15 research outputs found

    Pseudophakic corneal donor tissue in Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK): implications for cornea banks and surgeons

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    Objective: Increasingly, cornea banks are recovering donor tissue from pseudophakic donors. Little is known about their suitability for Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) surgery in terms of endothelial cell density (ECD) and preparation failure. Methods and Analysis: We explored ECD during donor tissue preparation in 2076 grafts. Preparation failure was analysed in 1028 grafts used in DMEK surgery at our clinic. To monitor ECD and functional results, we matched 86 DMEK patients who received pseudophakic donor grafts with similar recipients of phakic donor grafts and followed them up for 36 months. Results: At recovery, mean ECD in pseudophakic donor grafts was 2193 cells/mm2 (SD 28.7) and 2364 cells/mm2 (SD 15.7) in phakic donor grafts (p<0.001). After cultivation, the difference increased as pseudophakic donor grafts lost 14% of ECD while phakic lost only 6% (p<0.001). At transplantation, mean ECD in pseudophakic donor grafts was 2272 cells/mm2 (SD 250) and 2370 cells/mm2 (SD 204) in phakic donor grafts (p<0.001). After transplantation, the difference in ECD increased as pseudophakic donor grafts lost 27.7% of ECD while phakic donor grafts lost only 13.3% (p<0.001). The risk of preparation failure in pseudophakic donor grafts was higher than in phakic donor grafts (OR 4.75, 95% CI 1.78 to 12.67, p=0.02). Visual acuity increased in both groups similarly. Conclusions: Pseudophakic donor grafts have a lower ECD, are more prone to endothelial cell loss during recovery and surgery and are associated with a higher risk of preparation failure. Cornea banks and surgeons should consider this in the planning of graft preparation and transplantation

    Exploring the precision of femtosecond laser-assisted descemetorhexis in Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty

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    Objective Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) remains a challenging technique. We compare the precision of femtosecond laser-assisted DMEK to manual DMEK. Methods and Analysis A manual descemetorhexis (DR) of 8 mm diameter was compared with a femtosecond laser-assisted DR of the same diameter (femto-DR) in 22 pseudophakic patients requiring DMEK. We used OCT images with a centred xy-diagram to measure the postoperative precision of the DR and the amount of endothelial denuded area. Endothelial cell loss (ECL) and best corrected visual acuity were measured 3 months after surgery. Results In the manual group, the median error of the DR was 7% (range 3%-16%) in the x-diameter and 8% (range 2%-17%) in the y-diameter. In the femto group, the median error in the respective x and y-diameters was 1% (range 0.4%-3%) and 1% (range 0.006%-2.5%), smaller than in the manual group (p=0.001). Endothelial denuded areas were larger in the manual group (11.6 mm(2), range 7.6-18 mm(2)) than in the femto group (2.5 mm(2), range 1.25.9 mm(2)) (p<0.001). The ECL was 21% (range 5%-78%) in the manual DR and 17% (range 6%-38%) in the femto-DR group (p=0.351). The median visual acuity increased from 0.4 logMAR (range 0.6-0.4 logMAR) in both groups to 0.1 logMAR (range 0.4-0 logMAR) in the manual group and to 0.1 logMAR (range 0.3-0 logMAR) in the femto group (p=0.461). Three rebubblings were required in the manual group, whereas the femto group required only one. Conclusion The higher precision of the femto-DR bears the potential to improve DMEK surgery

    Visual outcomes and complications following posterior iris-claw aphakic intraocular lens implantation combined with penetrating keratoplasty

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    Abstract Background To evaluate the indication, visual outcome, and complication rate after implantation of a posterior iris-claw aphakic intraocular lens (IOL) during penetrating keratoplasty. Methods This retrospective study comprised 23 eyes (23 patients) without adequate capsule support undergoing posterior iris-claw aphakic IOL implantation (Verisyse™/ Artisan®) during penetrating keratoplasty between 2005 and 2010. Mean follow-up was 18 months (range from 12 to 37 months). Results The IOLs were inserted during an IOL exchange in 17 eyes and as a secondary procedure in six aphakic eyes. Pseudophakic bullous keratopathy with corneal scar after anterior chamber intraocular lens (ACIOL) was the main indication for penetrating keratoplasty in 16 eyes (69.6 %). The final corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) in logMAR (mean 1.0 ± 0.46) improved significantly (p &lt; 0.05) compared to the preoperative CDVA (mean 1.8± 0.73). Twenty eyes (86.9 %) had a final visual acuity in logMAR better than the pre-operative CDVA. The mean postoperative IOP 16.3 mmHg±4.0 was not significantly (p &gt; 0.05) higher compared to the preoperative IOP 15.6 mmHg±5.1. Complications included slight temporary pupil ovalization in three eyes (13.0 %) and iris-claw IOL sublocation in three eyes (13.0 %); all IOLs could be easily repositioned. Cystoid macular edema occured in one eye (4.3 %) 8 weeks after primary surgery. All grafts remained clear without any sign of graft rejection. Conclusions Retropupillar iris-claw IOL during penetrating keratoplasty provides good visual outcomes with a favorable complication rate, and can be used for a wide range of indications in eyes without adequate capsule support

    Determinants of postoperative visual rehabilitation after posterior lamellar keratoplasty

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    In den letzten zehn Jahren haben die posterior lamellären Transplantationsmethoden zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen und machen mittlerweile mehr als die Hälfte aller Transplantationen aus. Lamelläre Verfahren, die zur Behandlung von Hornhautendothelerkrankungen derzeit angewandt werden, sind die DSAEK und die DMEK. Wir konnten im intraindividuellen Vergleich für die DMEK einen signifikant besseren Visus als für die pKPL nachweisen. Zudem ermöglichte die DMEK signifikant bessere Ergebnisse hinsichtlich des induzierte Astigmatismus, des sphärischen Äquivalentes und der Aberrationen höherer Ordnung. Dies führte in unserer Patientenbefragung zu einer höheren Patientenzufriedenheit für die DMEK. Auch im Vergleich zur DSAEK konnten wir für die DMEK eine signifikant bessere unkorrigierte als auch korrigierte Sehschärfe und ein besseres Kontrastsehen nachweisen. Der eingeschränkte Visus nach einer DSAEK wird durch die Interface-Problematik und das zusätzliche Stromagewebe erklärt. Wir haben in einer Untersuchung an 53 Patienten den Einfluss der intra- und postoperativ gemessenen Transplantatdicke auf die funktionellen Ergebnisse ausgewertet. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die postoperativ gemessene Transplantatdicke signifikant mit dem resultierenden Visus korrelierte. Eine postoperative Transplantatdicke von 120 μm ermöglichte eine bessere Sehschärfe, ohne die postoperative Endothelzellzahl negativ zu beeinflussen. Bessere Resultate werden im Rahmen der DMEK mit einem noch dünneren Transplantat, welches keine Stromagewebsanteile aufweist, erzielt. In einer prospektiven Studie konnten wir zeigen, dass durch eine temporale Inzision ein signifikant geringerer Astigmatismus induziert wird und zudem weniger Aberrationen höherer Ordnung verursacht werden. Jedoch scheint ein temporaler Zugang zu einer höheren Rate an Transplantatablösungen zu führen. Trotz der funktionell besseren postoperativen Ergebnisse etabliert sich die DMEK nur langsam. Dies liegt vor allem an der anspruchsvolleren Operationstechnik, wobei wir zeigen konnten, dass Transplantat- bzw. Spendereigenschaften keinen Einfluss auf den Schwierigkeitsgrad des Eingriffes haben. Ein komplizierterer Operationsverlauf jedoch führte in unserer Studie zu einem signifikant höheren Endothelzellverlust sowie zu einer häufigeren Transplantatablösung. Diese ist die häufigste Komplikation nach einer DMEK. Wir konnten in histologischen und immunhistochemischen Untersuchungen nachweisen, dass eine unvollständige Abtrennung der Empfänger-Descemetmembran mit einer Separation des „Anterior Banded Layer“ eine Transplantatablösung begünstigt.In the last ten years, posterior lamellar keratoplasty methods have become increasingly important. Lamellar methods currently used to treat corneal endothelial diseases are DSAEK and DMEK. The aim of this work is to investigate factors that influence the results of different posterior lamellar transplantation techniques. We demonstrate a significantly better postoperative visual acuity for DMEK than for penetrating keratoplasty. In addition, DMEK was associated with less induced astigmatism and fewer higher- order aberrations. This resulted in a higher patient satisfaction after DMEK in our patient survey. Compared to DSAEK, DMEK patients had a better uncorrected and best corrected visual acuity and higher contrast vision. The limited visual acuity after DSAEK could be related to a higher refractive interface and differences in graft thickness. We evaluated the influence of intra- and postoperatively measured graft thickness on functional results. We found that the postoperatively measured graft thickness correlated significantly with the resulting visual acuity. A postoperative graft thickness of 120 μm was associated with a better visual acuity without negatively influencing the postoperative endothelial cell count. In a prospective study, we could show that a temporal incision induces significantly less astigmatism and, in addition, causes fewer higher order aberrations. However, a temporal access seems to result in a higher rate of graft detachment. Despite the better postoperative results, DMEK is establishing itself only slowly. This is mainly due to the more sophisticated surgical technique. We could show that corneal donor characteristics have no influence on the difficulty of the DMEK procedure. A more difficult surgical procedure, however, meant an increase in endothelial cell loss and a higher rate of graft detachment. Postoperative graft detachment is the most common complication after DMEK surgery. In histological and immunohistochemical investigations we found that an incomplete removal of the recipient Descemet´s membrane, with separation of the anterior banded layer, may be a risk factor for graft detachment after DMEK surgery

    Demography, diagnosis and therapy of ocular toxoplasmosis - a retrospective analysis of the patient data at the ophthalmic clinic Charité from 1996 to 2002

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    Titelblatt und Inhaltsverzeichnis Einleitung Material und Methoden Ergebnisse Diskussion Zusammenfassung LiteraturverzeichnisEinführung und Fragestellung Die okuläre Toxoplasmose ist eine der häufigsten Ursachen einer posterioren Uveitis. Während in klinisch eindeutigen Fällen die Diagnose häufig anhand der Morphologie gestellt werden kann, stellt der Nachweis in weniger eindeutigen Fällen im Anbetracht eines potentiell visusbedrohenden Verlaufs der Erkrankung eine hohe Herausforderung dar. In Bezug auf die Therapie der Erkrankung gibt es derzeit ebenfalls noch keinen Konsens. Methoden Um die Wertigkeit der Kammerwasseranalyse innerhalb der Diagnostik zu bestimmen und die verschiedenen therapeutischen Strategien zu erfassen, haben wir eine retrospektive Auswertung eigener Daten von 104 Patienten, die sich wegen okulärer Toxoplasmose behandeln liessen, vorgenommen. Darüber hinaus haben wir eine Umfrage unter den Mitgliedern der Sektion Uveitis der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft (DOG) durchgeführt und die Ergebnisse dieser Umfrage den Ergebnissen unserer eigenen Daten gegenübergestellt. Ergebnisse Es wurden 65 (64%) Patientinnen und 39 (38%) Patienten behandelt. Die Sensitivität der serologischen Diagnostik für IgM lag bei 6% (IgG: 98%), ihre Spezifität bei 100% (IgG: 16%). Dagegen lag die Sensitivität der Kammerwasseranalyse bei 93% und ihre Spezifität bei 92%. Die Standardtherapie bestand in einer oralen Gabe von Clindamycin, bei zentraler Läsion wurde diese durch eine systemische Steroidgabe ergänzt. Die Therapiedauer betrug 6,8 Wochen (4-12 Wochen). In einer Subgruppenanalyse zeigten sich keine statistisch signifikanten Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Therapiedauer, dem Alter der Patienten, der Anwendung systemischer Steroide oder dem Vorliegen einer Erstmanifestation bzw. eines Rezidivs der Erkrankung. Umfrage unter Uveitis Spezialisten: Der Fragebogen wurde von 29 (72%) der Ophthalmologen beantwortet. 6 von 29 Kollegen stellen die Diagnose ausschließlich anhand des klinischen Befundes, 72% hingegen wenden auch serologische Verfahren an, wobei der IgM-Titer (59%) am häufigsten hinzugezogen wird. 17 Kollegen (38%) wenden die Kammerwasseranalyse an. 13 von 29 Ophthalmologen behandeln alle Patienten mit okulärer Toxoplasmose unabhängig von der Schwere der Erkrankung, alle Kollegen behandeln ihre Patienten bei visusbedrohender Läsion. Die am häufigsten angewandte Therapie (48%) bestand in Pyrimethamin kombiniert mit Sulfadiazin, gefolgt von Clindamycin (34%). Diskussion Unsere Untersuchung zeigt, dass die Kammerwasseruntersuchung bei der Diagnose einer intraokulären Toxoplasmose- Infektion eine diagnostische Maßnahme mit hohem Aussagewert ist und in ihrer Sensitivität und Spezifität der Serumuntersuchung überlegen ist. Als Therapie der ersten Wahl wurde in unserer Umfrage die Kombination von Pyrimethamin und Sulfadiazin (48%).Purpose. Ocular toxoplasmosis (OT) remains the most prevalent form of posterior Uveitis. Although OT is an important clinical condition with high morbidity, there remains no consensus about its diagnosis and treatment. To gain a better understanding of these issues, we conducted a mail survey among uveitis specialists in Germany. We also analysed the use of clindamycin in ocular toxoplasmosis in a consecutive, single center study with a significant number of patients. Methods. In a consecutive series of 996 uveitis patients we identified 104 individuals with active ocular toxoplasmosis. All patients underwent a standard diagnostic protocol and if indicated, additional diagnostic tests such as aqueous humor analysis. Data were analysed regarding clinical characteristics, presentation of ocular manifestation and treatment response following a standardized therapeutic approach. In addition a questionnaire containing questions and clinical case reports including authentic photographs was distributed to physician-members of the German Uveitis Society. Results. Of the 104 patients included in our trial 39 (38%) were males and 65 (64%). Specific intraocular antibody synthesis could be confirmed in 69 of 74 patients (93%). In two patients of the control group, antibody synthesis was detected (false positive). 72 patients (98%) with diagnoses of ocular toxoplasmosis were positive for serum anti-toxplasma- gondii IgG, but only 5 patients had increased IgM levels. Our standardized initial treatment approach consisting of clindamycin was generally well tolerated but led to adverse effects in 7 patients. Within a treatment period of 6.8 weeks the visual acuity increased with an average of 2 Snellen lines. Survey: The completed questionnaire was returned by 72% (29/40) of the members. According to answers, the majority (72%) of responders base their diagnosis of ocular toxoplasmosis on clinical examination and serological findings. A positive IgM titre or increasing IgG titres are reported to support the diagnosis by 59% and 41%, respectively. Invasive procedures such as aqueous humor analysis are performed by 38% of colleagues to establish the diagnosis in selected patients. A total of 6 antimicrobial agents have been reported for treatment in different regimens for typical clinical conditions in patients with recurrent toxoplasma retinochoroiditis. The combination of pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine is the most commonly used (48%), followed by clindamycin (34%). Conclusion: Analysis of local antibody production is a reliable method for confirming or excluding a suspected clinical diagnosis of toxoplasma retinochoroiditis. The determination of toxoplasma antibodies in serum is of limited value. In our survey a total of 6 drugs were used as treatments of choice for toxoplasma retinochoroiditis, with the combination of pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine being the most commonly used regimen (48% of respondents)

    Comparison of ICare and IOPen vs Goldmann applanation tonometry according to international standards 8612 in glaucoma patients

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    AIM: To compare IOPen and ICare rebound tonometry to Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT) according to International Standards Organization (ISO) 8612 criteria. METHODS: Totally 191 eyes (n=107 individuals) were included. Criteria of ISO 8612 were fulfilled: 3 clusters of IOP, measured by GAT, were formed. The GAT results were given as mean±standard deviation. RESULTS: GAT (19.7±0.5 mm Hg) showed a significant correlation to ICare (19.8±0.5 mm Hg) (r=0.547, P<0.001) and IOPen (19.5±0.5 mm Hg) (r=0.526, P<0.001). According to ISO 8612 criteria in all 3 IOP groups the number of outliers (of the 95% limits of agreement) exceeded 5% for ICare and IOPen vs GAT: No.1 (n=68) 29.4% and 22.1%, No.2 (n=62) 35.5% and 37.1%, No.3 (n=61) 26.2% and 42.6%, respectively. CONCLUSION: The strict requirements of the ISO 8612 are not fulfilled in a glaucoma collective by ICare and IOPen at present. As long as the Goldmann tonometry is applicable it should be used first of all for reproducible IOP readings. ICare and IOPen tonometry should be considered as an alternative tool, if application of Goldmann tonometry is not possible

    Trends in Corneal Transplantation from 2001 to 2016 in Germany: A Report of the DOG-Section Cornea and its Keratoplasty Registry

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this retrospective panel study was to provide an overview of absolute numbers and of trends in the types of and indications for corneal transplantation in Germany from 2001 to 2016. METHODS: A questionnaire about absolute numbers, types of transplantation, and indications was sent to 111 ophthalmologic departments in Germany, out of which 94 (85%) provided their data. RESULTS: Since the year 2001, the number of corneal transplantations has increased by 1.5-fold, from 4730 penetrating keratoplasties (PICPs) in 2001 to 7325 penetrating and lamellar keratoplasties in 2016. The shift from penetrating to lamellar procedures began in 2006. In 2014, lamellar procedures (231 [4%] anterior and 2883 [49%] posterior lamellar keratoplasties) surpassed PKPs (2721, 47%) for the first time. Main indications for keratoplasty in Germany (2016) are Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy (46%), pseudophakic corneal decompensation (bullous keratopathy, 13%), repeated keratoplasty after graft failure (11%), keratoconus (8%), and corneal scarring (6%; others: 16%). The number of Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasties (DMEKs) was 12 times higher (3850, 53%) than Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasties (DSAEKs, 319, 4.4%) in 2016. The proportion of deep anterior lamellar keratoplasties (DALKs) never exceeded 6% (269 in 2011). CONCLUSIONS: The number of keratoplasties in Germany has increased from 2001 to 2016. Since 2014, posterior lamellar keratoplasties have surpassed PKPs. There was a constant increase of DMEKs, with a 12-fold higher number compared to DSAEKs in 2016. The shorter recovery time after DMEK seems to contribute to the trend toward earlier operative intervention in corneal endothelial diseases. (C) 2018 The Author (s). Published by Elsevier Inc