from the University of St Andrews, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC, Grant No.: EP/L017911/1), and the EPSRC UK National Mass Spectrometry Facility at Swansea University. This work was also supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the FRQNT Centre in Green Chemistry and Catalysis (CGCC), and the Université Laval.In recent years, the highly polar C-F bond has been utilised in activation chemistry despite its low reactivity to traditional nucleophiles, when compared to other C-X halogen bonds. Paquin's group has reported extensive studies on the C-F activation of benzylic fluorides for nucleophilic substitutions and Friedel-Crafts reactions, using a range of hydrogen bond donors such as water, triols or hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP) as the activators. This study examines the stereointegrity of the C-F activation reaction through the use of an enantiopure isotopomer of benzyl fluoride to identify whether the reaction conditions favour a dissociative (SN1) or associative (SN2) pathway. [2H]-Isotopomer ratios in the reactions were assayed using the Courtieu 2H NMR method in a chiral liquid crystal (poly-γ-benzyl-L-glutamate) matrix and demonstrated that both associative and dissociative pathways operate to varying degrees, according to the nature of the nucleophile and the hydrogen bond donor.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    An Intergenic Region Shared by At4g35985 and At4g35987 in Arabidopsis Thaliana is a Tissue Specific and Stress Inducible Bidirectional Promoter Analyzed in Transgenic Arabidopsis and Tobacco Plants

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    On chromosome 4 in the Arabidopsis genome, two neighboring genes (calmodulin methyl transferase At4g35987 and senescence associated gene At4g35985) are located in a head-to-head divergent orientation sharing a putative bidirectional promoter. This 1258 bp intergenic region contains a number of environmental stress responsive and tissue specific cis-regulatory elements. Transcript analysis of At4g35985 and At4g35987 genes by quantitative real time PCR showed tissue specific and stress inducible expression profiles. We tested the bidirectional promoter-function of the intergenic region shared by the divergent genes At4g35985 and At4g35987 using two reporter genes (GFP and GUS) in both orientations in transient tobacco protoplast and Agro-infiltration assays, as well as in stably transformed transgenic Arabidopsis and tobacco plants. In transient assays with GFP and GUS reporter genes the At4g35985 promoter (P85) showed stronger expression (about 3.5 fold) compared to the At4g35987 promoter (P87). The tissue specific as well as stress responsive functional nature of the bidirectional promoter was evaluated in independent transgenic Arabidopsis and tobacco lines. Expression of P85 activity was detected in the midrib of leaves, leaf trichomes, apical meristemic regions, throughout the root, lateral roots and flowers. The expression of P87 was observed in leaf-tip, hydathodes, apical meristem, root tips, emerging lateral root tips, root stele region and in floral tissues. The bidirectional promoter in both orientations shows differential up-regulation (2.5 to 3 fold) under salt stress. Use of such regulatory elements of bidirectional promoters showing spatial and stress inducible promoter-functions in heterologous system might be an important tool for plant biotechnology and gene stacking applications

    The synthesis and biological evaluation of d-myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor ligands

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    The intracellular second messenger InsP₃ is a vital molecule in the regulation of Ca²⁺ signalling. Ca²⁺ mediates a wide range of cellular activities from fertilisation and cell differentiation through to apoptoisis. Using X-ray crystal structure data and molecular modelling, a series of novel InsP₃ analogues were designed as selective InsP₃R-antagonists. Two novel synthetic routes have been developed for the synthesis of these analogues. The first route uses a Ferrier-II rearrangement to provide enantiopure inositol intermediates, whereas, the second route employs a diastereomeric resolution to obtain the enantiopure inositols. The successful synthesis of InsP₃ and a series of 5-position modified analogues are reported herein

    High-resolution solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy of the paramagnetic metal-organic frameworks, STAM-1 and HKUST-1

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    Solid-state C-13 magic-angle spinning (MAS) NMR spectroscopy is used to investigate the structure of the Cu(II)-based metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), HKUST-1 and STAM-1, and the structural changes occurring within these MOFs upon activation (dehydration). NMR spectroscopy is an attractive technique for the investigation of these materials, owing to its high sensitivity to local structure, without any requirement for longer-range order. However, interactions between nuclei and unpaired electrons in paramagnetic systems (e.g., Cu(II)-based MOFs) pose a considerable challenge, not only for spectral acquisition, but also in the assignment and interpretation of the spectral resonances. Here, we exploit the rapid T-1 relaxation of these materials to obtain C-13 NMR spectra using a spin-echo pulse sequence at natural abundance levels, and employ frequency-stepped acquisition to ensure uniform excitation of resonances over a wide frequency range. We then utilise selective C-13 isotopic labelling of the organic linker molecules to enable an unambiguous assignment of NMR spectra of both MOFs for the first time. We show that the monomethylated linker can be recovered from STAM-1 intact, demonstrating not only the interesting use of this MOF as a protecting group, but also the ability (for both STAM-1 and HKUST-1) to recover isotopically-enriched linkers, thereby reducing significantly the overall cost of the approach.PostprintPeer reviewe


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    The X-ray structure of the title compound has been determined and the structure shows an exo-configured planar dithiolanone ring. This is in contrast to the few previous dithiolanones to be characterised crystallographically which are all twisted

    Chiral fluoroacetic acid: synthesis of (R)- and (S)-[H-2(1)]-fluoroacetate in high enantiopurity

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    A two-step synthesis of (R)- and (S)-[H-2(1)]-fluoroacetate (sodium salts) in high enantioselectivity is reported. The synthesis is the development of a previous one in which the enantioselectivity has been increased from similar to 38% ee to &gt;95% ee. The improvement in enantioselectivity applied Bio's methodology, which involved a deoxyfluorination reaction with DAST on either enantiomer of [H-2(1)]-benzyl alcohol, adding TMS-morpholine to the reaction. The additive promotes an S(N)2 inversion process, and suppresses a competing non-stereospecific S(N)1 reaction course, and as a result significantly improves the stereointegrity of the C-F bond formation. The intermediate [H-2(1)]-benzyl alcohols, [H-2(1)]-benzyl fluorides and the product [H-2(1)]-fluoroacetates as their hexyl esters were separately assayed for their stereochemical integrity, using the Courtieu method. This method involved measuring their H-2 NMR spectra in a chiral matrix of poly-gamma-benzyl L-glutamate. The chiral assay demonstrated that there was no significant loss in stereointegrity during the deoxyfluorination reaction and showed that the enantiomers of [H-2(1)]-fluoroacetate were generated with high enantiomeric purity (95% ee). (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.</p