346 research outputs found

    QCD in neutron stars and strange stars

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    This paper provides an overview of the possible role of Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QDC) for neutron stars and strange stars. The fundamental degrees of freedom of QCD are quarks, which may exist as unconfined (color superconducting) particles in the cores of neutron stars. There is also the theoretical possibility that a significantly large number of up, down, and strange quarks may settle down in a new state of matter known as strange quark matter, which, by hypothesis, could be more stable than atomic nuclei. In the latter case new classes of self-bound, color superconducting objects, ranging from strange quark nuggets to strange quark stars, should exist. The properties of such objects will be reviewed along with the possible existence of deconfined quarks in neutron stars. Implications for observational astrophysics are pointed out.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures; presented at the T(R)OPICAL QCD Workshop, September 26 - October 2, 2010, Cairns, Australi

    Thermal evolution of hybrid stars within the framework of a nonlocal Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model

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    We study the thermal evolution of neutron stars containing deconfined quark matter in their core. Such objects are generally referred to as quark-hybrid stars. The confined hadronic matter in their core is described in the framework of non-linear relativistic nuclear field theory. For the quark phase we use a non-local extension of the SU(3) Nambu Jona-Lasinio model with vector interactions. The Gibbs condition is used to model phase equilibrium between confined hadronic matter and deconfined quark matter. Our study indicates that high-mass neutron stars may contain between 35 and 40 % deconfined quark-hybrid matter in their cores. Neutron stars with canonical masses of around 1.4M1.4\, M_\odot would not contain deconfined quark matter. The central proton fractions of the stars are found to be high, enabling them to cool rapidly. Very good agreement with the temperature evolution established for the neutron star in Cassiopeia A (Cas A) is obtained for one of our models (based on the popular NL3 nuclear parametrization), if the protons in the core of our stellar models are strongly paired, the repulsion among the quarks is mildly repulsive, and the mass of Cas A has a canonical value of 1.4M1.4\, M_\odot.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Avaliações de linhagens promissoras de aveia para a produção de forragem em São Paulo.

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    Treze linhagens promissoras de aveia forenecidas pela UFPF foram testadas quanto a sua capacidade de produção de forragem

    Avaliação do potencial de armazenamento de sementes de genótipos de Guandu (Cajanus Cajan (L.) Millsp).

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    Sementes de dez genótipos de guandu foram avaliadas quanto ao potencial de armazenamento através de testes de envelhecimento acelerado e de germinação após armazenamento em condições ambientais não controladas por seis meses. Os genótipos g3, g5, g19b e g58 apresentaram os melhores resultados no teste de envelhecimento acelerado, enquanto que após o armazenamento em condições ambientais não houve diferenciação entre os genótipos quanto apresentaram os melhores resultados no teste de envelhecimento acelerado, enquanto que após o armazenamento em condições ambientais nao houve diferenciação entre os genótipos quanto a sua capacidade germinativa. O primeiro teste, portanto, revelou-se mais eficiente para predizer o potencial de armazenameto, permitindo a classificação dos genótipos de guandu

    Compactness in the Thermal Evolution of Twin Stars

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    In this work, we study for the first time the thermal evolution of twin star pairs, i.e., stars that present the same mass but different radius and compactness. We collect available equations of state that give origin to a second branch of stable compact stars with quarks in their core. For each equation of state, we investigate the particle composition inside stars and how differently each twin evolves over time, which depends on the central density/pressure and consequent crossing of the threshold for the Urca cooling process. We find that, although the general stellar thermal evolution depends on mass and particle composition, withing one equation of state, only twin pairs that differ considerably on compactness can be clearly distinguished by how they cool down

    Hybrid Stars in an SU(3) Parity Doublet Model

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    We apply an extended version of the SU(3) parity model, containing quark degrees of freedom, to study neutron stars. The model successfully reproduces the main thermodynamic features of QCD which allows us to describe the composition of dense matter. Chiral symmetry restoration is realized inside the star and the chiral partners of the baryons appear, their masses becoming degenerate. Furthermore, quark degrees of freedom appear in a transition to a deconfined state. Performing an investigation of the macroscopic properties of neutron stars, we show that observational constraints, like mass and thermal evolution, are satisfied and new predictions can be made

    Neutron star interiors and the equation of state of ultra-dense matter

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    There has been much recent progress in our understanding of quark matter, culminating in the discovery that if such matter exists in the cores of neutron stars it ought to be in a color superconducting state. This paper explores the impact of superconducting quark matter on the properties (e.g., masses, radii, surface gravity, photon emission) of compact stars.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures; Paper presented at the Int. Conf. on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum VII, Ponta Delgada, Acores, 2-7 September 2006; to be published by AI

    Avaliação preliminar de germoplasma de aveia.

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    Foram avaliados pela EMBRAPA-UEPAE, São Carlos, SP, 50 genotipos, com o objetivo de selecionar germoplasma para o desenvolvimento de novas linhagens de aveia.bitstream/item/120275/1/digitalizar0021.pdfPesquisa em Andamento

    Avaliação agronômico de coleção de guandu (Cajanus Cajan(L.)Millsp) forrageiro proveniente do ICRISAT.

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    Com a finalidade de avaliar agronomicamente coleção de guandu fornecida pelo Internacional Crops Research Institute for the Semi-arid Tropics, ICRISAT, India, foi instalado ensaio em blocos ao acaso, com 3 repetições e 76 tratamentos.Resum