5 research outputs found

    Eclipta prostrata (L.) L., nova strana vrsta u hrvatskoj flori

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    During a field investigation on the island of Korčula, in 2016, Eclipta prostrata (Asteraceae) was found near the village of Smokvica, in the bay of Stiniva on moist sandy and rocky parts of the bay. Although this species has already been reported by many European countries it can be considered a new alien species for the Croatian flora.Tijekom terenskih florističkih istraživanja na otoku Korčuli 2016. godine, vrsta Eclipta prostrata (Asteraceae) pronađena je na vlažnom pjeskovitom i kamenitom staniÅ”tu uvale Stiniva nedaleko od Smokvice. To je prvi nalaz te vrste u Hrvatskoj

    Novine u flori otoka Korčule i poluotoka PeljeŔca (južna Hrvatska)

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    The flora of the south Croatian island of Korčula and the peninsula of PeljeÅ”ac was studied during the period from 2009 to 2014. Altogether, 99 plant taxa (species and infraspecific taxa) were reported as new for the area, 73 for the island and 26 for the peninsula. Thus the total recorded number of plant taxa on the island of Korčula and the PeljeÅ”ac peninsula are now 1063 and 1123, respectively. Of those newly recorded, 13 taxa are strictly protected by Croatian Law. The recording of Pistacia x saportae Burnat is new for Croatia. The taxa in question occupied various habitats and altitude ranges (0-900 m a.s.l.), but the greatest number of newly recorded taxa was found on dry grasslands. The study demonstrates that the indigenous flora of the island of Korčula and the PeljeÅ”ac peninsula have not yet been fully investigated and the total recorded plant diversity is still increasing in the area.Flora otoka Korčule i poluotoka PeljeÅ”ca istraživana je u razdoblju od 2009. do 2014. Ukupno je utvrđeno 99 novih biljnih svojta (vrsta i nižih taksonomskih svojta), od toga 73 na otoku Korčuli te 26 na poluotoku PeljeÅ”cu. Ukupan broj biljnih svojta na otoku Korčuli sada je 1063, a na poluotoku PeljeÅ”cu 1123. Ukupno je 13 svojti zakonom strogo zaÅ”tićeno. Nalaz Pistacia x saportae Burnat na Korčuli prvi je za Hrvatsku. Biljke su nađene na različitim staniÅ”tima u visinskom rasponu od razine mora do 900 m n.v., a najveći broj novih svojta utvrđen je na suhim travnjacima. Podaci pokazuju kako samonikla flora otoka Korčule i poluotoka PeljeÅ”ca joÅ” uvijek nije u potpunosti istražena, a ukupna biljna raznolikost joÅ” uvijek je u porastu

    New taxon of orchid (Orchidaceae) in Croatia

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    Na otoku Korčuli je 2015. godine pronađena nova svojta kaćunovice (Orchidaceae) u hrvatskoj flori - Orchis x bergonii Nanteuil. Uz to, potvrđeni su nalazi Orchis x bivonae Tod. za otok koji datiraju joÅ” iz 1934. i 1936. godine. Obje su svojte nađene na suhim travnjacima i u maslinicima u srediÅ”njem dijelu otoka u blizini naselja Smokvica. Također, nalaz svojte Ophrys x lyrata H. Fleischm. u Donjem Blatu kod Lumbarde je nov za otok i floru južne Dalmacije.In Croatia, a new taxon of orchid, Orchis x bergonii Nanteuil (Orchidaceae) was found on the southern Croatian island of Korčula in 2015. We were also able to confirm old records of Orchis x bivonae Tod. for the island of Korčula from 1934 and 1936. Both taxa grow on dry grasslands and olive groves in the central part of the island near the village of Smokvica. In addition, the presence of Ophrys x lyrata H. Fleischm. from Donje Blato near the village of Lumbarda, is a new record for the flora of the island of Korčula and southern Dalmatia