15 research outputs found

    Forage chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) - pretability in crops and effects in ruminants feeding REVIEW

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    During the last years an increasing attention has been focused on chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) use in ruminant’s nutrition. Chicory is a perennial plant that is suited to well-drained or moderately drained soils, with medium to high fertility levels and a pH of 5.5 or upper. Chicory has a comparable nutritional value to alfalfa, containing similar proportions of proteins, lipids, minerals and other nutrients. It has a relatively deep taproot, which provides tolerance to drought conditions. Furthermore, due to the drought resistance it is suitable for cultivation in areas with deficit of moisture. The aim of the current study was focused on the chemical composition and nutritive value of chicory, as well as the possibility of using it in different plants mixture in cattle feeding, as an alternative source of feed

    Influence of seed size and weight used in sowing on common bird’s-foot-trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) Plant vigour

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    Growth and development of common bird’s-foot-trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) plants are influenced by seed size and weight upon sowing. Studies show that the five seed size groups influence plant vigour, i.e. a 2-4 times increase of morphological organs (roots, seedlings, leaves) in larger and heavier seed group than in smaller and lighter seed group. This increase was also pointed out by the strong correlations between seed size and plant vigour

    Influence of Seed Size and Weight used in Sowing on Common Bird’s-foot-trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) Plant Vigour

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    Growth and development of common bird’s-foot-trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) plants are influenced by seed size and weight upon sowing. Studies show that the five seed size groups influence plant vigour, i.e. a 2-4 times increase of morphological organs (roots, seedlings, leaves) in larger and heavier seed group than in smaller and lighter seed group. This increase was also pointed out by the strong correlations between seed size and plant vigour

    Impact of Fertilisation on the Growth and Development of the Root System and of the Aerial Vegetative System in Bird’s-foot-trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.)

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    In all conventional agricultural systems based on the application of mineral or organic fertilisers, their impact is assessed depending on the final product (production of green matter or of seeds) and on its quality. At plant level, the impact of fertilisers differentiates depending on the structure and morphological features of the plants. This paper presents the differentiated impact of applying organic and mineral fertilisers on the growth and development of the root system and of the aerial vegetative system in bird’s-foot-trefoil

    Effect of Fertilising Fodder Chicory on Fodder Quality

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    The nutritive value of fodder chicory is close to the quality of fodder alfalfa, i.e. under certain technological conditions, fodder chicory has a higher nutritive value and more raw protein. Studies show that over three experimental years, the content of raw protein reached values ranging between 23.69 and 25.26% with mineral fertilisation and between 21.88 and 22.81% with organic fertilisation, compared to only 21.06% in the control variant. Depending on the content of raw protein, the amount of raw protein increased with 40.7% with mineral fertilisation and with 22.4% with organic fertilisation, compared to the control variant

    Impact of Applying Organic and Mineral Fertilisers on Dry Matter in Bird’s-foot-trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.)

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    Applying nitrogen fertilisers in legume species has been subjected to scientific research due to the efficacy of these fertilisers on yield (symbiotic atmospheric nitrogen fixation). In general, applying high rates of nitrogen fertilisers on legume species does not correlate directly with green matter production because these species take the necessary nitrogen from the atmosphere. This feature is specific also to bird’s-foot-trefoil, which fixes important amounts of atmospheric nitrogen during vegetation. This paper presents the impact of the interaction between organic and mineral fertilisers on bird’s-foot-trefoil within a bifactorial experiment. Differences in yield at both unilateral effect of the factors and at that of the interaction of the factors are statistically ensured

    Establishing Optimum Time for Foliar Fertilisation in Alfalfa

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    Foliar fertilisation is part of the conventional fertilisation integrated system in crops. Foliar fertilisers, due to the large number of macro-elements and microelements that make up their chemical composition, play an important role in plant nutrition ensuring high quality yields. This paper presents the differentiated effect of applying foliar fertilisers on alfalfa depending on application time after mowing

    Influence of Electrical Conductivity, Days in Milk and Parity on Milk Production and Chemical Composition

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    The aim of study was to assess milk production and chemical composition during the first 100 days of lactation, under the influence of electrical conductivity, parity and days in milk. Study was conducted at Research and Development Station for Bovine Arad, on 66 Romanian Spotted cows (20 primiparous, 46 multiparous). Significantly higher values (p≤0.017) of electrical conductivity were recorded for primiparous (10.15±0.09 mS/cm) compared with multiparous (8.79±0.15 mS/cm). During the first 30 DIM electrical conductivity was higher (9.7±0.12 mS/cm) than for 31 to 60 DIM (9.04±0.12 mS/cm; p≤0.001) and for 61 to 100 DIM (8.17±0.11 mS/cm, p≤0.001). Multifactorial regression model applied highlights significant influence of month of calving (p≤0.001) and DIM (p≤0.034) on the electrical conductivity, while parity had no influence (p>0.36). Medium and negative correlations were calculated between electrical conductivity and some chemical components (fat R=-0.15, protein R=-0.13), while to milk production correlation was positive (R=0.12). No significant correlations were obtained according to lactose content (R=-0.013). Dynamics of milk production and chemical composition have been significantly influenced by month of calving (p≤0.001), DIM (p≤0.001) and parity (p≤0.002). This study found no significant influence of milk electrical conductivity on milk production or chemical composition (p>0.59)

    Daily Share of Green Matter in Pure or Associated Fodder Chicory

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    Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.), used as fodder, has some favourable features: high longevity, resistance to drought and to soil conditions (acidity, alkalinity), cultivable pure or associated with different grassland species, quick recovery after mowing or grazing, high degree of consumability, high nutritive value. Research shows that chicory, sowed pure or in association with legume species or with grassland grasses, produces daily, depending on vegetation duration, important amounts of green matter, i.e. between 120 and 280 kg/day/ha without or with nitrogen fertilisation (N150)