112 research outputs found

    Effects of short-term storage in processing rightward movement

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    Absolute ungrammaticality

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    Context-Sensitive Spell-Out

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    Restricted pro drop in Early Modern Dutch

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    Syntactic Atomicity

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    Word-Formation in Optimality Theory

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    Default person versus default number in agreement

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    In this paper, we compare the behaviour of the default in the person system (third person) with the default in the number system (singular). We argue, following Nevins (2007; 2011), that third person pronouns have person features, while singular DPs lack number features. The evidence for these claims comes from situations in which a single head agrees with multiple DPs that have contrasting person and number specifications. In cases where the number of morphological slots in which agreement can be realized is lower than the number of agreement relations established in syntax, such contrasting specification may prove problematic. As it turns out, conflicts between singular and plural do not result in ungrammaticality, but conflicts between third person and first or second person do. Such person clashes can be avoided if the morphological realization of the relevant person features is syncretic. Alternatively, languages may make use of a person hierarchy that regulates the morphological realization of conflicting specifications for person. The argument we present is rooted in, and supports, the theory of person developed in Ackema & Neeleman (2013; 2018)
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