77 research outputs found

    Deposits of pyroclastic mass flows at Bibby Hill (Pliocene, James Ross Island, Antarctica)

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    Sedimentological study of the southern slopes of Bibby Hill (relic of a Pliocene tuff cone) allows recognition of twelve lithofacies and three facies associations. Deposits of pyroclastic currents (both low- and high density pyroclastic currents) dominate over the deposits of pyroclastic flows. Products of suabaerial resedimented pyroclastic deposits play minor role. Vertical distribution of facies associations within the studied succession is not uniform. These differences in the distribution of facies associations are interpreted as response to variations in the intensity and type (Surtseyan, Taalian) of phreato-magmatic eruptions, water availability and morphology of the cone


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    Middle Badenian tefra has been recognized within the drill hole OS - 2 Hať drilled within the deposits of the Carpathian Foredeep in Silesia. Pumice shards of volcanic glass predominate over the cuspate shards in the studied sample. Source volcanism can be described as rhyolitic one based on volcanic glass chemistry. Study of volcanic zircons reflects relative high eruption tempera ture (800°C) and hybrid character of parental magma. Zircon characteristics are significantly different from the previously studied Neogene volcaniclastics of the Carpathian Foredeep (Eggenburgian, Ottnangian, Lower Badenian). Studied Middle Badenian volcaniclastics can be described as distal ones and their source and their origin is most probably connected with the areal type of acidic volcanic activity in the Carpatho-Pannonian region

    Depositional architecture of modern fluvial deposits in Čerták (Staré Město u Uherského Hradiště) – artificial oxbow lake of the Morava river

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    Ground penetrating radar and drill holes were used for the study of depositional architecture of the locality Čerták (artificial oxbow lake of the Morava river) in the area of Staré Město u Uherského Hradiště. Sedimentary successions were divided into elements with different depositional history. High rate of deposition and strong role of climatic factors of deposition can be followed.Ground penetrating radar and drill holes were used for the study of depositional architecture of the locality Čerták (artificial oxbow lake of the Morava river) in the area of Staré Město u Uherského Hradiště. Sedimentary successions were divided into elements with different depositional history. High rate of deposition and strong role of climatic factors of deposition can be followed

    Results of the drilling survey on the Hluchov locality (Lower Badenian, Carpathian Foredeep)

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    Lower Badenian deposits of the Carpathian Foredeep were newly studied in the sedimentary succession from drill hole Hluchov 2. They represent the deposits of coastal and shallow marine environments. Transgressive systems tract and highstand systems tract were recognized. Volcaniclastic input (distal airfall tephra) was identified in the upper part of the succession. Deposition of limestones is connected with marine transgression and significant reduction of terrigeneous input.Lower Badenian deposits of the Carpathian Foredeep were newly studied in the sedimentary succession from drill hole Hluchov 2. They represent the deposits of coastal and shallow marine environments. Transgressive systems tract and highstand systems tract were recognized. Volcaniclastic input (distal airfall tephra) was identified in the upper part of the succession. Deposition of limestones is connected with marine transgression and significant reduction of terrigeneous input


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    Application of geophysical methods helps to recognise an asymmetrical tectonic depression below the occurrence of Lower Badenian deposits in the surroundings of Hostim. The depression filled dominantly by mottled clays is more than 60 m deep. The basal part of its fill is product of deep tropical weathering (in situ position). The upper part of the clays was redeposited in terrestrial (fluvial) conditions. Lower Badenian sands and gravels (clastic coast deposits, relative sea-level rise) form the topmost part of the pro file. Morphostructural analysis discovered system of fault-line valleys or fault-angle valleys, in the northern surroundings of the locality. Some features of the Nedveka river valley can reflect its epigenetic development

    Petrofacial analyses of the Permo-Carboniferous deposits in southern parts of the Boskovice basin and Zöbing (Lower Austria)

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    Petrofacial analyses of Early Paleozoic (Stephanian–Autunian) deposits of the Boskovice basin (Czech Republic) and locality Zöbing (Austria) were used for better description of the provenance and also to confirm or exclude possible existence of common basin. Significant differences in petrography of studied sandstones did not support the hypothesis about continuation of the Boskovice basin towards the south up to the area of today´s Lower Austria.Petrofacial analyses of Early Paleozoic (Stephanian–Autunian) deposits of the Boskovice basin (Czech Republic) and locality Zöbing (Austria) were used for better description of the provenance and also to confirm or exclude possible existence of common basin. Significant differences in petrography of studied sandstones did not support the hypothesis about continuation of the Boskovice basin towards the south up to the area of today´s Lower Austria


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    Modern fluvial deposits of both small and large rivers were studied at 14 monitoring sites in the area of eastern Moravia (Czech Republic). The grain size of deposits reflects wider spectra of transportation, although the suspended load dominates. The grain size of studied fluvial sediments was both sediment supply and discharge controlled. The role of the material source seems to be dominant whereas the influence of fluvial discharge is seasonal. Studied sediments reflect seasonal trends and variability in fluvial discharges with maximum discharge values in the early spring (snow melting) and summer (thunderstorm events) periods


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    The fluvial deposits of the Paleo-Svratka River were studied on 3 localities in the broader surroundings of the castle Veveří (NW of Brno). Sediments represent 3 different terraces and their ages range from Upper Miocene to Middle Pleistocene. Petrography of pebbles and heavy mineral assemblages (heavy mineral spectra, garnet and rutile chemistry) reveal differences in provenance of sediments


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    Tephrostratigraphical study of volcaniclastic rocks within the deposits of Pavlovice Formation (Eggenburgian? –Karpatian) proved that they represent distal fallout tephra. The studies of volcanic glass, volcanic zircon and geochemistry of the bulk rock (trace elements, REE) revealed that the parental volcanism was acidic calc–alcaline volcanism of the volcanic arch. Studied volcaniclastic rocks are strongly altered (secondary/postdepositional processes)

    Results of the drilling survey on the Hluchov locality (Lower Badenian, Carpathian Foredeep)

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    Lower Badenian deposits of the Carpathian Foredeep were newly studied in the sedimentary succession from drill hole Hluchov 2. They represent the deposits of coastal and shallow marine environments. Transgressive systems tract and highstand systems tract were recognized. Volcaniclastic input (distal airfall tephra) was identified in the upper part of the succession. Deposition of limestones is connected with marine transgression and significant reduction of terrigeneous input.Lower Badenian deposits of the Carpathian Foredeep were newly studied in the sedimentary succession from drill hole Hluchov 2. They represent the deposits of coastal and shallow marine environments. Transgressive systems tract and highstand systems tract were recognized. Volcaniclastic input (distal airfall tephra) was identified in the upper part of the succession. Deposition of limestones is connected with marine transgression and significant reduction of terrigeneous input