52 research outputs found

    Результаты многоцентрового сравнительного исследования эффективности и безопасности терапии препаратами биматопроста 0,03% и травопроста 0,004%

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate and compare the intraocular pressure changes in patients with initial and advanced stages of open-angle glaucoma (POAG) when using the study drug bimatoprost 0.03% and the comparison drug travoprost 0.004%, as well as to assess the effect of these drugs on the ocular surface.METHODS: The study involved 81 patients (137 eyes), 48 women and 23 men, with a mean age of 63 years. Patients of the first group (36 patients, 69 eyes) received 0.03% bimatoprost for 3 months. Patients of the second group (35 patients, 68 eyes) received 0.004% travoprost for 3 months.RESULTS: According to tonometry data, a hypotensive effect was observed in both groups. Regardless of the method of tonometry, intraocular pressure was lower in the group of patients receiving 0.03% bimatoprost (p<0.001).In both groups, the state of the anterior segment of the eye was affected in the form of increased hyperemia and an increase in spot staining of the cornea and conjunctiva with fluorescein according to the Oxford scale. However, there was no significant differences between the action of 0.03% bimatoprost and 0.004% travoprost drugs.CONCLUSION: The hypotensive effect of bimatoprost 0.03% was better than travoprost 0.004%. Both drugs had an effect on the ocular surface. The incidence of adverse events in the group of patients treated with bimatoprost did not exceed similar results for travoprost.ЦЕЛЬ. Оценить и сравнить изменение внутриглазного давления (ВГД) у пациентов с открытоугольной глаукомой начальной и развитой стадий при применении исследуемого препарата биматопрост 0,03% и препарата сравнения травопрост 0,004%, оценить влияние исследуемых препаратов на глазную поверхность.МЕТОДЫ. В исследовании участвовал 81 пациент (137 глаз), 48 женщин и 23 мужчины, средний возраст 63 года. В 1-й группе 36 пациентов (69 глаз) получали в течение 3 мес. терапию препаратом биматопрост 0,03%. Во 2-й группе 35 пациентов (68 глаз) получали в течение 3 мес. терапию препаратом травопрост 0,004%.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. По данным тонометрии в обеих группах получен гипотензивный эффект. Независимо от метода тонометрии в группе пациентов, получавших биматопрост 0,03%, ВГД было ниже (p<0,001).В обеих группах выявлено влияние лекарственных средств на состояние переднего отрезка глазного яблока в виде усиления гиперемии и увеличения точечного прокрашивания роговицы и конъюнктивы флюоресцеином по Оксфордской шкале. Однако достоверной разницы между действием препаратов биматопрост 0,03% и травопрост 0,004% не выявлено.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. Биматопрост 0,03% показал более значимую общую способность снижать ВГД, чем травопрост 0,004%. Оба препарата оказывали влияние на глазную поверхность. Частота нежелательных явлений в группе пациентов, получавших лечение биматопростом, не превышала аналогичные результаты для травопроста

    Changes in the chemical composition of broiler meat when chelated compounds are added to the diet

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    The paper considers the use of chelated forms of micronutrients for feeding broilers. The study aims to investigate the chemical composition of broiler meat in the case of broiler chickens of Cobb-500 cross, provided Zn, Cu, and Mn chelated forms are supplied to the diet. Experimental studies were conducted in 2020 on broiler chickens of Cobb-500 cross. Two groups of 20 birds were formed to study the chemical composition of poultry meat. The birds of the control group received an essential diet supplied with sulfates of Zn, Cu, and Mn. The birds of the experimental group received a diet enriched with chelated compounds of Zn, Cu, and Mn. The study has shown that introducing Zn, Cu, and Mn chelated compounds into the diet of broiler chickens has no adverse effect on the chemical composition of meat. It has also been determined that the meat of broilers eating feed supplied with chelated micronutrients contains significantly less cholesterin but more Ca, Zn, Cu, and Mn, and several essential amino acids. These indicators prove an increase in the health benefits of chicken meat


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    The work is devoted to the actual scientific and technical problem, which consists in creation of scientifically proved, universal and effective numerical–analytical RVR-method of computation threedimensional stress-strained state statically loaded homogeneous and continuously non-uniform on thickness non–thin orthotropical shells with holes of any sizes and forms is solved.  On the basis of the mixed Reissner’s variational principle and the general equations of the theory of elasticity the variational statement of the spatial boundary problems of the statics orthotropical shells of any thickness is given. It is formulated and the sufficient test of convergence of Ritz’s method is proved when searching of a point of stationary non-extreme Reissner’s functional.  The posteriori two-sided estimation of exactitude of the approached solutions of the mixed variational problems is offered. New structures of solutions, which take into account the change of the metrics on thickness of the orthotropical shells and precisely satisfy to all boundary conditions of the studied problems, are created. The geometrical information of problems for the shells with holes of any form is taking into account analytically with help of the R-functions theory. The created method may be used when designing the responsible shell elements of the structures in different areas of the modern engineering. In this work spatial problem about the stress-strained state of orthotropical spherical shell affected by the static local loading is solved by the suggested numerical–analytical RVR-method. The effectiveness of this method is clearly shown on numerous numerical examples of solving applied problems.Пропонованим RVR-методом вирішена просторова задача про напружено-деформований стан ортотропної сферичної оболонки під дією статичного локального навантаження. У методі використані варіаційний принцип Рейсснера, теорія R-функцій, загальні рівняння тривимірної теорії пружності, метод І. М. Векуа і алгоритм двостороннього оцінювання точності наближених розв’язків варіаційних задач. Ефективність RVR-методу показана на чисельних прикладах


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    The actual problem of the formation of complex curved surfaces of the blade channels of solid impellers (unicycles) of a gas turbine engine is formulated and presented. When forming GTE unicycles on CNC machines, mathematical difficulties arise because of the discreteness of the task of the working surfaces of the blades, the low rigidity of the end tools, the complexity of their trajectory, the high probability of damage to the surfaces of the blades when they are inadvertently in contact with the tool - “undercuts”. A detailed analysis of the specialized literature is performed. It is established that for the processing of GTE unicycles, milling of blade channels by end mills on CNC machines is used. Other technological methods are also used, for example, hydroabrasive treatment on a 5-coordinate CNC machine, shaping with a ring tool. The low universality of the listed methods and technologies, the use of laborious methods for the analytical description of the surfaces of parts and tools, toolpaths of cutting tools are noted. The issues of geometric analysis of the surfaces of the gas channel, bounded by the "pressure side" and "back" of the adjacent blades, as well as by the section of the monowheel hub, are considered. The rationale for the choosing the shaping scheme depending on the geometry of the gas channel is given. A universal methodology based on the analysis of the geometric information about the part has been developed and described for calculating the parameters of the tool path when processing unicycles, which can be used in processing with point and linear contact of the part and tool. A mathematical model of the gas channel shaping on a four-coordinate CNC machine has been developed, a methodology and algorithm for calculating control geometric information for the shaping of GTE unicycles on a CNC machine have been obtained. A promising area of application of the results is their inclusion in the structure of CAD / CAM systems.На основі геометричного аналізу складної криволінійної поверхні міжлопаткового простору запропонована методика автоматизованого розрахунку керуючої геометричної інформації верстата з ЧПК для оброблення суцільних робочих коліс (моноколіс) газотурбінних двигунів. Методику рекомендується використовувати у системах САМ при підготовці керуючих програм для верстатів з ЧПК