16 research outputs found

    Physical and biological characterization of ferromagnetic fiber networks: effect of fibrin deposition on short-term in vitro responses of human osteoblasts.

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    Ferromagnetic fiber networks have the potential to deform in vivo imparting therapeutic levels of strain on in-growing periprosthetic bone tissue. 444 Ferritic stainless steel provides a suitable material for this application due to its ability to support cultures of human osteoblasts (HObs) without eliciting undue inflammatory responses from monocytes in vitro. In the present article, a 444 fiber network, containing 17 vol% fibers, has been investigated. The network architecture was obtained by applying a skeletonization algorithm to three-dimensional tomographic reconstructions of the fiber networks. Elastic properties were measured using low-frequency vibration testing, providing globally averaged properties as opposed to mechanical methods that yield only local properties. The optimal region for transduction of strain to cells lies between the ferromagnetic fibers. However, cell attachment, at early time points, occurs primarily on fiber surfaces. Deposition of fibrin, a fibrous protein involved in acute inflammatory responses, can facilitate cell attachment within this optimal region at early time points. The current work compared physiological (3 and 5 g·L(-1)) and supraphysiological fibrinogen concentrations (10 g·L(-1)), using static in vitro seeding of HObs, to determine the effect of fibrin deposition on cell responses during the first week of cell culture. Early cell attachment within the interfiber spaces was observed in all fibrin-containing samples, supported by fibrin nanofibers. Fibrin deposition influenced the seeding, metabolic activity, and early stage differentiation of HObs cultured in the fibrin-containing fiber networks in a concentration-dependant manner. While initial cell attachment for networks with fibrin deposited from low physiological concentrations was similar to control samples without fibrin deposition, significantly higher HObs attached onto high physiological and supraphysiological concentrations. Despite higher cell numbers with supraphysiological concentrations, cell metabolic activities were similar for all fibrinogen concentrations. Further, cells cultured on supraphysiological concentrations exhibited lower cell differentiation as measured by alkaline phosphatase activity at early time points. Overall, the current study suggests that physiological fibrinogen concentrations would be more suitable than supraphysiological concentrations for supporting early cell activity in porous implant coatings.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Mary Ann Liebert at http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/ten.TEA.2014.0211?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori%3Arid%3Acrossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub%3Dpubmed

    Thermodynamic design of ultra-strong titanium alloys undergoing plasticity induced martensitic transformations

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    The strength of β titanium alloys can be increased up to 20 % via inducing martensitic transformations under plastic deformation, without compromising on other properties such as ductility. Tailoring such transformations for various alloy compositions and deformation temperatures may be performed with the aid of thermodynamic computations. A thermodynamic framework is presented to control Plasticity induced transformations in titanium alloys, and its application in developing novel alloys subjected to various deformation schemes is presented. The prospects of developing a new family of metastable β alloys displaying improved strength/ductility relationships via plasticity induced transformation effects is outlined

    Design of highly formable and strong titanium alloys through plasticity induced transformation

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    Preliminary studies show the existence of Plasticity induced Transformation in metastable β-Titanium alloys (PiTTi), an effect similar to TRIP in steels. Extensive studies have been carried out to understand the defining heat treatment parameters to promote PiTTi effect in Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al (wt.%) alloy for β and/or α+β conditions. Compression testing results show stress-induced martensite formation in β and β+(α+β) microstructures with ∼20% increase in strength. Based on Ghosh and Olson theory for martensite nucleation, a model was developed to estimate the M s temperature, a critical parameter for PiTTi optimization. The chemical inhomogeneities in the β phase are employed to predict its PiTTi ability

    Design of titanium alloys showing plasticity induced transformation

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    Due to Plasticity induced Transformation in metastable β-Ti-10V-2Fe- 3Al (wt.%) alloy (PiTTi) upon deformation, a noticeable improvement in mechanical properties is observed. Among the main factors controlling such effect are the β grain size and its composition. Such phase transforms into martensite upon quenching. Its martensite start temperature (Ms) varies in accordance with its composition. Following Ghosh and Olson's theory, a thermodynamics based model to predict the compositional dependence of the Ms temperature is developed, and successfully validated for Ti-X (X = Fe, Cr, Mo, V, Nb, Zr and Al) binary alloys. The model has been used to design new alloys displaying a tailored PiTTi effect