18 research outputs found

    Instrumentation characteristics for the ICP-OES measurements.

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    <p>* … Precision was estimated from the deviation of six independent replicates.</p><p>LOD … Limit of detection if sample weight is 500 mg ashed (500°C) bone.</p><p>Instrumentation characteristics for the ICP-OES measurements.</p

    Kruskal-Wallis respectively Mann-Whitney U tests performed for gladiator and non gladiator groups.

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    <p>Significant <i>p</i> values are bold; NG, non gladiator.</p><p>Kruskal-Wallis respectively Mann-Whitney U tests performed for gladiator and non gladiator groups.</p

    Stable δ<sup>13</sup>C and δ<sup>15</sup>N ratios.

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    <p>Comparison between different groups (gladiators, NG-males, and NG-females).</p

    Study area at the west coast of Turkey.

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    <p>(a) Geographical location of ancient Ephesus. (b) City map of Roman Ephesus with investigated excavations sites. (c) Details of the excavation trench in 1993 (DAM93) including the gladiator cemetery (DAM93G). Images compiled with modified data from OpenStreetMap and CIA maps.</p

    Basic statistics for stable isotope ratios and Sr/Cr data.

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    <p>NG, non gladiator; SD, standard deviation; N/A, not applied.</p><p>Basic statistics for stable isotope ratios and Sr/Cr data.</p

    Ratios of Ca and Sr for bone vs. total soil vs. soil eluent and bone vs. soil eluent gradients, as well as Sr/Ca-ratios in bone, soil and eluent for all investigated excavation locations.

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    <p>Ratios of Ca and Sr for bone vs. total soil vs. soil eluent and bone vs. soil eluent gradients, as well as Sr/Ca-ratios in bone, soil and eluent for all investigated excavation locations.</p

    Stable δ<sup>13</sup>C and δ<sup>34</sup>S ratios.

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    <p>Comparison between different groups (gladiators, NG-males, and NG-females).</p

    Individual data of stable carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) isotope ratios for collagen and strontium (Sr), calcium (Ca) as well as Ca/P-ratios and Sr/Ca-ratios.

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    <p>Individuals excluded due to collagen quality criteria are shown in <i>italic</i> type; LOD, limit of detection; N/A, not applied; F, female; M, male.</p><p>Individual data of stable carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) isotope ratios for collagen and strontium (Sr), calcium (Ca) as well as Ca/P-ratios and Sr/Ca-ratios.</p