1 research outputs found

    Dnevnika Antona Kufola, poskus primerjalne analize

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    Diplomska naloga obravnava dva dnevnika župnika Antona Kufola, ki sta nastala v obdobju med letoma 1938 in 1947. Dnevnika prikazujeta vsakdan župnika v Nadiških dolinah, ki je priča in deležnik fašističnega preganjanja in vojnih razmer ter je po kapitulaciji Italije 8. septembra 1943 priča zapletenim razmeram v Beneški Sloveniji, kjer se srečajo skupine nemških vojakov, enote Italijanske socialne republike ter slovenski in italijanski partizani različnih pripadnosti. Delo poskuša narediti primerjalno analizo teh dveh dnevnikov, ki sta nastala istočasno, hkrati pa z različnimi niansami in besedami opisujeta dogajanje, ki mu je bil priča avtor.The thesis discusses the vicar Anton Kufol\u27s two diaries, which were written between 1938 and 1947. The diaries describe the everyday life of a vicar in the Valli del Natisone (Natisone Valleys). He was a witness and a participant of the fascist persecution and war circumstances, and after the surrender of Italy on 8th September 1943 witnessed the complicated circumstances in Slavia Friuliana, which was the meeting point of German troops, Italian Social Republic units, and Slovenian and Italian partisans of various affiliations. The thesis strives to carry out a comparative analysis of the two diaries, which were written at the same time, but use different tones and words to describe the events the author witnessed