42 research outputs found

    Atmosferik plazma kullanılarak sentetik liflerinin yüzeysel özelliklerinin değiştirilmesi üzerine bir araştırma

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    Küreselleşen dünyada rekabet koşullarının ve çevre sorunlarının artması nedeniyle, günümüzde tekstil sektörü için alternatif çözümlere ilişkin çalışmalar başlamıştır. Düşük maliyetli ve çevre dostu işlemler ile tekstil materyallerine hem klasik terbiye işlemleri ile kazandırılabilen hem de klasik terbiye işlemleri ile kazandırılamayan özelliklerin kazandırılması için alternatif yöntemlerden birisi de plazma işslemleridir. Tez çalışmasında; sentetik liflerden poliester, polipropilen, poliamid ve akrilik kumaşlar hava ve argon olmak üzere iki farklı atmosferik plazma ortamında isleme tabi tutulmuş ve yüzeyde meydana gelen modifikasyonlar farklı yöntemlerle incelenmiştir

    Improving fastness of pigment-printed polypropylene fabric

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    Atmospheric plasma (argon or air) treatment was used to functionalize polypropylene fabrics. A printing paste composed of synthetic thickener, binder, and pigment was applied to polypropylene fabric using a fl at screen printing technique, then the fabric was dried and exposed to heat. Color properties and colorfastness to washing and dry/wet crocking of the cured prints were evaluated. The effects of atmospheric plasma treatments were evaluated by attenuated total refl ectance Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and atomic force microscopy. Higher K/S and fastness values were observed for the atmospheric plasma treated samples when compared to those of the untreated sample

    Preparation and flammability properties of hybrid materials containing phosphorous compounds via sol-gel process

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    Organic-inorganic hybrid coatings containing phosphoric acid (PA) bonded to the organic-inorganic network were prepared from tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) using a sol-gel process. The effect of sol-gel phosphate-based flame retardant coating on polyacrylonitrile fabric properties (flammability, stiffness, and strength) was investigated. Sample characterization of the coated samples were investigated using differential thermal/thermogravimetric analysis (DTA/TGA), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffractometer (XRD), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that hybrid coating on the polyacrylonitrile fabrics influenced fabric stiffness, strength, and flammability. And also, flammability of the coated samples after washing cycles was investigated, and the flame retardancy properties of the samples after 10 repeated washings were not completely lost. © 2009 The Korean Fiber Society and Springer Netherlands


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    Önemli iş kollarından birisi olan tekstil endüstrisinin kollarından birisi olan dokuma fabrikalarında gürültü en önemli risk faktörü olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Gürültü özellikle, çok sayıda makinenin bir arada çalıştırıldığı dokuma atölyelerindeki ortamlarda, makineleri kullanan çalışanların sağlığını ve çalışma verimlerini olumsuz etkilemektedir. Gürültü düzeyinin yüksek olması nedeniyle kalıcı veya geçici işitme kayıplarının yanında işçilerin psikolojik olarak olumsuz etkilenmeleri nedeniyle işçilerde yorgunluk, buna bağlı bezginlik ve bu olumsuz duruma bağlı yaralanmalı veya ölümlü kazaların meydana gelme olasılığı artmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Uşak Yöresindeki farklı çalışma ortamlarına sahip beş adet dokuma fabrikasında oluşan gürültü analizlerinin yapılması ve elde edilen veriler ışığında alınması gerekli önlemlerin önerilmesi hedeflenmiştir

    Applying Artificial Neural Networks to Total Hand Evaluation of Disposable Diapers

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    ABSTRACT The objective hand measurement and also handle of the materials used for disposable diapers has been looked into, with consideration given the aspects of both dermatitis and comfort. In this work, we tried to predict the handle of disposable diapers by their physical properties using a back-propagation network and a stepwise regression. Handle properties of diapers were measured by universal test equipment and hand values of the fabrics were determined by a group of panelists consisting of some textile experts. The optimum construction of neural network was investigated through the change of layer and neuron number. The results showed that the backpropagation network could predict the hand values of disposable diapers with a meaningful difference. These disposable diapers were used to show that the results of neural network were in good agreement with subjective test results

    Shear behavior of glass fabric/epoxy resin composite prepared by surface treatments

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    Unsized glass fabrics were subjected to low temperature plasma or silane coupling to modify the fiber and thus influence the interphase properties of the glass/epoxy system. Orthogonal Array Testing Strategy was used for determining optimal treatment conditions. Tetraethylorthosilicate was coated onto an unmodified glass surface. After plasma treatment, glass fabrics were characterized using surface energy, atomic force microscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectrometry. The interfacial shear strength (short-beam strength) of the glass fabric/epoxy composite was determined using the interlaminar shear strength by the short-beam method. Roughness and moisture capture capacity of plasma-treated samples increased. The most efficient interphase could be prepared by plasma treatment or wet-chemical processing using tetraethylorthosilicate monomer

    Karbon liflerinin üretimi

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    Carbon fibers have been used to be produced as commercial materials thanks to their specific usage areas and their 40 years development course. Properties of carbon fibers which are produced polyacrylonitryl fiber, cellulosic materials, tar and pitch materials, polyvinylidene chloride or polyvinylidene chloride copolymer have depended on raw-materials and processes conditions.Karbon lifleri, 40 yıllık bir gelişim süreci ve özel kullanım alanı bulmaları sayesinde ticari olarak üretilmeye başlamıştır. Poliakrilnitril lifleri, bitkisel esaslı hammaddeler, katran tortusu ve zift, polivinildenklorür veya polivinildenklorür kopolimerlerinden elde edilen karbon liflerinin özellikleri, hammadde ve işlem koşullarına bağlı olmaktadır