19 research outputs found

    The ambidextrous interaction of RBV-KBV and regional social capital and their impact on SME management

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    This paper examines the conceptual development of RBV-KBV within an organizational ambidexterity framework and highlights how regional context, RBV-KBV, and firm dynamics inter-operate and co-create. Rather than viewing regional contexts as taken-as-given entities, it is important to see them as culturally, socially, and historically constructed and rooted phenomena. Drawing empirically on elite semi-structured interviews, our study provides novel insights into how SMEs manage resources and regional social capital in order to expand judiciously into international markets. It presents a novel conceptual ambidextrous organizational framework showing how companies move from a traditional exploitative and conservative form of regional cultural RBV-KBV to a more explorative and innovative internationalising one. Further, our study also contributes fresh insights into the explorative ‘hidden champions’ phenomenon by showing how the latent conservative RBV-KBV and its regional social capital-informed exploitative postures act as persistent moderating drivers of explorative internationalisation

    Phylogenies of <i>rpbA</i> from sequenced isolates and other Clavicipitaceae.

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    <p>The phylogenetic tree is based on nucleotide alignment for a portion of the RNA polymerase II largest subunit gene, <i>rpbA</i>. This tree is rooted with <i>Fusarium graminearum</i> as the outgroup. Epichloae are indicated in green, <i>Claviceps</i> species are indicated in blue, <i>Periglandula</i> species are indicated in red, and <i>Aciculosporium take</i> is in black. Species for which genomes were sequenced in this study are shown in bold type, and asterisks indicate plant-associated fungi. Alkaloids listed are the major pathway end-products predicted from the genome sequences, abbreviated as shown in <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003323#pgen-1003323-g002" target="_blank">Figure 2</a>, <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003323#pgen-1003323-g003" target="_blank">Figure 3</a>, <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003323#pgen-1003323-g004" target="_blank">Figure 4</a>. Other abbreviations: (−) = some genes or remnants present, but not predicted to make alkaloids of this class, – = no genes present for this alkaloid class, EA = ergot alkaloids may be produced; IDT = indole-diterpenes may be produced, (ΔR*) = deletion of terminal reductase domain of <i>perA</i>.</p

    GC proportions in genic and repeat DNA of sequenced genomes.<sup>a</sup>

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    a<p>Abbreviations: CDS = coding sequence, GC = proportion of sequence that is G or C, non-Rpt-IG = nonrepetitive intergenic DNA, Rpt = repetitive DNA.</p>b<p>Statistics for <i>P. ipomoeae</i> are tentative because the assembly was filtered by selecting only contigs containing tBLASTx matches to genome sequences from the other Clavicipitaceae.</p

    Structures of the ergot alkaloid biosynthesis loci (<i>EAS</i>) in sequenced genomes.

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    <p>Tracks from top to bottom of each map represent the following: genes, repeats, MITEs, and graphs of AT (red) and GC (blue) contents. Each gene is represented by one or more boxes representing the coding sequences in exons, and an arrow indicating the direction of transcription. Double-slash marks (//) indicate sequence gaps within scaffolds of the assembled <i>E. festucae</i> genome sequences. Closed circles indicate telomeres, and distances from the telomere on the <i>E. festucae</i> map are indicated in kilobasepairs (kb). Cyan bars beneath each map represent repeat sequences, and are labeled with names or numbers to indicate relationships between repeats in the different species. Vertical bars beneath the repeat maps indicate MITEs. Gene names are abbreviated <i>A</i> through <i>P</i> for <i>easA</i> through <i>easP</i>, <i>W</i> for <i>dmaW</i>, and <i>clo</i> for <i>cloA</i>. Genes for synthesis of the ergoline ring system (skeleton) are shown in dark blue for the steps to chanoclavine-I (<i>W</i>, <i>F</i>, <i>E</i>, and <i>C</i>), and in light blue (<i>D</i>, <i>A</i>, and <i>G</i>) for steps to agroclavine. Genes for subsequent chemical decorations are shown in red (<i>clo</i>, <i>H</i>, <i>O</i>, <i>P</i>, <i>lpsA</i>, <i>lpsB</i>, and <i>lpsC</i>). Identifiable genes flanking the clusters are indicated in gray, and unfilled arrows indicate pseudogenes. The major pathway end-products for each strain are listed below each species name, abbreviated as indicated in <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003323#pgen-1003323-g002" target="_blank">Figure 2</a>, and in bold for those confirmed in this study. Note that LAH is a reported product of <i>C. paspali</i>, but the sequenced strain is predicted not to synthesize it due to a defective <i>easE</i> gene.</p

    Alkaloid profiles of sequenced isolates.<sup>a</sup>

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    a<p>Strains are abbreviated as follow: <i>Cpu</i> = <i>Claviceps purpurea</i> 20.1, <i>Cfu</i> = <i>C. fusiformis</i> PRL 1980, Cpa = <i>C. paspali</i> RRC-1481, <i>Eam</i> = <i>Epichloë amarillans</i> E57, <i>Ebe</i> = <i>E. brachyelytri</i> E4804, <i>Eel</i> = <i>E. elymi</i> E56, <i>Ef</i>1 = <i>E. festucae</i> Fl1, <i>Ef</i>2 = <i>E. festucae</i> E2368, <i>Egl</i> = <i>E. glyceriae</i> E2772, <i>Et</i>8 = <i>E. typhina</i> E8, <i>Et</i>5 = <i>E. typhina</i> E5819, <i>Nga</i> = <i>N. gansuense</i> E7080, <i>Ngi</i> = <i>N. gansuense</i> var. <i>inebrians</i> E818, <i>Nun</i> = <i>N. uncinatum</i> E167, <i>Pip</i> = <i>P. ipomoeae</i> IasaF13. Symbols: + = present, (+) = intermediate inferred to be synthesized because downstream product is present, − = not predicted and not detected, (−) = predicted but not detected, nt = predicted but not tested, ERA = ergotamine, ERB = ergobalansine, ERC = ergocryptine, ERV = ergovaline. Blank cells indicate compounds not predicted from genotype, and not tested.</p>b<p>Identification of IDT-436 and terpendoles E, I, J, K, M, M, and A are tentative because authentic standards are unavailable.</p

    Summary of loline alkaloid-biosynthesis pathway.

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    <p>Arrows indicate one or more steps catalyzed by products of the genes indicated. Arrows and genes in blue indicate steps in synthesis of the first fully cyclized intermediate (NANL). Arrows and genes in red indicate steps in modification of NANL to give the variety of lolines found in the epichloae. Asterisks indicate <i>LOL</i> genes that were newly discovered in the genome sequence of <i>E. festucae</i> E2368.</p

    Relationships of <i>ltmE</i> and <i>ltmJ</i> with other <i>LTM</i> genes.

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    <p>Filled boxes indicate coding sequences of exons. Gray polygons indicate closest BLASTp matches to inferred polypeptide sequences for each exon, and are labeled with percent amino-acid identities.</p

    Genome sequencing statistics for plant-associated Clavicipitaceae.<sup>a</sup>

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    a<p>Abbreviations: Ctg = contig; PE = paired end; MP = mate pair; Sc = scaffold (i.e., supercontig); x-cov. = fold coverage of sequence. N50 is defined as the minimum length of the largest contigs or scaffolds (as specified) that together contain 50% of the genome assembly.</p>b<p>Size based on total scaffold length for <i>C. purpurea</i> 20.1, <i>E. festucae</i> E2368, and <i>E. festucae</i> Fl1, and total length of large (≥500 bp) contigs for the others.</p