9 research outputs found

    Problematyka zrównoważonego rozwoju społeczno-kulturowego w materiałach dydaktycznych: Nauczanie języka angielskiego w Indiach

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    Teaching materials are the primary source of input in the language classroom. The potential of English language teaching (ELT) materials to preserves and transmit our culture, value, identity, and language make it significant for socio-cultural sustainability. The materials developed by the National Council of Education and Research Training (NCERT) are far and wide running study materials in primary and secondary schools in India. India exhibits a massive variety of cultures, customs, languages, and religious beliefs. The selection and development of apt materials is, therefore, a matter of serious deliberation. The centrally developed material, despite numerous benefits, often lacks in representing different groups of students, especially the backward and marginalized ones. The contents, in most cases, are representative of the mainstream. Therefore, the study suggests teachers developed supplementary materials to which learners from all the groups can relate. The researcher has taken the context of Jharkhand and illustrates self-developed supplementary materials prepared using contents from learners’ social and cultural backgrounds. The article offers various suggestions on how to develop such materials that could bring socio-cultural equity in the classroom, making a significant contribution to social sustainability.Materiały dydaktyczne są głównym źródłem informacji w klasie językowej. Potencjał materiałów do nauczania języka angielskiego (ELT) w ochronie i przekazywaniu naszej kultury, wartości, tożsamości i języka sprawia, że ​​są one istotne z perspektywy zrównoważonego rozwoju społeczno-kulturowego. Materiały opracowane przez National Council of Education and Research Training (NCERT) są szeroko stosowanymi materiałami do nauki w szkołach podstawowych i średnich w Indiach. Indie wykazują ogromną różnorodność kultur, zwyczajów, języków i przekonań religijnych. Wybór i opracowanie odpowiednich materiałów jest zatem kwestią poważnej refleksji. W materiale opracowanym centralnie, mimo licznych korzyści, często brakuje reprezentacji różnych grup uczniów, zwłaszcza tych zacofanych i marginalizowanych. Treści w większości przypadków są reprezentatywne dla głównego nurtu. W związku warto zasugerować nauczycielom opracowanie materiałów uzupełniających, do których mogą odnieść się uczniowie ze wszystkich grup. W artykule przyjęto perspektywę Jharkhanda i przedstawiono własne materiały uzupełniające wykorzystujące treści pochodzące ze środowisk społecznych i kulturowych uczniów. Artykuł zawiera konretne sugestie dotyczące opracowywania takich materiałów, które mogłyby zapewnić równość społeczno-kulturową w klasie, wnosząc znaczący wkład w zrównoważony rozwój społeczny

    Control of Three Phase Grid Connected Photovoltaic System

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    To counter environmental pollution arising out of fossil fuel power generation,the world is gradually shifting towards renewable sources of energy, with solar energy leading at the front. In a grid-connected solar PV system, the energy generation system and utility grid are interfaced by using power electronics converters which are commonly based on a VSI (voltage source inverter) connected to the mains supply network, which is used to regulate power flow and ensuring operation with unity power factor. The grid requirements are improved power quality, Good transient response during fault conditions, grid synchronization and independent control of active & reactive power and etc. To achieve this requirement of the grid, here we designed a 10kW PV system which is to be interfaced to a utility grid to be performed. This project represents athree-phase, single-stage grid integrated solar PV system. The proposed system serves for power factor correction,the maximum power point tracking (MPPT), the grid 5 currents balancing and harmonics mitigation of loads connected at the PCC (point5 of common coupling). The solar photovoltaic system uses a three- phase VSC (voltage source converter) to perform these functions. This system extracts the solar energy from the photovoltaic system and feeds to the grid.MPPT algorithm is put to use for extracting maximum power from Photovoltaic system. There are many types of MPPT algorithms are there, but especially which are widely used is perturb and observer and incremental conductance algorithm. Here, the proposed system used the incremental conductance which is more accurate and more efficient. The reference DC link voltage of voltage source converter is also decided by the MPPT algorithm. In a simplified way, the control algorithm of a solar photovoltaic system consists of two parts, in the first part the MPPT decides the reference D.C. link voltage and secondly the VSC is controlled by the use of control functions. The PV system voltage is maintained at the reference which is controlled by a PI(proportional integral)controller using an MPPT algorithm. For controlling the VSC, an Improved linear sinusoidal tracer (ILST) and Damped-second order generalized integrator (Damped-SOGI) is proposed. The main characters of the Improved linear sinusoidal tracer control algorithm are fast convergence, control simplicity while the Damped-SOGI is having the higher converging state, good noise immunity response and improved steady-state performance. The fundamental component of the load current is extracted by using an ILST and a Damped-SOGI based control algorithm, zero crossing detectors and sample and hold log are used to extract the active power component of load currents. PI controller is used to estimate the loss component of VSC and reference grid currents are estimated by combining all these components. The sensed grid currents and the reference grid currents are compared and a current controller is used for producing the switching pulses for the grid VSC interfaced. The unity power factor (UPF),as well as the sinusoidal balancing of grid currents, are controlled by the VSC. The currents injected into the grid are synchronized using unit templates derived from PCC voltages. Only active power is exchanged through the grid because the grid currents are at UPF. The total active power in the system must be balanced among the grid, the loads and the SPV. There is a comparison between the Damped SOGI and ILST algorithm on the basis of THD and other waveforms. The simulation results are obtained by using MATLAB/Simulink for controlling the active current between the PV-grid systems

    Rola języka w zrównoważonym rozwoju: wielojęzyczność i umiejętność czytania i pisania w Indiach

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    The paper, out of the three major domains of sustainable development, brings its focus on socio-cultural sustainability. As human contacts and negotiation are essential to serve the purposes of sustainable development worldwide, language as a shared means of communication is worth paying attention to. The central objective of the paper is to deliberate on the significance of language and literacy in sustainable development. Firstly, it introduces the notion of sustainable development and conceptualizes language within its frame. Then, it explores the link between language, literacy and development; and elucidates the role this plays in attaining sustainable development goals. The paper further highlights the debate between English and mother tongue/local languages specific to the literacy programmes in India. Conflicts in language selection for the medium of instruction, deciding on the place of mother tongue and global language, etc are some obvious issues in the multilingual and multicultural education scenario. Therefore, the paper calls for the need of adopting a multilingual approach in order to address the linguistic diversity in the multilingual educational contexts. Both English and local languages have been equally emphasized for attaining social sustainability at the local and global plane. Some implications are also suggested to be utilized in language/educational programmes.Niniejszy artykuł, spośród trzech głównych filarów zrównoważonego rozwoju, koncentruje się na zrównoważeniu społeczno-kulturowym. Ponieważ kontakty międzyludzkie i negocjacje są niezbędne, by służyć zrównoważonemu rozwojowi na całym świecie, warto zwrócić uwagę na język jako wspólny środek komunikacji. Głównym celem artykułu jest rozważenie znaczenia języka i umiejętności czytania i pisania o zrównoważonym rozwoju. Po pierwsze, wprowadza pojęcie zrównoważonego rozwoju i konceptualizuje język w jego ramach. Następnie bada związek między językiem, umiejętnością czytania i rozwoju oraz wyjaśnia rolę, jaką odgrywa w osiąganiu celów zrównoważonego rozwoju. Artykuł dodatkowo omawia relację między językiem angielskim a językiem ojczystym / językami lokalnymi w kontekście programów alfabetyzacji w Indiach. Konflikty w wyborze języka jako środka nauczania, decydowania o miejscu języka ojczystego i języka globalnego itp. to pewne oczywiste problemy w scenariuszu edukacji wielojęzycznej i wielokulturowej. W związku z tym w artykule postuluje się przyjęcie podejścia wielojęzycznego w celu uwzględnienia różnorodności językowej wielojęzycznych klas. Podkreślono rolę zarówno języka angielskiego, jak i lokalnego, jako drogi do osiągnięcia równowagi społecznej na płaszczyźnie lokalnej i globalnej. Autorzy wskazują również, na niektóre rozwiązania, które można wykorzystać w programach językowych / edukacyjnych

    Problematyka zrównoważonego rozwoju społeczno-kulturowego w materiałach dydaktycznych: Nauczanie języka angielskiego w Indiach

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    Teaching materials are the primary source of input in the language classroom. The potential of English language teaching (ELT) materials to preserves and transmit our culture, value, identity, and language make it significant for socio-cultural sustainability. The materials developed by the National Council of Education and Research Training (NCERT) are far and wide running study materials in primary and secondary schools in India. India exhibits a massive variety of cultures, customs, languages, and religious beliefs. The selection and development of apt materials is, therefore, a matter of serious deliberation. The centrally developed material, despite numerous benefits, often lacks in representing different groups of students, especially the backward and marginalized ones. The contents, in most cases, are representative of the mainstream. Therefore, the study suggests teachers developed supplementary materials to which learners from all the groups can relate. The researcher has taken the context of Jharkhand and illustrates self-developed supplementary materials prepared using contents from learners’ social and cultural backgrounds. The article offers various suggestions on how to develop such materials that could bring socio-cultural equity in the classroom, making a significant contribution to social sustainability.Materiały dydaktyczne są głównym źródłem informacji w klasie językowej. Potencjał materiałów do nauczania języka angielskiego (ELT) w ochronie i przekazywaniu naszej kultury, wartości, tożsamości i języka sprawia, że są one istotne z perspektywy zrównoważonego rozwoju społeczno-kulturowego. Materiały opracowane przez National Council of Education and Research Training (NCERT) są szeroko stosowanymi materiałami do nauki w szkołach podstawowych i średnich w Indiach. Indie wykazują ogromną różnorodność kultur, zwyczajów, języków i przekonań religijnych. Wybór i opracowanie odpowiednich materiałów jest zatem kwestią poważnej refleksji. W materiale opracowanym centralnie, mimo licznych korzyści, często brakuje reprezentacji różnych grup uczniów, zwłaszcza tych zacofanych i marginalizowanych. Treści w większości przypadków są reprezentatywne dla głównego nurtu. W związku warto zasugerować nauczycielom opracowanie materiałów uzupełniających, do których mogą odnieść się uczniowie ze wszystkich grup. W artykle przyjęto perspektywę Jharkhanda i przedstawiono własne materiały uzupełniające wykorzystujące treści pochodzące ze środowisk społecznych i kulturowych uczniów. Artykuł zawiera konretne sugestie dotyczące opracowywania takich materiałów, które mogłyby zapewnić równość społeczno-kulturową w klasie, wnosząc znaczący wkład w zrównoważony rozwój społeczny

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    Assessment of Physico-chemical Properties on Soil from Different Blocks of Komaram Bheem, Asifabad District, Telangana, India

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    The objectives of this study were to examine the results of 12 sampling locations and determine the availability of macronutrients in the soil of these soil samples. Soil samples were collected at the depth of 0-15 cm and 15-30 cm respectively. Soil textural classes were Sandy clay loam. The Water Holding Capacity varies from (38.24 to 45.84%), Bulk Density varies from (1.32 Mg m-3 to 1.48 Mg m-3). Particle Density varies from (2.31 Mg m-3 to 2.45 Mg m-3). The soil was reported to be in good physical condition, with % Pore Space (43.49% to 49.16%). The pH of soil is alkaline in nature (7.25 to 8.92) and the Electrical Conductivity (0.18 to 0.48 dSm1) was suitable for all crops. Organic carbon was found low to medium (0.33 to 0.48%) these soils had low nitrogen levels (200.00 kg ha-1 to 220.00 kg ha-1). Phosphorus (16.24 kg ha-1 to 26.58 kg ha1) is found medium to high. Potassium (225.24 kg ha-1 to 277.51 kg ha-1) is found medium in range. Calcium (4.02 to 5.45 meq 100g-1) and Magnesium (1.92 to 2.76 meq 100g-1) are sufficient in this soil. There is an including awareness of the need to pay greater attention in the role of macronutrients enhancement in the soil for good soil health and proper nutrition of plant so as to attain optimum economic yield and soil is suitable for all major tropical and sub-tropical crops

    Effect of antioxidants and associate changes in antioxidant enzymes in controlling browning and necrosis of proliferating shoots of elite Jatropha curcas L

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    A high yielding elite plant of Jatropha curcas was established under aseptic condition from field-grown nodal explants. Shoots were proliferated in MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg dm−3 benzyladenine and 0.1 mg dm−3 indolebutyric acid along with 10 mg dm−3 adenine sulphate and a combination of 15 mg dm−3 each of L-glutamine and L-arginine. However, within 15-20 d of culture incubation, tissue browning/necrosis leading to poor plant regeneration in vitro was observed. A set of different antioxidants, namely, reduced glutathione, ascorbic acid, tocopherol and cysteine were used in the medium individually and in combination to solve the problem of tissue browning and necrosis. The addition of antioxidants proved beneficial for the growth of the shoots. The optimum medium comprised of 25 mg dm−3 reduced glutathione and 10 mg dm−3 ascorbic acid, where proliferating shoots having highest leaf canopy area, remained fresh, green and regenerative up to 40 d of culture incubation without any subculture. The activities of antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase was higher in control shoots, indicating that tissue browning/necrosis was associated with oxidative stress which was further supported by higher contents of H2O2 and phenolics in control shoots compared to the other treatments. Similarly glutathione reductase, ascorbate peroxidase and guiacol peroxidase was higher in treated shoots than control indicating that these shoots have developed antioxidant enzymatic protective system which determine the ability to survive in oxidative stress and up regulation of these enzymes would help to reduce the built up of reactive oxygen species

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    Not AvailableLac insects belonging to the genus Kerria are commercially exploited for lac which has diversified industrial applications. India is the global leader in lac production; much of commercial lac is derived from the Indian lac insect, Kerria lacca (Kerr). Molecular marker studies of Kerria species are limited to RAPD and ISSR. We evaluated genetic diversity among 27 Kerria geographic populations belonging to thirteen species of Kerria, using 31 microsatellite markers developed from transcriptome of the Indian lac insect. The number of alleles per locus ranged between 2 and 6 with a mean of 2.74, showing polymorphism of 66.7- 100%. UPGMA dendrogram based on Jaccard’s similarity coefficient grouped 27 Kerria accessions into three major clusters consisting of 2, 13 and 12 populations respectively and their similarity coefficient ranged between 0.61 and 0.95. Based on similarity coefficients, the closest relationship was observed between Kerria pusana and Kerria pennyae and also between K. lacca and K. pennaye. K. chinensis appeared well separated from all other Kerria species studied. Geographically closer species were found more similar, in general. The present study reveals wide intra- and inter-specific genetic diversity among Kerria populations through EST-microsatellite markers and indicates the potential and usefulness of marker studies for lac insect improvement programmes.Not Availabl

    Influence of Different Levels of N, P, K and Organic Manures on Soil Health, Growth and Yield of Green Gram (Vigna radiata L.) cv. Samrat

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    An experiment was conducted on Influence of different level of N P K and organic manures on soil health, growth and yield of green gram (Vigna radiata L.) cv. Samrat at the research farm of soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, design laid out in randomized block design (RBD) with three replications. Green gram was taken for study with recommended doses of fertilizers (N, P2O5 and K2O @ 20, 40 and 20 kg ha-1) was applied with organic manure (FYM, and Vermicompost). A variety of green gram Samrat was taken for a research trial. Bulk density (mg m-3) and Particle density (mg m-3) was maximum in T1 (NPK @ 0% + FYM @ 0% + VC @ 0%). Pore space (%), Water holding capacity (%), pH (1:2) w/v, EC (dS m-1), Organic carbon (%), Nitrogen (kg -1), Phosphorus (kg -1) and Potassium (kg -1) was maximum in T9 (NPK @ 100% + FYM @ 100% + VC @ 100%). In treatment T9 the highest grain yield (15.58 q ha-1) was obtained with C:B ratio of 1:3.26